1 research outputs found

    Animating Hand-drawn Sketches

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    Introduction We present a method for creating consistent 3D models from 2D vector drawings to add effects such as shading, shadowing, or texture mapping of characters on cel animations. We here say 3D models are consistent if they have one-to-one vertex correspondence and their 2D projections coincide with input drawings. To create such models, we first make consistent 2D triangles from the drawings and then apply an inflation method on them. Unlike the previous method by Petrovi c et. al. [2000], due to the consistency of the models, we can use this method for animatable-character modeling systems from sketches or for making inbetween frames that interpolate the key-frame drawings by using morphing techniques. 2 Creating Consistent 3D Models Figure 1 (a) shows simple input drawings comprised of two frames. We assume that it is possible to establish vertex and path correspondence among all of the input drawings, which is specified by the user (green and blue numbers), and each inpu