2 research outputs found

    Partial Autoinformation to Characterize Symbolic Sequences

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    An information-theoretic approach to numerically determine the Markov order of discrete stochastic processes defined over a finite state space is introduced. To measure statistical dependencies between different time points of symbolic time series, two information-theoretic measures are proposed. The first measure is time-lagged mutual information between the random variables Xn and Xn+k, representing the values of the process at time points n and n + k, respectively. The measure will be termed autoinformation, in analogy to the autocorrelation function for metric time series, but using Shannon entropy rather than linear correlation. This measure is complemented by the conditional mutual information between Xn and Xn+k, removing the influence of the intermediate values Xn+k−1, …, Xn+1. The second measure is termed partial autoinformation, in analogy to the partial autocorrelation function (PACF) in metric time series analysis. Mathematical relations with known quantities such as the entropy rate and active information storage are established. Both measures are applied to a number of examples, ranging from theoretical Markov and non-Markov processes with known stochastic properties, to models from statistical physics, and finally, to a discrete transform of an EEG data set. The combination of autoinformation and partial autoinformation yields important insights into the temporal structure of the data in all test cases. For first- and higher-order Markov processes, partial autoinformation correctly identifies the order parameter, but also suggests extended, non-Markovian effects in the examples that lack the Markov property. For three hidden Markov models (HMMs), the underlying Markov order is found. The combination of both quantities may be used as an early step in the analysis of experimental, non-metric time series and can be employed to discover higher-order Markov dependencies, non-Markovianity and periodicities in symbolic time series

    EEG Microstate Sequences From Different Clustering Algorithms Are Information-Theoretically Invariant

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    We analyse statistical and information-theoretical properties of EEG microstate sequences, as seen through the lens of five different clustering algorithms. Microstate sequences are computed for n = 20 resting state EEG recordings during wakeful rest. The input for all clustering algorithms is the set of EEG topographic maps obtained at local maxima of the spatial variance. This data set is processed by two classical microstate clustering algorithms (1) atomize and agglomerate hierarchical clustering (AAHC) and (2) a modified K-means algorithm, as well as by (3) K-medoids, (4) principal component analysis (PCA) and (5) fast independent component analysis (Fast-ICA). Using this technique, EEG topographies can be substituted with microstate labels by competitive fitting based on spatial correlation, resulting in a symbolic, non-metric time series, the microstate sequence. Microstate topographies and symbolic time series are further analyzed statistically, including static and dynamic properties. Static properties, which do not contain information about temporal dependencies of the microstate sequence include the maximum similarity of microstate maps within and between the tested clustering algorithms, the global explained variance and the Shannon entropy of the microstate sequences. Dynamic properties are sensitive to temporal correlations between the symbols and include the mixing time of the microstate transition matrix, the entropy rate of the microstate sequences and the location of the first local maximum of the autoinformation function. We also test the Markov property of microstate sequences, the time stationarity of the transition matrix and detect periodicities by means of time-lagged mutual information. Finally, possible long-range correlations of microstate sequences are assessed via Hurst exponent estimation. We find that while static properties partially reflect properties of the clustering algorithms, information-theoretical quantities are largely invariant with respect to the clustering method used. As each clustering algorithm has its own profile of computational speed, ease of implementation, determinism vs. stochasticity and theoretical underpinnings, our results convey a positive message concerning the free choice of method and the comparability of results obtained from different algorithms. The invariance of these quantities implies that the tested properties are algorithm-independent, inherent features of resting state EEG derived microstate sequences