1 research outputs found

    Anisotropic haralick edge detection scheme with application to vessel segmentation

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    In this paper, detection of edges in oriented fields is addressed. Haralick edge detection is an accurate scheme for estimation of the edge in a Euclidean space. However, in some applications such as edge detection for vessel segmentation because of the intrinsic orientation of structures, accuracy is only demanded in a particular subspace. This is specially usefull when a curve evolution is chosen for segmentation since gradients in parallel to vessel orientation stops evolution. Haralick edge detection is generalized on a Riemannian space using the inner product of the vectors under a space metric tensor. This eliminates the spurious gradients and preserves the accuracy on the vessel border. Examples are given and the comparison is made with the state-of-the-art flux maximizing flow indicating that significant improvements in terms of leakage minimization and thiner vessel delineation is achievable using our methodolog