133 research outputs found

    Analysis of Noisy Evolutionary Optimization When Sampling Fails

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    In noisy evolutionary optimization, sampling is a common strategy to deal with noise. By the sampling strategy, the fitness of a solution is evaluated multiple times (called \emph{sample size}) independently, and its true fitness is then approximated by the average of these evaluations. Previous studies on sampling are mainly empirical. In this paper, we first investigate the effect of sample size from a theoretical perspective. By analyzing the (1+1)-EA on the noisy LeadingOnes problem, we show that as the sample size increases, the running time can reduce from exponential to polynomial, but then return to exponential. This suggests that a proper sample size is crucial in practice. Then, we investigate what strategies can work when sampling with any fixed sample size fails. By two illustrative examples, we prove that using parent or offspring populations can be better. Finally, we construct an artificial noisy example to show that when using neither sampling nor populations is effective, adaptive sampling (i.e., sampling with an adaptive sample size) can work. This, for the first time, provides a theoretical support for the use of adaptive sampling

    Towards a Theory-Guided Benchmarking Suite for Discrete Black-Box Optimization Heuristics: Profiling (1+λ)(1+\lambda) EA Variants on OneMax and LeadingOnes

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    Theoretical and empirical research on evolutionary computation methods complement each other by providing two fundamentally different approaches towards a better understanding of black-box optimization heuristics. In discrete optimization, both streams developed rather independently of each other, but we observe today an increasing interest in reconciling these two sub-branches. In continuous optimization, the COCO (COmparing Continuous Optimisers) benchmarking suite has established itself as an important platform that theoreticians and practitioners use to exchange research ideas and questions. No widely accepted equivalent exists in the research domain of discrete black-box optimization. Marking an important step towards filling this gap, we adjust the COCO software to pseudo-Boolean optimization problems, and obtain from this a benchmarking environment that allows a fine-grained empirical analysis of discrete black-box heuristics. In this documentation we demonstrate how this test bed can be used to profile the performance of evolutionary algorithms. More concretely, we study the optimization behavior of several (1+λ)(1+\lambda) EA variants on the two benchmark problems OneMax and LeadingOnes. This comparison motivates a refined analysis for the optimization time of the (1+λ)(1+\lambda) EA on LeadingOnes

    On the Robustness of Median Sampling in Noisy Evolutionary Optimization

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    In real-world optimization tasks, the objective (i.e., fitness) function evaluation is often disturbed by noise due to a wide range of uncertainties. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been widely applied to tackle noisy optimization, where reducing the negative effect of noise is a crucial issue. One popular strategy to cope with noise is sampling, which evaluates the fitness multiple times and uses the sample average to approximate the true fitness. In this paper, we introduce median sampling as a noise handling strategy into EAs, which uses the median of the multiple evaluations to approximate the true fitness instead of the mean. We theoretically show that median sampling can reduce the expected running time of EAs from exponential to polynomial by considering the (1+1)-EA on OneMax under the commonly used one-bit noise. We also compare mean sampling with median sampling by considering two specific noise models, suggesting that when the 2-quantile of the noisy fitness increases with the true fitness, median sampling can be a better choice. The results provide us with some guidance to employ median sampling efficiently in practice.Comment: 19 pages. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1810.05045, arXiv:1711.0095

    Analysis of Evolutionary Algorithms in Dynamic and Stochastic Environments

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    Many real-world optimization problems occur in environments that change dynamically or involve stochastic components. Evolutionary algorithms and other bio-inspired algorithms have been widely applied to dynamic and stochastic problems. This survey gives an overview of major theoretical developments in the area of runtime analysis for these problems. We review recent theoretical studies of evolutionary algorithms and ant colony optimization for problems where the objective functions or the constraints change over time. Furthermore, we consider stochastic problems under various noise models and point out some directions for future research.Comment: This book chapter is to appear in the book "Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics in Discrete Search Spaces", which is edited by Benjamin Doerr and Frank Neumann and is scheduled to be published by Springer in 201