47,527 research outputs found

    AGAD: Adversarial Generative Anomaly Detection

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    Anomaly detection suffered from the lack of anomalies due to the diversity of abnormalities and the difficulties of obtaining large-scale anomaly data. Semi-supervised anomaly detection methods are often used to solely leverage normal data to detect abnormalities that deviated from the learnt normality distributions. Meanwhile, given the fact that limited anomaly data can be obtained with a minor cost in practice, some researches also investigated anomaly detection methods under supervised scenarios with limited anomaly data. In order to address the lack of abnormal data for robust anomaly detection, we propose Adversarial Generative Anomaly Detection (AGAD), a self-contrast-based anomaly detection paradigm that learns to detect anomalies by generating \textit{contextual adversarial information} from the massive normal examples. Essentially, our method generates pseudo-anomaly data for both supervised and semi-supervised anomaly detection scenarios. Extensive experiments are carried out on multiple benchmark datasets and real-world datasets, the results show significant improvement in both supervised and semi-supervised scenarios. Importantly, our approach is data-efficient that can boost up the detection accuracy with no more than 5% anomalous training data

    A Flexible Framework for Anomaly Detection via Dimensionality Reduction

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    Anomaly detection is challenging, especially for large datasets in high dimensions. Here we explore a general anomaly detection framework based on dimensionality reduction and unsupervised clustering. We release DRAMA, a general python package that implements the general framework with a wide range of built-in options. We test DRAMA on a wide variety of simulated and real datasets, in up to 3000 dimensions, and find it robust and highly competitive with commonly-used anomaly detection algorithms, especially in high dimensions. The flexibility of the DRAMA framework allows for significant optimization once some examples of anomalies are available, making it ideal for online anomaly detection, active learning and highly unbalanced datasets.Comment: 6 page


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    Anomaly and outlier detection is a long-standing problem in machine learning. In some cases, anomaly detection is easy, such as when data are drawn from well-characterized distributions such as the Gaussian. However, when data occupy high-dimensional spaces, anomaly detection becomes more difficult. We present CLAM (Clustered Learning of Approximate Manifolds), a manifold mapping technique in any metric space. CLAM begins with a fast hierarchical clustering technique and then induces a graph from the cluster tree, based on overlapping clusters as selected using several geometric and topological features. Using these graphs, we implement CHAODA (Clustered Hierarchical Anomaly and Outlier Detection Algorithms), exploring various properties of the graphs and their constituent clusters to find outliers. CHAODA employs a form of transfer learning based on a training set of datasets, and applies this knowledge to a separate test set of datasets of different cardinalities, dimensionalities, and domains. On 24 publicly available datasets, we compare CHAODA (by measure of ROC AUC) to a variety of state-of-the-art unsupervised anomaly-detection algorithms. Six of the datasets are used for training. CHAODA outperforms other approaches on 16 of the remaining 18 datasets. CLAM and CHAODA scale to large, high-dimensional “big data” anomalydetection problems, and generalize across datasets and distance functions. Source code to CLAM and CHAODA are freely available on GitHub1

    Cheating Depth: Enhancing 3D Surface Anomaly Detection via Depth Simulation

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    RGB-based surface anomaly detection methods have advanced significantly. However, certain surface anomalies remain practically invisible in RGB alone, necessitating the incorporation of 3D information. Existing approaches that employ point-cloud backbones suffer from suboptimal representations and reduced applicability due to slow processing. Re-training RGB backbones, designed for faster dense input processing, on industrial depth datasets is hindered by the limited availability of sufficiently large datasets. We make several contributions to address these challenges. (i) We propose a novel Depth-Aware Discrete Autoencoder (DADA) architecture, that enables learning a general discrete latent space that jointly models RGB and 3D data for 3D surface anomaly detection. (ii) We tackle the lack of diverse industrial depth datasets by introducing a simulation process for learning informative depth features in the depth encoder. (iii) We propose a new surface anomaly detection method 3DSR, which outperforms all existing state-of-the-art on the challenging MVTec3D anomaly detection benchmark, both in terms of accuracy and processing speed. The experimental results validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our approach, highlighting the potential of utilizing depth information for improved surface anomaly detection.Comment: Accepted at WACV 202

    AIDA : Analytic isolation and distance-based anomaly detection algorithm

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    Many unsupervised anomaly detection algorithms rely on the concept of nearest neighbours to compute the anomaly scores. Such algorithms are popular because there are no assumptions about the data, making them a robust choice for unstructured datasets. However, the number (k) of nearest neighbours, which critically affects the model performance, cannot be tuned in an unsupervised setting. Hence, we propose the new and parameter-free Analytic Isolation and Distance-based Anomaly (AIDA) detection algorithm, that combines the metrics of distance with isolation. Based on AIDA, we also introduce the Tempered Isolation-based eXplanation (TIX) algorithm, which identifies the most relevant features characterizing an outlier, even in large multi-dimensional datasets, improving the overall explainability of the detection mechanism. Both AIDA and TIX are thoroughly tested and compared with state-of-the-art alternatives, proving to be useful additions to the existing set of tools in anomaly detection