4 research outputs found

    Resource Efficient 3D Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Recently, convolutional neural networks with 3D kernels (3D CNNs) have been very popular in computer vision community as a result of their superior ability of extracting spatio-temporal features within video frames compared to 2D CNNs. Although there has been great advances recently to build resource efficient 2D CNN architectures considering memory and power budget, there is hardly any similar resource efficient architectures for 3D CNNs. In this paper, we have converted various well-known resource efficient 2D CNNs to 3D CNNs and evaluated their performance on three major benchmarks in terms of classification accuracy for different complexity levels. We have experimented on (1) Kinetics-600 dataset to inspect their capacity to learn, (2) Jester dataset to inspect their ability to capture motion patterns, and (3) UCF-101 to inspect the applicability of transfer learning. We have evaluated the run-time performance of each model on a single Titan XP GPU and a Jetson TX2 embedded system. The results of this study show that these models can be utilized for different types of real-world applications since they provide real-time performance with considerable accuracies and memory usage. Our analysis on different complexity levels shows that the resource efficient 3D CNNs should not be designed too shallow or narrow in order to save complexity. The codes and pretrained models used in this work are publicly available.Comment: Accepted to ICCV 2019 workshop - Neural Architect

    Comparative Analysis of CNN-based Spatiotemporal Reasoning in Videos

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    Understanding actions and gestures in video streams requires temporal reasoning of the spatial content from different time instants, i.e., spatiotemporal (ST) modeling. In this survey paper, we have made a comparative analysis of different ST modeling techniques for action and gecture recognition tasks. Since Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are proved to be an effective tool as a feature extractor for static images, we apply ST modeling techniques on the features of static images from different time instants extracted by CNNs. All techniques are trained end-to-end together with a CNN feature extraction part and evaluated on two publicly available benchmarks: The Jester and the Something-Something datasets. The Jester dataset contains various dynamic and static hand gestures, whereas the Something-Something dataset contains actions of human-object interactions. The common characteristic of these two benchmarks is that the designed architectures need to capture the full temporal content of videos in order to correctly classify actions/gestures. Contrary to expectations, experimental results show that Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based ST modeling techniques yield inferior results compared to other techniques such as fully convolutional architectures. Codes and pretrained models of this work are publicly available

    DriverMHG: A Multi-Modal Dataset for Dynamic Recognition of Driver Micro Hand Gestures and a Real-Time Recognition Framework

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    The use of hand gestures provides a natural alternative to cumbersome interface devices for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) systems. However, real-time recognition of dynamic micro hand gestures from video streams is challenging for in-vehicle scenarios since (i) the gestures should be performed naturally without distracting the driver, (ii) micro hand gestures occur within very short time intervals at spatially constrained areas, (iii) the performed gesture should be recognized only once, and (iv) the entire architecture should be designed lightweight as it will be deployed to an embedded system. In this work, we propose an HCI system for dynamic recognition of driver micro hand gestures, which can have a crucial impact in automotive sector especially for safety related issues. For this purpose, we initially collected a dataset named Driver Micro Hand Gestures (DriverMHG), which consists of RGB, depth and infrared modalities. The challenges for dynamic recognition of micro hand gestures have been addressed by proposing a lightweight convolutional neural network (CNN) based architecture which operates online efficiently with a sliding window approach. For the CNN model, several 3-dimensional resource efficient networks are applied and their performances are analyzed. Online recognition of gestures has been performed with 3D-MobileNetV2, which provided the best offline accuracy among the applied networks with similar computational complexities. The final architecture is deployed on a driver simulator operating in real-time. We make DriverMHG dataset and our source code publicly available.Comment: Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG 2020

    You Only Watch Once: A Unified CNN Architecture for Real-Time Spatiotemporal Action Localization

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    Spatiotemporal action localization requires the incorporation of two sources of information into the designed architecture: (1) temporal information from the previous frames and (2) spatial information from the key frame. Current state-of-the-art approaches usually extract these information with separate networks and use an extra mechanism for fusion to get detections. In this work, we present YOWO, a unified CNN architecture for real-time spatiotemporal action localization in video streams. YOWO is a single-stage architecture with two branches to extract temporal and spatial information concurrently and predict bounding boxes and action probabilities directly from video clips in one evaluation. Since the whole architecture is unified, it can be optimized end-to-end. The YOWO architecture is fast providing 34 frames-per-second on 16-frames input clips and 62 frames-per-second on 8-frames input clips, which is currently the fastest state-of-the-art architecture on spatiotemporal action localization task. Remarkably, YOWO outperforms the previous state-of-the art results on J-HMDB-21 and UCF101-24 with an impressive improvement of ~3% and ~12%, respectively. Moreover, YOWO is the first and only single-stage architecture that provides competitive results on AVA dataset. We make our code and pretrained models publicly available