820 research outputs found

    Website Defacement Detector

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    It is undeniable that website has become an important element in the life of nowadays generation. As the website become more sophisticated, likewise the security threats that the website poses. One of them is website defacement in which unauthorized person changes the visual appearances of the website for various intention. Some are only for fun and hacking skill-testing, but worst case, it can be cause further severe security damages. It can be said that website defacement can causes security threats to a website and also can damage the reputation of the website owner. This is very bad especially for businesses-website because the website portray their public face. Usually, website administrator or website owner get the information about their website being deface too late, making public already see the messages or images on their defaced website which can humiliate and lower down their reputation. That is why, a website defacement detector is a must to be developed to monitor the website at a specific time interval and alert the website admin through email as soon as the system detected any unauthorized changes. Therefore, the target user for this application is the website admin and website owner. The approaches that will be implemented in this project are whether anomaly detection technique or hash tags comparison technique. The approach is not yet decided as this research study is yet to test on both approaches. Besides that this research study has conducted data collection such as interview, document studies and website defacement patterns observation. The results will help this research study to further develop a system that fulfills the requirements that a website admin or website owner might ask

    Cybercrimes: Threats, Challenges, Awareness, and Solutions in Sierra Leone

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    The internet hosts all online activities either for public or private usage. It is a powerful online podium where people socialize, make new friends, conduct academic research, perform online business transactions, share sensitive data, communication over the internet, surveillance purpose by security agencies, monitor climatic condition, used in e-healthcare system, online banking, online pay, e-commerce, defense system, and host of others critical infrastructures are the new order of the day. This has attracted online criminals to diverse numerous malicious techniques to invade people’s privacy and also exploit those data. A new game has resulted in these online malicious activities are known as “cybercrime or internet crime” which is a rewarding business as of today. Therefore, it has become difficult to protect those online activities as cybercrimes are growing daily, which suggests that effective and appropriate countermeasures are needed to combat those threats and make online activities more secure. The research paper presents the various types of cybercrime activities, countermeasures, and suggestions for online users

    Political Expression in Web Defacements

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    The idea of influencing public opinion through digital media is ubiquitous, yet little is known about its origins. This thesis investigates the use of political communication through hacked websites. It is at the same time an exploratory description of the research tools and methods needed to find and retrieve such material. The dissertation frames political expression through hacking as interference with the strata of digital communication and positions it within a larger history of on- and offline activist practices. The methodological section describes the difficulties of finding and accessing defaced pages, which are almost exclusively held by community-based archives. Based on already available and added metadata, the dataset of defacements is surveyed and topics, periods of high activity and prominent defacer groups are identified. Modes of expression are tracked to give insight to possible defacer motivation. This survey then serves as the basis for the following analysis of two emblematic clusters of activity: The Kashmir conflict and the 9/11 attacks. In a close reading of selected defacements, communication strategies and general types of defacements are described, thereby showcasing the diversity of defacer standpoints and strategies which runs counter to the common uniform depiction of hackers. The notion of defacements as forced injection of material into a public sphere is discussed throughout these close readings and leads to the final analytical section discussing the relation between defacements and WikiLeaks. After reflecting on the themes that unite this dissertation, the conclusion reflects on the preservation and availability of source material on defaced pages. The author expresses the hope that both the research methodology as well as the applied analyses will promote the understanding of web defacements as a resource for inquests into online political expression

    Website Defacement Detector

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    It is undeniable that website has become an important element in the life of nowadays generation. As the website become more sophisticated, likewise the security threats that the website poses. One of them is website defacement in which unauthorized person changes the visual appearances of the website for various intention. Some are only for fun and hacking skill-testing, but worst case, it can be cause further severe security damages. It can be said that website defacement can causes security threats to a website and also can damage the reputation of the website owner. This is very bad especially for businesses-website because the website portray their public face. Usually, website administrator or website owner get the information about their website being deface too late, making public already see the messages or images on their defaced website which can humiliate and lower down their reputation. That is why, a website defacement detector is a must to be developed to monitor the website at a specific time interval and alert the website admin through email as soon as the system detected any unauthorized changes. Therefore, the target user for this application is the website admin and website owner. The approaches that will be implemented in this project are whether anomaly detection technique or hash tags comparison technique. The approach is not yet decided as this research study is yet to test on both approaches. Besides that this research study has conducted data collection such as interview, document studies and website defacement patterns observation. The results will help this research study to further develop a system that fulfills the requirements that a website admin or website owner might ask

    Towards a cyberterrorism life-cycle (CLC) model

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    Cyberterrorism has emerged as a new threat in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) landscape. The ease of use, affordability, remote capabilities and access to critical targets makes cyberterrorism a potential threat to cause wide-scale damage. Cyberterrorism is often incorrectly perceived as encompassing all cybercrimes. However, cyberterrorism differs from cybercrime in various ways including motivation, attack goals, techniques and effects. Motivations for cyberterrorism, which is similar to terrorism in general, stem from religious, social and political views. Cyberterrorists generally would seek to have high impact in order to gain publicity for their cause, whereas cybercriminals often prefer to have their acts undetected in order to hide their financial theft, fraud or espionage. Therefore, there are various factors that drive the development of a cyberterrorist. This paper proposes a model for the development of cyberterrorism in order to show the various influential forces. The Cyberterrorism Life-Cycle (CLC) model presented in this paper is composed of five phases: Prepare, Acquaint, Choose, Execute, and Deter (PACED). In addition the paper looks at various factors, including social, practices, objectives, targets and countermeasures, which are mapped onto the PACED phases in order to show the interaction and dynamic nature during the life-cycle development

    Bots, Seeds and People: Web Archives as Infrastructure

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    The field of web archiving provides a unique mix of human and automated agents collaborating to achieve the preservation of the web. Centuries old theories of archival appraisal are being transplanted into the sociotechnical environment of the World Wide Web with varying degrees of success. The work of the archivist and bots in contact with the material of the web present a distinctive and understudied CSCW shaped problem. To investigate this space we conducted semi-structured interviews with archivists and technologists who were directly involved in the selection of content from the web for archives. These semi-structured interviews identified thematic areas that inform the appraisal process in web archives, some of which are encoded in heuristics and algorithms. Making the infrastructure of web archives legible to the archivist, the automated agents and the future researcher is presented as a challenge to the CSCW and archival community

    Analyzing Global Cyber Attack Correlates Through an Open Database

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    As humanity becomes more reliant on digital storage and communication for every aspect of life, cyber attacks pose a growing threat. However, cyber attacks are generally understood as individual incidents reported in technological circles, sometimes tied to a particular vulnerability. They are not generally understood through the macroscopic lens of statistical analysis spanning years over several countries and sectors, leaving researchers largely ignorant of the larger trends and correlates between attacks. This is large part due to the lack of a coherent and open database of prominent attacks. Most data about cyber attacks has been captured using a repository of common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE’s), and \honey pots , unsecured internet-connected devices which record attacks as they occur against them. These approaches help in the process of identifying vulnerabilities, but they do not capture the real world impact these attacks achieve. Therefore, in this thesis I create a database of 4,000 cyber attacks using a semi-open data source, and perform analytical queries on it to gather insights into how cyber attack volume varies among countries and sectors, and the correlates of cyber attack victims. From here, it is also possible to relate socio-economic data such as GDP and World Happiness Index to cyber attack volume. The end result is an open database of cyber attacks that allows researchers to understand the larger underlying forces which propel cyber attacks

    Assessing Wyoming’s Public Perceptions and General Attitudes towards Archaeology, And Statewide Trends in Looting

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    This research was conducted with the purpose of gathering and analyzing qualitative and quantitative data related to archaeological looting and public opinion regarding archaeology and cultural heritage preservation legislation in Wyoming. Areas of the state in which impacts of looting are most prevalent and the trends in these activities, as well as statewide trends, were identified. Randomly selected residents (n = 2,040) in these areas were then targeted by an anonymous survey, which was implemented with the purpose of assessing public knowledge pertaining to cultural resource legislation and archaeology. The anonymous survey was also distributed to Wyoming Archaeological Society and Wyoming Association of Professional Archaeologists members to serve as a comparison, as knowledge regarding archaeology and cultural resource legislation was expected to be higher amongst these groups. Despite current and prior preservation efforts, archaeological looting and vandalism remains a prevalent issue within the state of Wyoming. Varying perspectives exist as to why these activities occur; whether or not the public knows of cultural heritage preservation laws; methods that should be employed to reduce looting/vandalism; types of sites that are most impacted by these activities, and general trends over the past 20 years. However, prior to now, no known state-specific research into such trends in these activities and the public’s perceptions and attitudes towards archaeology and cultural resources has been conducted. The research conducted for this thesis provides qualitative and quantitative insight into these activities and public perceptions and can serve as a basis for future research. The findings indicate a general lack of knowledge pertaining to cultural resource legislation and archaeology amongst the public respondents, which is likely associated with the increased looting activities within the areas in which they reside. However, the majority of the public is generally interested in archaeology and cultural resources and feels that archaeology makes important contributions, which include preserving the past for future generations, providing data for research on past cultures, and educating modern society about other cultures. Concepts of private property rights are directly evident in the results and overall, level of education and age play an important role in respondent knowledge. The most significant outcome of this research is that the knowledge it has provided regarding the public’s attitudes and perceptions related to archaeology and cultural resources can be utilized to key in on specific issues or areas, which can be targeted to influence positive change
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