5 research outputs found

    Mobile and Connected Device Security Considerations: A Dilemma for Small and Medium Enterprise Business Mobility?

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    Business mobility is rapidly becoming an everyday way of doing business. Mobile technologies, such as smartphones and connected devices, are enabling this business evolution. However, they are also creating new security concerns for the enterprise and its employees. Security experts are studying these increased security concerns to develop more secure practices and policies for the next generation mobile technologies. This paper describes these new mobile security concerns and discusses preliminary expert recommendations to reduce an increasing business risk. Although large enterprises have the resources to implement emerging security recommendations, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) may not be able to adopt the new recommendations because they lack IT resources and capabilities. This paper describes the SME dilemma: Embrace the mobility business strategy and adopt and invest in the necessary security technology, or give up their mobility business strategy to protect enterprise and customer data and information. Finally, the paper identifies future research questions concerning SME security awareness and capability to minimize security threats to develop more viable security practices

    Implementación de un virus enfocado en dispositivos móviles Android. Un evento de hacking ético

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    Mobile devices have become part of daily social life. However, the vulnerabilities of this equipment are widespread, affecting information or damaging the system internally. Within this problem, this research proposes the implementation of a virus that allows affecting the Android victim device focusing on finding the vulnerabilities through penetration tests. The virus was designed through the principle of thread programming to a generation of scripts. Furthermore, the attack on Android devices’ vulnerable systems is conducted, applying social engineering techniques. Thus, through imperative programming techniques and functional, the access and use have been achieved, given that the virus had classes that allow connection and communication with the device. Each class was developed together so that in this way, there is a precise relationship between them. In this study, Kali Linux, with different Metasploit commands, was used.  The proofs of concept were conducted using controlled virtual network environments. For this, a server and a platform were used to use the IP and the Ngrok host, which allows us to generate       a link with the application that will violate Android’s services and security over secure tunnels. The results show that the operating system tends to be prone to internal damage. At the same time, users can be affected when their security and privacy are compromised. The proposal contributes significantly to a new version of Android’s security patches, implementing   a malware model that will integrate techniques to mitigate this problem in the future.Los dispositivos  móviles se  han convertido  en parte de la vida social diaria. Sin embargo, las vulnerabilidades de este equipo están muy extendidas, afectando la información o dañando el sistema internamente. Dentro de esta problemática, esta investigación propone la implementación de un virus que permita  afectar  al  dispositivo  Android  víctima  enfocándose en encontrar las vulnerabilidades mediante pruebas de penetración.   El   virus   fue   diseñado   a   través   del   principio   de programación de subprocesos para una generación de scripts. Además,  se  realiza  el  ataque  a  los  sistemas  vulnerables  de los  dispositivos  Android,  aplicando  técnicas  de  ingeniería  social.  Así,  mediante  técnicas  de  programación  imperativas  y funcionales, se ha logrado el acceso y uso, dado que el virus contaba  con  clases  que  permiten  la  conexión  y  comunicación con  el  dispositivo.  Cada  clase  se  desarrolló  en  conjunto  para que de esta manera, haya una relación precisa entre ellas. En este estudio se utilizó  Kali Linux, con diferentes comandos de Metasploit. Las pruebas de concepto se realizaron utilizando entornos  de  red  virtual  controlados.  Para  ello  se  utilizó  un servidor y una plataforma para utilizar la IP y el host Ngrok, lo  que  nos  permite  generar  un  enlace  con  la  aplicación  que vulnerara´ los servicios y la seguridad de Android sobre túneles seguros. Los resultados muestran que el sistema operativo tiende a ser propenso a sufrir daños internos. Al mismo tiempo, los usuarios pueden verse afectados cuando su seguridad y privacidad se ven comprometidas. La propuesta contribuye significativamente   a   una   nueva   versión   de   los   parches   de seguridad de Android, implementando un modelo de malware que integrara´ técnicas para mitigar este problema en el futuro

    Fiziksel Programlama Platformları Kullanarak Elektrikli Araçların Anlık Hızının İnternet Ve Mobil Sistemler Üzerinden Takibi

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    Güneş enerjili araç yarışları ülkemizde TÜBİTAK tarafından 2005 yılından beri, dünyada ise 1980’li yıllardan bu yana düzenlenmektedir. Bütün güneş enerjili araç yarışlarının ortak amacı, takımlar arasında rekabet ortamı oluşturarak, alternatif enerji için teknoloji üretmektir. Yarış kurallarına göre sınırlandırılmış panel alanı, akü gücü ve ağırlığı ile herkes için eşit koşullarda yarışma olanağı sunulmaktadır. Bu kapsamda hazırlanan güneş enerjili araca yeni teknoloji olarak kendi tasarımımız olan “Fiziksel Programlama Platformları Kullanarak Elektrikli Araçların Anlık Hızının İnternet ve Mobil Sistemler Üzerinden Takip Sistemi” eklenmiştir. Fiziksel Programlama Platformları kullanılarak gerçekleştirilen sistem, elektrikli taşıtlar için anlık hız verisinin uzaktan gözlemlenmesini sağlamaktadır. Ayrıca bu sistem hareket enerjisini bataryadan alan tüm taşıtlara (güneş enerjili, elektrikli vb) kolaylıkla uygulanabilmektedir. Elde edilen veriler, geliştiriciler tarafından internet üzerinden paylaşılabildiğinden, sistemlerin takibi için mesafe problemi ortadan kalkmış bulunmaktadır. Projenin gerçekleştirilmesi ile güneş enerjili aracın gerçek zamanlı olarak uzaktan izlenmesi sağlanmıştır. Anlık hızın uzaktan izlenmesi, kalan enerji miktarına göre hız ve gidilebilecek yol gibi verileri sağlamaktadır. Bu proje farklı aşamalardan oluşmaktadır; ilk olarak hız ölçümlerinin yapılabilmesi için gerekli olan devre tasarımları yapılmıştır. Bu devreler fiziksel olarak gerçekleştirilmiş ve Fiziksel Programlama Platformları aracılığı ile programlanmıştır. Araç tarafından gönderilecek verilerin yorumlanması için gerekli internet sunucunun programlanması ve ayarlanması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araçtan alınan anlık hız verisinin bu sunucuya yüklenmesi için gerekli yazılımlar üretilmiştir

    MADAM: Effective and Efficient Behavior-based Android Malware Detection and Prevention

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    Android users are constantly threatened by an increasing number of malicious applications (apps), generically called malware. Malware constitutes a serious threat to user privacy, money, device and file integrity. In this paper we note that, by studying their actions, we can classify malware into a small number of behavioral classes, each of which performs a limited set of misbehaviors that characterize them. These misbehaviors can be defined by monitoring features belonging to different Android levels. In this paper we present MADAM, a novel host-based malware detection system for Android devices which simultaneously analyzes and correlates features at four levels: kernel, application, user and package, to detect and stop malicious behaviors. MADAM has been designed to take into account those behaviors characteristics of almost every real malware which can be found in the wild. MADAM detects and effectively blocks more than 96% of malicious apps, which come from three large datasets with about 2,800 apps, by exploiting the cooperation of two parallel classifiers and a behavioral signature-based detector. Extensive experiments, which also includes the analysis of a testbed of 9,804 genuine apps, have been conducted to show the low false alarm rate, the negligible performance overhead and limited battery consumption

    Malware threats and detection for industrial mobile-IoT networks

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    Industrial IoT networks deploy heterogeneous IoT devices to meet a wide range of user requirements. These devices are usually pooled from private or public IoT cloud providers. A significant number of IoT cloud providers integrate smartphones to overcome the latency of IoT devices and low computational power problems. However, the integration of mobile devices with industrial IoT networks exposes the IoT devices to significant malware threats. Mobile malware is the highest threat to the security of IoT data, user\u27s personal information, identity, and corporate/financial information. This paper analyzes the efforts regarding malware threats aimed at the devices deployed in industrial mobile-IoT networks and related detection techniques. We considered static, dynamic, and hybrid detection analysis. In this performance analysis, we compared static, dynamic, and hybrid analyses on the basis of data set, feature extraction techniques, feature selection techniques, detection methods, and the accuracy achieved by these methods. Therefore, we identify suspicious API calls, system calls, and the permissions that are extracted and selected as features to detect mobile malware. This will assist application developers in the safe use of APIs when developing applications for industrial IoT networks