2 research outputs found

    Determining the optimal coefficient of the spatially periodic Fisher-KPP equation that minimizes the spreading speed

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    This paper is concerned with the spatially periodic Fisher-KPP equation ut=(d(x)ux)x+(r(x)βˆ’u)uu_t=(d(x)u_x)_x+(r(x)-u)u, x∈Rx\in \mathbb{R}, where d(x)d(x) and r(x)r(x) are periodic functions with period L>0L>0. We assume that r(x)r(x) has positive mean and d(x)>0d(x)>0. It is known that there exists a positive number cdβˆ—(r)c^*_d(r), called the minimal wave speed, such that a periodic traveling wave solution with average speed cc exists if and only if cβ‰₯cdβˆ—(r)c \geq c^*_d(r). In the one-dimensional case, the minimal speed cdβˆ—(r)c^*_d(r) coincides with the ``spreading speed'', that is, the asymptotic speed of the propagating front of a solution with compactly supported initial data. In this paper, we study the minimizing problem for the minimal speed cdβˆ—(r)c^*_d(r) by varying r(x)r(x) under a certain constraint, while d(x)d(x) arbitrarily. We have been able to obtain an explicit form of the minimizing function r(x)r(x). Our result provides the first calculable example of the minimal speed for spatially periodic Fisher-KPP equations as far as the author knows

    A variational problem associated with the minimal speed of traveling waves for spatially periodic KPP type equations

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    We consider a variational problem associated with the minimal speed of pulsating traveling waves of the equation ut=uxx+b(x)(1βˆ’u)uu_t=u_{xx}+b(x)(1-u)u, x∈R,Β t>0x\in{\mathbb R},\ t>0, where the coefficient b(x)b(x) is nonnegative and periodic in x∈Rx\in{\mathbb R} with a period L>0L>0. It is known that there exists a quantity cβˆ—(b)>0c^*(b)>0 such that a pulsating traveling wave with the average speed c>0c>0 exists if and only if cβ‰₯cβˆ—(b)c\geq c^*(b). The quantity cβˆ—(b)c^*(b) is the so-called minimal speed of pulsating traveling waves. In this paper, we study the problem of maximizing cβˆ—(b)c^*(b) by varying the coefficient b(x)b(x) under some constraints. We prove the existence of the maximizer under a certain assumption of the constraint and derive the Euler--Lagrange equation which the maximizer satisfies under L2L^2 constraint ∫0Lb(x)2dx=Ξ²\int_0^L b(x)^2dx=\beta. The limit problems of the solution of this Euler--Lagrange equation as Lβ†’0L\rightarrow0 and as Ξ²β†’0\beta\rightarrow0 are also considered. Moreover, we also consider the variational problem in a certain class of step functions under LpL^p constraint ∫0Lb(x)pdx=Ξ²\int_0^L b(x)^pdx=\beta when LL or Ξ²\beta tends to infinity