3,087 research outputs found

    The dynamics of a low-order coupled ocean-atmosphere model

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    A system of five ordinary differential equations is studied which combines the Lorenz-84 model for the atmosphere and a box model for the ocean. The behaviour of this system is studied as a function of the coupling parameters. For most parameter values, the dynamics of the atmosphere model is dominant. For a range of parameter values, competing attractors exist. The Kaplan-Yorke dimension and the correlation dimension of the chaotic attractor are numerically calculated and compared to the values found in the uncoupled Lorenz model. In the transition from periodic behaviour to chaos intermittency is observed. The intermittent behaviour occurs near a Neimark-Sacker bifurcation at which a periodic solution loses its stability. The length of the periodic intervals is governed by the time scale of the ocean component. Thus, in this regime the ocean model has a considerable influence on the dynamics of the coupled system.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures, uses AmsTex, Amssymb and epsfig package. Submitted to the Journal of Nonlinear Scienc

    The Lorenz model for single-mode homogeneously broadened laser: analytical determination of the unpredictible zone

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    We have applied harmonic expansion to derive an analytical solution for the Lorenz-Haken equations. This method is used to describe the regular and periodic self-pulsing regime of the single mode homogeneously broadened laser. These periodic solutions emerge when the ratio of the population decay rates is smaller than 0.11. We have also demonstrated the tendency of the Lorenz-Haken dissipative system to behave periodic for a characteristic pumping rate "2CP" [4], close to the second laser threshold "2C2th" (threshold of instability). When the pumping parameter "2C" increases, the laser undergoes a period-doubling sequence. This cascade of period doubling leads towards chaos. We study this type of solutions and indicate the zone of the control parameters for which the system undergoes irregular pulsing solutions. We had previously applied this analytical procedure to derive the amplitude of the first, third and the fifth order harmonics for the laser-field expansion [4, 14]. In this work, we extend this method in the aim of obtaining the higher harmonics. We show that this iterative method is indeed limited to the fifth order, and that above, the obtained analytical solution diverges from the numerical direct resolution of the equations.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, 1 anne

    Homoclinic orbits, and self-excited and hidden attractors in a Lorenz-like system describing convective fluid motion

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    In this tutorial, we discuss self-excited and hidden attractors for systems of differential equations. We considered the example of a Lorenz-like system derived from the well-known Glukhovsky--Dolghansky and Rabinovich systems, to demonstrate the analysis of self-excited and hidden attractors and their characteristics. We applied the fishing principle to demonstrate the existence of a homoclinic orbit, proved the dissipativity and completeness of the system, and found absorbing and positively invariant sets. We have shown that this system has a self-excited attractor and a hidden attractor for certain parameters. The upper estimates of the Lyapunov dimension of self-excited and hidden attractors were obtained analytically.Comment: submitted to EP

    The role of data in model building and prediction: a survey through examples

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    The goal of Science is to understand phenomena and systems in order to predict their development and gain control over them. In the scientific process of knowledge elaboration, a crucial role is played by models which, in the language of quantitative sciences, mean abstract mathematical or algorithmical representations. This short review discusses a few key examples from Physics, taken from dynamical systems theory, biophysics, and statistical mechanics, representing three paradigmatic procedures to build models and predictions from available data. In the case of dynamical systems we show how predictions can be obtained in a virtually model-free framework using the methods of analogues, and we briefly discuss other approaches based on machine learning methods. In cases where the complexity of systems is challenging, like in biophysics, we stress the necessity to include part of the empirical knowledge in the models to gain the minimal amount of realism. Finally, we consider many body systems where many (temporal or spatial) scales are at play-and show how to derive from data a dimensional reduction in terms of a Langevin dynamics for their slow components

    Cluster-based reduced-order modelling of a mixing layer

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    We propose a novel cluster-based reduced-order modelling (CROM) strategy of unsteady flows. CROM combines the cluster analysis pioneered in Gunzburger's group (Burkardt et al. 2006) and and transition matrix models introduced in fluid dynamics in Eckhardt's group (Schneider et al. 2007). CROM constitutes a potential alternative to POD models and generalises the Ulam-Galerkin method classically used in dynamical systems to determine a finite-rank approximation of the Perron-Frobenius operator. The proposed strategy processes a time-resolved sequence of flow snapshots in two steps. First, the snapshot data are clustered into a small number of representative states, called centroids, in the state space. These centroids partition the state space in complementary non-overlapping regions (centroidal Voronoi cells). Departing from the standard algorithm, the probabilities of the clusters are determined, and the states are sorted by analysis of the transition matrix. Secondly, the transitions between the states are dynamically modelled using a Markov process. Physical mechanisms are then distilled by a refined analysis of the Markov process, e.g. using finite-time Lyapunov exponent and entropic methods. This CROM framework is applied to the Lorenz attractor (as illustrative example), to velocity fields of the spatially evolving incompressible mixing layer and the three-dimensional turbulent wake of a bluff body. For these examples, CROM is shown to identify non-trivial quasi-attractors and transition processes in an unsupervised manner. CROM has numerous potential applications for the systematic identification of physical mechanisms of complex dynamics, for comparison of flow evolution models, for the identification of precursors to desirable and undesirable events, and for flow control applications exploiting nonlinear actuation dynamics.Comment: 48 pages, 30 figures. Revised version with additional material. Accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanic

    Hidden attractors in fundamental problems and engineering models

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    Recently a concept of self-excited and hidden attractors was suggested: an attractor is called a self-excited attractor if its basin of attraction overlaps with neighborhood of an equilibrium, otherwise it is called a hidden attractor. For example, hidden attractors are attractors in systems with no equilibria or with only one stable equilibrium (a special case of multistability and coexistence of attractors). While coexisting self-excited attractors can be found using the standard computational procedure, there is no standard way of predicting the existence or coexistence of hidden attractors in a system. In this plenary survey lecture the concept of self-excited and hidden attractors is discussed, and various corresponding examples of self-excited and hidden attractors are considered

    On the nature of the torus in the complex Lorenz equations.

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    The complex Lorenz equations are a nonlinear fifth-order set of physically derived differential equations which exhibit an exact analytic limit cycle which subsequently bifurcates to a torus. In this paper we build upon previously derived results to examine a connection between this torus at high and low r1 bifurcation parameter) and between zero and nonzero r2(complexity parameter); in so doing, we are able to gain insight on the effect of the rotational invariance of the system, and on how extra weak dispersion (r2 ≠ 0) affects the chaotic behavior of the real Lorenz system (which describes a weakly dissipative, dispersive instability)
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