13 research outputs found

    Potential key challenges for terahertz communication systems

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    The vision of 6G communications is an improved performance of the data rate and latency limitations and permit ubiquitous connectivity. In addition, 6G communications will adopt a novel strategy. Terahertz (THz) waves will characterize 6G networks, due to 6G will integrate terrestrial wireless mobile communication, geostationary and medium and low orbit satellite communication and short distance direct communication technologies, as well as integrate communication, computing, and navigation. This study discusses the key challenges of THz waves, including path losses which is considered the main challenge; transceiver architectures and THz signal generators; environment of THz with network architecture and 3D communications; finally, Safety and health issues

    Interference and Coverage Analysis in Coexisting RF and Dense TeraHertz Wireless Networks

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    This paper develops a stochastic geometry framework to characterize the statistics of the downlink interference and coverage probability of a typical user in a coexisting terahertz (THz) and radio frequency (RF) network. We first characterize the exact Laplace Transform (LT) of the aggregate interference and coverage probability of a user in a THz-only network. Then, for a coexisting RF/THz network, we derive the coverage probability of a typical user considering biased received signal power association (BRSP). The framework can be customized to capture the performance of a typical user in various network configurations such as THz-only, opportunistic RF/THz, and hybrid RF/THz. In addition, asymptotic approximations are presented for scenarios where the intensity of THz BSs becomes large or molecular absorption coefficient in THz approaches to zero. Numerical results demonstrate the accuracy of the derived expressions and extract insights related to the significance of the BRSP association compared to the conventional reference signal received power (RSRP) association in the coexisting network