1 research outputs found

    RESQME and Stand-Alone Simulation on a Workstation

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    RC 16037 (#71232) The Research Queueing Package Modeling Environment (RESQME) provides a graphical environment for constructing and solving extended queueing network models ofmanufacturing systems, for plotting graphs of results and for viewdng animations of models. The modeling environment can be run entirely on a workstation or optionally can execute large simulations on a host system using cooperative processing. In this paper we give a brief introduction to RESQME and to the RESQ modeling elements. We demonstrate how to use the package by constructing a simple model of part of a manufacturing line and solve this model to produce charts of performance measures and an animation which shows how the jobs flow through the system. By having the simulation available for use on the workstation and cooperatively on the host, RESQME provides a unique tool for understanding the performance of manufacturing systems. A user can do most of the model debugging locally on the workstation and make short püot runs to get a feeling for the amount of resources necessary to make more realistic experiments on the • host. Then long runs which investigate large parts ofthe parameter space can be done cooperatively on the host. Whether the model is solved on the workstation or on the hosMhe graphics environment provides the same user interface to all of the underlying files. The processor where the model is solved is transparent to the user. In aU cases, the user has easy access to plots ofresults and to the animation ofthe model diagra