5 research outputs found

    Weighted pushdown systems and their application to interprocedural dataflow analysis

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    AbstractRecently, pushdown systems (PDSs) have been extended to weighted PDSs, in which each transition is labeled with a value, and the goal is to determine the meet-over-all-paths value (for paths that meet a certain criterion). This paper shows how weighted PDSs yield new algorithms for certain classes of interprocedural dataflow-analysis problems

    Analysis of SPKI/SDSI Certificates Using Model Checking

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    authorization issues that arise in a distributed-computing environment. In this paper, we establish a connection between SPKI/SDSI and a formalism known as pushdown systems (PDSs). We show that the SPKI/SDSI-to-PDS connection provides a framework for formalizing a variety of certificate-analysis problems. Moreover, the connection has computational significance: Many analysis problems can be solved efficiently (i.e., in time polynomial in the size of the certificate set) using existing algorithms for model checking pushdown systems

    Analysis of SPKI/SDSI Certificates Using Model Checking ∗

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    SPKI/SDSI is a framework for expressing naming and authorization issues that arise in a distributed-computing environment. In this paper, we establish a connection between SPKI/SDSI and a formalism known as pushdown systems (PDSs). We show that the SPKI/SDSI-to-PDS connection provides a framework for formalizing a variety of certificate-analysis problems. Moreover, the connection has computational significance: Many analysis problems can be solved efficiently (i.e., in time polynomial in the size of the certificate set) using existing algorithms for model checking pushdown systems. Keywords: SPKI/SDSI, model checking, pushdown system, naming, authorization, certificate-chain discovery, certificate-set analysis.

    An algebraic approach to analysis of recursive and concurrent programs

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