8,076 research outputs found

    Effective corporate data quality management: systematic literature review

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    As the entire world is in the transition becoming more and more data-driven, the quality of the data has become a major issue for individuals, organizations, governments and societies. The vast amount of data created every day has created various business opportunities, but the opportunity to use the data still varies due to the quality problems of the data. The next crucial issue in creating a more intelligent society is to standardize and develop effective corporate data quality management. This thesis reviews previous studies on data quality management in order to study how an organization should manage its data quality. The focus is in business organizations, but the material reviewed consists of case studies from various organizations (e.g. military, government) indicating a society-wide issue. This research conducts a systematic literature review on the existing material on data quality and data quality management. The goal of the systematic literature review is to review the material so that the review can be repeated according to an existing criteria. Originating from natural sciences, the systematic literature review is meant to reduce the personal bias of the researchers and increase the thoroughness and critical assessment. Another method used in the study is snowball linking method. This study reviews the existing literature about managing strategic data assets. The focus points of the research are the definition and assessment of the organizational data quality, current issues in the data quality management, and data quality management. The results of the literature review are further discussed. The focus points of the discussion are the results, the possible limitations of the research and further study points.Koko maailman muuttuessa yhä enemmän datan ohjaamaksi datan laatu on noussut merkittäväksi asiaksi henkilöille, organisaatioille, hallinnoille ja yhteiskunnille. Joka päivä luotu valtava datan määrä on luonut erilisia liikemahdollisuuksia, mutta data laadun ongelmat vaikuttavat suuresti mahdollisuuksiin käyttää dataa. Seuraava merkittävä asia älykkäämmän yhteiskunnan luomisessa on standardisoida ja kehittää tehokasta yrityksen datan laadunhallintaa. Tämä Pro gradu-tutkielma tarkastelee aikaisemmin kirjoitettuja datan laadunhallinnan tutkimuksia selvittääkseen miten organisaation tulisi hallinnoida datan laatua. Tutkielma keskittyy yrityksiin, mutta tutkittu materiaali koostuu tutkimuksista, joita on tehty mitä erilaisimmille organisaatioille, kuten esimerkiksi asevoimat ja hallitukset. Tämä osoittaa että kyseessä on koko yhteiskuntaa koskettava ongelma. Tässä tutkielmassa toteutetaan systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus olemassa olevalle tutkimusmateriaalille datan laadusta ja sen hallinnasta. Systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoitus on tarkastella tutkimusmateriaalia niin että kirjallisuuskatsaus voidaan toisintaa määritettyjen kriteerien puitteessa. Systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus tulee alun perin luonnontieteellisestä tutkimuksesta ja sen tarkoitus on vähentää tutkijoiden henkilökohtaisia ennakkoasenteita ja lisätä tutkimusmateriaalin kattavuutta ja kriittistä arviota. Toinen käytetty tutkimusmenetelmä on lumipallometodi. Tämä tutkielma tarkastelee olemassa olevaa kirjallisuutta strategisen datan hallinnasta. Tutkimus keskittyy datan laadun määrittämiseen ja arviointiin, nykyisiin ongelmiin datan laadunhallinnassa ja malliin datan laadunhallintaan. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksista keskustellaan pidemmälle. Tutkielma keskittyy keskustelemaan tuloksista, tutkimuksen mahdollisista rajoitteista ja mahdollisista tulevaisuuden tutkimuskohteista

    Toward a framework for data quality in cloud-based health information system

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    This Cloud computing is a promising platform for health information systems in order to reduce costs and improve accessibility. Cloud computing represents a shift away from computing being purchased as a product to be a service delivered over the Internet to customers. Cloud computing paradigm is becoming one of the popular IT infrastructures for facilitating Electronic Health Record (EHR) integration and sharing. EHR is defined as a repository of patient data in digital form. This record is stored and exchanged securely and accessible by different levels of authorized users. Its key purpose is to support the continuity of care, and allow the exchange and integration of medical information for a patient. However, this would not be achieved without ensuring the quality of data populated in the healthcare clouds as the data quality can have a great impact on the overall effectiveness of any system. The assurance of the quality of data used in healthcare systems is a pressing need to help the continuity and quality of care. Identification of data quality dimensions in healthcare clouds is a challenging issue as data quality of cloud-based health information systems arise some issues such as the appropriateness of use, and provenance. Some research proposed frameworks of the data quality dimensions without taking into consideration the nature of cloud-based healthcare systems. In this paper, we proposed an initial framework that fits the data quality attributes. This framework reflects the main elements of the cloud-based healthcare systems and the functionality of EHR

    A global approach to digital library evaluation towards quality interoperability

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    This paper describes some of the key research works related to my PhD thesis. The goal is the development of a global approach to digital library (DL) evaluation towards quality interoperability. DL evaluation has a vital role to play in building DLs, and in understanding and enhancing their role in society. Responding to two parallel research needs, the project is grouped around two tracks. Track one covers the theoretical approach, and provides an integrated evaluation model which overcomes the fragmentation of quality assessments; track two covers the experimental side, which has been undertaken through a comparative analysis of different DL evaluation methodologies, relating them to the conceptual framework. After presenting the problem dentition, current background and related work, this paper enumerates a set of research questions and hypotheses that I would like to address, and outlines the research methodology, focusing on a proposed evaluation framework and on the lessons learned from the case studies

    Recognition through dialogue: how transatlantic relations anchor the EU’s identity

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    In spite of being criticised as ‘talking shops’ and easily replaced by technological innovations, dialogues – defined as face-to-face interactions in an institutionalised framework – remain a staple of international politics. While prevailing accounts have shown that dialogues help states advance their quest for security and profit, the key role dialogues play in the quest for recognition has been overlooked and remains undertheorised. Emphasising the socio-psychological need for ontological security, this article argues that institutions relentlessly engage in dialogues because it allows them to seek, gain and anchor the recognition of their identity. The significance for international relations is illustrated through the emblematic case of the European Union–US dialogues, specifically the Transatlantic Legislators’ Dialogue. The multi-method qualitative analysis based on original interviews, participant observations, visuals and official documents demonstrates how the European Union exploits these dialogues with its ‘Significant Other’ to seek, gain and anchor the recognition of its complex institutional identity

    Relational Identities and Other-Than-Human Agency in Archaeology

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    Relational Identities and Other-than-Human Agency in Archaeology explores the benefits and consequences of archaeological theorizing on and interpretation of the social agency of nonhumans as relational beings capable of producing change in the world. The volume cross-examines traditional understanding of agency and personhood, presenting a globally diverse set of case studies that cover a range of cultural, geographical, and historical contexts. Agency (the ability to act) and personhood (the reciprocal qualities of relational beings) have traditionally been strictly assigned to humans. In case studies from Ghana to Australia to the British Isles and Mesoamerica, contributors to this volume demonstrate that objects, animals, locations, and other nonhuman actors also potentially share this ontological status and are capable of instigating events and enacting change. This kind of other-than-human agency is not a one-way transaction of cause to effect but requires an appropriate form of reciprocal engagement indicative of relational personhood, which in these cases, left material traces detectable in the archaeological record. Modern dualist ontologies separating objects from subjects and the animate from the inanimate obscure our understanding of the roles that other-than-human agents played in past societies. Relational Identities and Other-than-Human Agency in Archaeology challenges this essentialist binary perspective. Contributors in this volume show that intersubjective (inherently social) ways of being are a fundamental and indispensable condition of all personhood and move the debate in posthumanist scholarship beyond the polarizing dichotomies of relational versus bounded types of persons. In this way, the book makes a significant contribution to theory and interpretation of personhood and other-than-human agency in archaeology.https://cupola.gettysburg.edu/books/1141/thumbnail.jp

    Social Ontology and Social Normativity

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    Many recent accounts of the ontology of groups, institutions, and practices have touched upon the normative or deontic dimensions of social reality (e.g., social obligations, claims, permissions, prohibitions, authority, and immunity), as distinct from any specifically moral values or obligations. For the most part, however, the ontology of such socio-deontic phenomena has not received the attention it deserves. In what sense might a social obligation or a claim exist? What is the ontological status of such an obligation (e.g., is it an entity in its own right)? And how do people come to have social obligations or permissions in the first place? In this dissertation, I argue that such social-deontic phenomena can be accounted for ontologically in terms of the existence of shared prescriptive representational content that is backed by collectively held dispositions to monitor for compliance, and to punish (sanction, blame, chide, look unfavorably upon) those who fail to comply
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