136,309 research outputs found

    Mapping Big Data into Knowledge Space with Cognitive Cyber-Infrastructure

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    Big data research has attracted great attention in science, technology, industry and society. It is developing with the evolving scientific paradigm, the fourth industrial revolution, and the transformational innovation of technologies. However, its nature and fundamental challenge have not been recognized, and its own methodology has not been formed. This paper explores and answers the following questions: What is big data? What are the basic methods for representing, managing and analyzing big data? What is the relationship between big data and knowledge? Can we find a mapping from big data into knowledge space? What kind of infrastructure is required to support not only big data management and analysis but also knowledge discovery, sharing and management? What is the relationship between big data and science paradigm? What is the nature and fundamental challenge of big data computing? A multi-dimensional perspective is presented toward a methodology of big data computing.Comment: 59 page

    Extraction and Analysis of Facebook Friendship Relations

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs) are a unique Web and social phenomenon, affecting tastes and behaviors of their users and helping them to maintain/create friendships. It is interesting to analyze the growth and evolution of Online Social Networks both from the point of view of marketing and other of new services and from a scientific viewpoint, since their structure and evolution may share similarities with real-life social networks. In social sciences, several techniques for analyzing (online) social networks have been developed, to evaluate quantitative properties (e.g., defining metrics and measures of structural characteristics of the networks) or qualitative aspects (e.g., studying the attachment model for the network evolution, the binary trust relationships, and the link prediction problem).\ud However, OSN analysis poses novel challenges both to Computer and Social scientists. We present our long-term research effort in analyzing Facebook, the largest and arguably most successful OSN today: it gathers more than 500 million users. Access to data about Facebook users and their friendship relations, is restricted; thus, we acquired the necessary information directly from the front-end of the Web site, in order to reconstruct a sub-graph representing anonymous interconnections among a significant subset of users. We describe our ad-hoc, privacy-compliant crawler for Facebook data extraction. To minimize bias, we adopt two different graph mining techniques: breadth-first search (BFS) and rejection sampling. To analyze the structural properties of samples consisting of millions of nodes, we developed a specific tool for analyzing quantitative and qualitative properties of social networks, adopting and improving existing Social Network Analysis (SNA) techniques and algorithms

    Intrinsically Dynamic Network Communities

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    Community finding algorithms for networks have recently been extended to dynamic data. Most of these recent methods aim at exhibiting community partitions from successive graph snapshots and thereafter connecting or smoothing these partitions using clever time-dependent features and sampling techniques. These approaches are nonetheless achieving longitudinal rather than dynamic community detection. We assume that communities are fundamentally defined by the repetition of interactions among a set of nodes over time. According to this definition, analyzing the data by considering successive snapshots induces a significant loss of information: we suggest that it blurs essentially dynamic phenomena - such as communities based on repeated inter-temporal interactions, nodes switching from a community to another across time, or the possibility that a community survives while its members are being integrally replaced over a longer time period. We propose a formalism which aims at tackling this issue in the context of time-directed datasets (such as citation networks), and present several illustrations on both empirical and synthetic dynamic networks. We eventually introduce intrinsically dynamic metrics to qualify temporal community structure and emphasize their possible role as an estimator of the quality of the community detection - taking into account the fact that various empirical contexts may call for distinct `community' definitions and detection criteria.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figure

    Personalized Degrees: Effects on Link Formation in Dynamic Networks from an Egocentric Perspective

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    Understanding mechanisms driving link formation in dynamic social networks is a long-standing problem that has implications to understanding social structure as well as link prediction and recommendation. Social networks exhibit a high degree of transitivity, which explains the successes of common neighbor-based methods for link prediction. In this paper, we examine mechanisms behind link formation from the perspective of an ego node. We introduce the notion of personalized degree for each neighbor node of the ego, which is the number of other neighbors a particular neighbor is connected to. From empirical analyses on four on-line social network datasets, we find that neighbors with higher personalized degree are more likely to lead to new link formations when they serve as common neighbors with other nodes, both in undirected and directed settings. This is complementary to the finding of Adamic and Adar that neighbor nodes with higher (global) degree are less likely to lead to new link formations. Furthermore, on directed networks, we find that personalized out-degree has a stronger effect on link formation than personalized in-degree, whereas global in-degree has a stronger effect than global out-degree. We validate our empirical findings through several link recommendation experiments and observe that incorporating both personalized and global degree into link recommendation greatly improves accuracy.Comment: To appear at the 10th International Workshop on Modeling Social Media co-located with the Web Conference 201

    The Lifecycle and Cascade of WeChat Social Messaging Groups

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    Social instant messaging services are emerging as a transformative form with which people connect, communicate with friends in their daily life - they catalyze the formation of social groups, and they bring people stronger sense of community and connection. However, research community still knows little about the formation and evolution of groups in the context of social messaging - their lifecycles, the change in their underlying structures over time, and the diffusion processes by which they develop new members. In this paper, we analyze the daily usage logs from WeChat group messaging platform - the largest standalone messaging communication service in China - with the goal of understanding the processes by which social messaging groups come together, grow new members, and evolve over time. Specifically, we discover a strong dichotomy among groups in terms of their lifecycle, and develop a separability model by taking into account a broad range of group-level features, showing that long-term and short-term groups are inherently distinct. We also found that the lifecycle of messaging groups is largely dependent on their social roles and functions in users' daily social experiences and specific purposes. Given the strong separability between the long-term and short-term groups, we further address the problem concerning the early prediction of successful communities. In addition to modeling the growth and evolution from group-level perspective, we investigate the individual-level attributes of group members and study the diffusion process by which groups gain new members. By considering members' historical engagement behavior as well as the local social network structure that they embedded in, we develop a membership cascade model and demonstrate the effectiveness by achieving AUC of 95.31% in predicting inviter, and an AUC of 98.66% in predicting invitee.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, to appear in proceedings of the 25th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2016

    Detecting Community Structure in Dynamic Social Networks Using the Concept of Leadership

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    Detecting community structure in social networks is a fundamental problem empowering us to identify groups of actors with similar interests. There have been extensive works focusing on finding communities in static networks, however, in reality, due to dynamic nature of social networks, they are evolving continuously. Ignoring the dynamic aspect of social networks, neither allows us to capture evolutionary behavior of the network nor to predict the future status of individuals. Aside from being dynamic, another significant characteristic of real-world social networks is the presence of leaders, i.e. nodes with high degree centrality having a high attraction to absorb other members and hence to form a local community. In this paper, we devised an efficient method to incrementally detect communities in highly dynamic social networks using the intuitive idea of importance and persistence of community leaders over time. Our proposed method is able to find new communities based on the previous structure of the network without recomputing them from scratch. This unique feature, enables us to efficiently detect and track communities over time rapidly. Experimental results on the synthetic and real-world social networks demonstrate that our method is both effective and efficient in discovering communities in dynamic social networks
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