324 research outputs found

    Ship and Oil-Spill Detection Using the Degree of Polarization in Linear and Hybrid/Compact Dual-Pol SAR

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    Monitoring and detection of ships and oil spills using synthetic aperture radar (SAR) have received a considerable attention over the past few years, notably due to the wide area coverage and day and night all-weather capabilities of SAR systems. Among different polarimetric SAR modes, dual-pol SAR data are widely used for monitoring large ocean and coastal areas. The degree of polarization (DoP) is a fundamental quantity characterizing a partially polarized electromagnetic field, with significantly less computational complexity, readily adaptable for on-board implementation, compared with other well-known polarimetric discriminators. The performance of the DoP is studied for joint ship and oil-spill detection under different polarizations in hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol SAR imagery. Experiments are performed on RADARSAT-2 -band polarimetric data sets, over San Francisco Bay, and -band NASA/JPL UAVSAR data, covering the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

    Estimation of the Degree of Polarization for Hybrid/Compact and Linear Dual-Pol SAR Intensity Images: Principles and Applications

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    Analysis and comparison of linear and hybrid/compact dual-polarization (dual-pol) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery have gained a wholly new importance in the last few years, in particular, with the advent of new spaceborne SARs such as the Japanese ALOS PALSAR, the Canadian RADARSAT-2, and the German TerraSAR-X. Compact polarimetry, hybrid dual-pol, and quad-pol modes are newly promoted in the literature for future SAR missions. In this paper, we investigate and compare different hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol modes in terms of the estimation of the degree of polarization (DoP). The DoP has long been recognized as one of the most important parameters characterizing a partially polarized electromagnetic wave. It can be effectively used to characterize the information content of SAR data. We study and compare the information content of the intensity data provided by different hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol SAR modes. For this purpose, we derive the joint distribution of multilook SAR intensity images. We use this distribution to derive the maximum likelihood and moment-based estimators of the DoP in hybrid/compact and linear dual-pol modes.We evaluate and compare the performance of these estimators for different modes on both synthetic and real data, which are acquired by RADARSAT-2 spaceborne and NASA/JPL airborne SAR systems, over various terrain types such as urban, vegetation, and ocean

    Offshore Metallic Platforms Observation Using Dual-Polarimetric TS-X/TD-X Satellite Imagery: A Case Study in the Gulf of Mexico

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    Satellite-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has been proven to be an effective tool for ship monitoring. Offshore platforms monitoring is a key topic for both safety and security of the maritime domain. However, the scientific literature oriented to the observation of offshore platforms using SAR imagery is very limited. This study is mostly focused on the analysis and understanding of the multipolarization behavior of platformsñ€ℱ backscattering using dual-polarization X-band SAR imagery. This study is motivated by the fact that under low incidence angle and moderate wind conditions, copolarized channels may fail in detecting offshore platforms even when fine-resolution imagery is considered. This behavior has been observed on both medium- and high-resolution TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X SAR imagery, despite the fact that platforms consist of large metallic structures. Hence, a simple multipolarization model is proposed to analyze the platform backscattering. Model predictions are verified on TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X SAR imagery, showing that for acquisitions under low incidence angle, the platforms result in a reduced copolarized backscattered intensity even when fine resolution imagery is considered. Finally, several solutions to tackle this issue are proposed with concluding remark that the performance of offshore observation

    Oil-Spill Pollution Remote Sensing by Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Ship detection on open sea and coastal environment

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    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) is a high-resolution ground-mapping technique with the ability to effectively synthesize a large radar antenna by processing the phase of a smaller radar antenna on a moving platform like an airplane or a satellite. SAR images, due to its properties, have been the focus of many applications such as land and sea monitoring, remote sensing, mapping of surfaces, weather forecasting, among many others. Their relevance is increasing on a daily basis, thus it’s crucial to apply the best suitable method or technique to each type of data collected. Several techniques have been published in the literature so far to enhance automatic ship detection using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images, like multilook imaging techniques, polarization techniques, Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) techniques, Amplitude Change Detection (ACD) techniques among many others. Depending on how the information is gathered and processed, each technique presents different performance and results. Nowadays there are several ongoing SAR missions, and the need to improve ship detection, oil-spills or any kind of sea activity is fundamental to preserve and promote navigation safety as well as constant and accurate monitoring of the surroundings, for example, detection of illegal fishing activities, pollution or drug trafficking. The main objective of this MSc dissertation is to study and implement a set of algorithms for automatic ship detection using SAR images from Sentinel-1 due to its characteristics as well as its ease access. The dissertation organization is as follows: Chapter 1 presents a brief introduction to the theme of this dissertation and its aim, as well as its structure; Chapter 2 summarizes a variety of fundamental key points from historical events and developments to the SAR theory, finishing with a summary of some well-known ship detection methods; Chapter 3 presents a basic guideline to choose the best ship detection technique depending on the data type and operational scenario; Chapter 4 focus on the CFAR technique detailing the implemented algorithms. This technique was selected, given the data set available for testing in this work; Chapter 5 presents the results obtained using the implemented algorithms; Chapter 6 presents the conclusions, final remarks and future work

    Detection of Wind Turbines in Intertidal Areas Using SAR Polarimetry

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    The detection of wind turbines in a strong clutter background is analyzed at variance of polarimetric synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) configurations. The area of interest is the intertidal zone near Jiangsu, China and two detectors are used, the polarimetric notch filter (PNF) and a change detector that optimizes the ratio between covariance matrices. The detection performance is quantitatively analyzed using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve, while the scattering mechanisms that characterize wind turbines are analyzed using the Yamaguchi decomposition. Experimental analysis shows that: 1) wind turbines result in a nontrivial scattering mechanism and 2) full-polarimetric measurements achieve the best detection performance independently of the two detectors

    Arctic Sea Ice Characterization using Spaceborne Fully Polarimetric L-, C- and X-Band SAR with Validation by Airborne Measurements

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    Accepted manuscript version. Published version available at https://doi.org/10.1109/TGRS.2018.2809504.In recent years, spaceborne synthetic aperture radar (SAR) polarimetry has become a valuable tool for sea ice analysis. Here, we employ an automatic sea ice classification algorithm on two sets of spatially and temporally near coincident fully polarimetric acquisitions from the ALOS-2, Radarsat-2, and TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X satellites. Overlapping coincident sea ice freeboard measurements from airborne laser scanner data are used to validate the classification results. The automated sea ice classification algorithm consists of two steps. In the first step, we perform a polarimetric feature extraction procedure. Next, the resulting feature vectors are ingested into a trained neural network classifier to arrive at a pixelwise supervised classification. Coherency matrix-based features that require an eigendecomposition are found to be either of low relevance or redundant to other covariance matrix-based features, which makes coherency matrix-based features dispensable for the purpose of sea ice classification. Among the most useful features for classification are matrix invariant-based features (geometric intensity, scattering diversity, and surface scattering fraction). Classification results show that 100% of the open water is separated from the surrounding sea ice and that the sea ice classes have at least 96.9% accuracy. This analysis reveals analogous results for both X-band and C-band frequencies and slightly different for the L-band. The subsequent classification produces similarly promising results for all four acquisitions. In particular, the overlapping image portions exhibit a reasonable congruence of detected sea ice when compared with high-resolution airborne measurements

    Estimation of the Degree of Polarization in Polarimetric SAR Imagery : Principles and Applications

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    Les radars Ă  synthĂšse d’ouverture (RSO) polarimĂ©triques sont devenus incontournables dans le domaine de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection, grĂące Ă  leur zone de couverture Ă©tendue, ainsi que leur capacitĂ© Ă  acquĂ©rir des donnĂ©es dans n’importe quelles conditions atmosphĂ©riques de jour comme de nuit. Au cours des trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, plusieurs RSO polarimĂ©triques ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s portant une variĂ©tĂ© de modes d’imagerie, tels que la polarisation unique, la polarisation double et Ă©galement des modes dits pleinement polarimĂ©triques. GrĂące aux recherches rĂ©centes, d’autres modes alternatifs, tels que la polarisation hybride et compacte, ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s pour les futures missions RSOs. Toutefois, un dĂ©bat anime la communautĂ© de la tĂ©lĂ©dĂ©tection quant Ă  l’utilitĂ© des modes alternatifs et quant au compromis entre la polarimĂ©trie double et la polarimĂ©trie totale. Cette thĂšse contribue Ă  ce dĂ©bat en analysant et comparant ces diffĂ©rents modes d’imagerie RSO dans une variĂ©tĂ© d’applications, avec un accent particulier sur la surveillance maritime (la dĂ©tection des navires et de marĂ©es noires). Pour nos comparaisons, nous considĂ©rons un paramĂštre fondamental, appelĂ© le degrĂ© de polarisation (DoP). Ce paramĂštre scalaire a Ă©tĂ© reconnu comme l’un des paramĂštres les plus pertinents pour caractĂ©riser les ondes Ă©lectromagnĂ©tiques partiellement polarisĂ©es. A l’aide d’une analyse statistique dĂ©taillĂ©e sur les images polarimĂ©triques RSO, nous proposons des estimateurs efficaces du DoP pour les systĂšmes d’imagerie cohĂ©rente et incohĂ©rente. Ainsi, nous Ă©tendons la notion de DoP aux diffĂ©rents modes d’imagerie polarimĂ©trique hybride et compacte. Cette Ă©tude comparative rĂ©alisĂ©e dans diffĂ©rents contextes d’application dĂ©gage des propriĂ©tĂ©s permettant de guider le choix parmi les diffĂ©rents modes polarimĂ©triques. Les expĂ©riences sont effectuĂ©es sur les donnĂ©es polarimĂ©triques provenant du satellite Canadian RADARSAT-2 et le RSO aĂ©roportĂ© AmĂ©ricain AirSAR, couvrant divers types de terrains tels que l’urbain, la vĂ©gĂ©tation et l’ocĂ©an. Par ailleurs nous rĂ©alisons une Ă©tude dĂ©taillĂ©e sur les potentiels du DoP pour la dĂ©tection et la reconnaissance des marĂ©es noires basĂ©e sur les acquisitions rĂ©centes d’UAVSAR, couvrant la catastrophe de Deepwater Horizon dans le golfe du Mexique. ABSTRACT : Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems have become highly fruitful thanks to their wide area coverage and day and night all-weather capabilities. Several polarimetric SARs have been flown over the last few decades with a variety of polarimetric SAR imaging modes; traditional ones are linear singleand dual-pol modes. More sophisticated ones are full-pol modes. Other alternative modes, such as hybrid and compact dual-pol, have also been recently proposed for future SAR missions. The discussion is vivid across the remote sensing society about both the utility of such alternative modes, and also the trade-off between dual and full polarimetry. This thesis contributes to that discussion by analyzing and comparing different polarimetric SAR modes in a variety of geoscience applications, with a particular focus on maritime monitoring and surveillance. For our comparisons, we make use of a fundamental, physically related discriminator called the Degree of Polarization (DoP). This scalar parameter has been recognized as one of the most important parameters characterizing a partially polarized electromagnetic wave. Based on a detailed statistical analysis of polarimetric SAR images, we propose efficient estimators of the DoP for both coherent and in-coherent SAR systems. We extend the DoP concept to different hybrid and compact SAR modes and compare the achieved performance with different full-pol methods. We perform a detailed study of vessel detection and oil-spill recognition, based on linear and hybrid/compact dual-pol DoP, using recent data from the Deepwater Horizon oil-spill, acquired by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) Uninhabited Aerial Vehicle Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAVSAR). Extensive experiments are also performed over various terrain types, such as urban, vegetation, and ocean, using the data acquired by the Canadian RADARSAT-2 and the NASA/JPL Airborne SAR (AirSAR) system

    A ship detector applying Principal Component Analysis to the polarimetric Notch Filter

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    Ship detection using polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) data has attracted a lot of attention in recent years. Polarimetry can provide information regarding the scattering mechanisms of targets, which helps discriminate between ships and sea clutter. This enhancement is particularly valuable when we aim at detecting smaller vessels in rough sea states. This work exploits a ship detector called the Geometrical Perturbation-Polarimetric Notch Filter (GP-PNF), and it is aimed at improving its performance especially when less polarimetric images are available (e.g., dual-polarimetric data). The idea is to design a new polarimetric feature vector containing more features that are renowned to allow separation between ships and sea clutter. Then, a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is further used to reduce the dimensionality of the new feature space. Experiments on four real Sentinel-1 datasets are carried out to demonstrate the validity of the proposed method and compare it against other ship detectors. Analyses of the experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can not only reduce the false alarms significantly, but also enhance the target-to-clutter ratio (TCR) so that it can more effectively detect weaker ships

    A multi-family GLRT-based algorithm for oil spill detection

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    This paper deals with detection of oil spills from multi-polarization SAR images. The problem is cast in terms of a composite hypothesis test aimed at discriminating between the Polarimetric Covariance Matrix (PCM) equality (absence of oil spills in the tested region) and the situation where the region under test exhibits a PCM with at least an ordered eigenvalue smaller than that of a reference covariance. This last setup reflects the physical condition where the back scattering associated with the oil spills leads to a signal, in some eigen-directions, weaker than the one gathered from a reference area where it is a-priori known the absence of any oil slicks. A Multi-family Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (MGLRT) approach is pursued to come up with an adaptive detector ensuring the Constant Alarm False Rate (CFAR) property. At the analysis stage, the behavior of the new architecture is investigated in comparison with a benchmark (but non-implementable) structure and some other sub-optimum adaptive detectors available in open literature. The study, conducted in the presence of both simulated and real data, confirms the practical effectiveness of the new approach
