385,102 research outputs found

    Toward a modular precision ecosystem for high performance computing

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    [EN] With the memory bandwidth of current computer architectures being significantly slower than the (floating point) arithmetic performance, many scientific computations only leverage a fraction of the computational power in today's high-performance architectures. At the same time, memory operations are the primary energy consumer of modern architectures, heavily impacting the resource cost of large-scale applications and the battery life of mobile devices. This article tackles this mismatch between floating point arithmetic throughput and memory bandwidth by advocating a disruptive paradigm change with respect to how data are stored and processed in scientific applications. Concretely, the goal is to radically decouple the data storage format from the processing format and, ultimately, design a "modular precision ecosystem" that allows for more flexibility in terms of customized data access. For memory-bounded scientific applications, dynamically adapting the memory precision to the numerical requirements allows for attractive resource savings. In this article, we demonstrate the potential of employing a modular precision ecosystem for the block-Jacobi preconditioner and the PageRank algorithm-two applications that are popular in the communities and at the same characteristic representatives for the field of numerical linear algebra and data analytics, respectively.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the Impuls und Vernetzungsfond of the Helmholtz Association under grant VH-NG-1241. G Flegar and ES Quintana-Ortí were supported by project TIN2017-82972-R of the MINECO and FEDER and the H2020 EU FETHPC Project 732631 OPRECOMP .Anzt, H.; Flegar, G.; Gruetzmacher, T.; Quintana-Orti, ES. (2019). Toward a modular precision ecosystem for high performance computing. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 33(6):1069-1078. https://doi.org/10.1177/109434201984654710691078336Anzt, H., Dongarra, J., & Quintana-Ortí, E. S. (2015). Adaptive precision solvers for sparse linear systems. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Energy Efficient Supercomputing - E2SC ’15. doi:10.1145/2834800.2834802Baboulin, M., Buttari, A., Dongarra, J., Kurzak, J., Langou, J., Langou, J., … Tomov, S. (2009). Accelerating scientific computations with mixed precision algorithms. Computer Physics Communications, 180(12), 2526-2533. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2008.11.005Buttari, A., Dongarra, J., Langou, J., Langou, J., Luszczek, P., & Kurzak, J. (2007). Mixed Precision Iterative Refinement Techniques for the Solution of Dense Linear Systems. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 21(4), 457-466. doi:10.1177/1094342007084026Carson, E., & Higham, N. J. (2017). A New Analysis of Iterative Refinement and Its Application to Accurate Solution of Ill-Conditioned Sparse Linear Systems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 39(6), A2834-A2856. doi:10.1137/17m1122918Carson, E., & Higham, N. J. (2018). Accelerating the Solution of Linear Systems by Iterative Refinement in Three Precisions. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(2), A817-A847. doi:10.1137/17m1140819Göddeke, D., Strzodka, R., & Turek, S. (2007). Performance and accuracy of hardware-oriented native-, emulated- and mixed-precision solvers in FEM simulations. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 22(4), 221-256. doi:10.1080/17445760601122076Grützmacher, T., & Anzt, H. (2018). A Modular Precision Format for Decoupling Arithmetic Format and Storage Format. Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops, 434-443. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-10549-5_34Grutzmacher, T., Anzt, H., Scheidegger, F., & Quintana-Orti, E. S. (2018). High-Performance GPU Implementation of PageRank with Reduced Precision Based on Mantissa Segmentation. 2018 IEEE/ACM 8th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and Algorithms (IA3). doi:10.1109/ia3.2018.00015Hegland, M., & Saylor, P. E. (1992). Block jacobi preconditioning of the conjugate gradient method on a vector processor. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 44(1-4), 71-89. doi:10.1080/00207169208804096Horowitz, M. (2014). 1.1 Computing’s energy problem (and what we can do about it). 2014 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC). doi:10.1109/isscc.2014.6757323Saad, Y. (2003). Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems. doi:10.1137/1.9780898718003Strzodka, R., & Goddeke, D. (2006). Pipelined Mixed Precision Algorithms on FPGAs for Fast and Accurate PDE Solvers from Low Precision Components. 2006 14th Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines. doi:10.1109/fccm.2006.57Tadano, H., & Sakurai, T. (2008). On Single Precision Preconditioners for Krylov Subspace Iterative Methods. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 721-728. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-78827-0_83Wulf, W. A., & McKee, S. A. (1995). Hitting the memory wall. ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News, 23(1), 20-24. doi:10.1145/216585.21658

    On the Benefits of the Remote GPU Virtualization Mechanism: the rCUDA Case

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    [EN] Graphics processing units (GPUs) are being adopted in many computing facilities given their extraordinary computing power, which makes it possible to accelerate many general purpose applications from different domains. However, GPUs also present several side effects, such as increased acquisition costs as well as larger space requirements. They also require more powerful energy supplies. Furthermore, GPUs still consume some amount of energy while idle, and their utilization is usually low for most workloads. In a similar way to virtual machines, the use of virtual GPUs may address the aforementioned concerns. In this regard, the remote GPU virtualization mechanism allows an application being executed in a node of the cluster to transparently use the GPUs installed at other nodes. Moreover, this technique allows to share the GPUs present in the computing facility among the applications being executed in the cluster. In this way, several applications being executed in different (or the same) cluster nodes can share 1 or more GPUs located in other nodes of the cluster. Sharing GPUs should increase overall GPU utilization, thus reducing the negative impact of the side effects mentioned before. Reducing the total amount of GPUs installed in the cluster may also be possible. In this paper, we explore some of the benefits that remote GPU virtualization brings to clusters. For instance, this mechanism allows an application to use all the GPUs present in the computing facility. Another benefit of this technique is that cluster throughput, measured as jobs completed per time unit, is noticeably increased when this technique is used. In this regard, cluster throughput can be doubled for some workloads. Furthermore, in addition to increase overall GPU utilization, total energy consumption can be reduced up to 40%. This may be key in the context of exascale computing facilities, which present an important energy constraint. Other benefits are related to the cloud computing domain, where a GPU can be easily shared among several virtual machines. Finally, GPU migration (and therefore server consolidation) is one more benefit of this novel technique.Generalitat Valenciana, Grant/Award Number: PROMETEOII/2013/009; MINECO and FEDER, Grant/Award Number: TIN2014-53495-RSilla Jiménez, F.; Iserte Agut, S.; Reaño González, C.; Prades, J. (2017). On the Benefits of the Remote GPU Virtualization Mechanism: the rCUDA Case. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience. 29(13):1-17. https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.4072S1172913Wu H Diamos G Sheard T Red Fox: An execution environment for relational query processing on GPUs Proceedings of Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization CGO '14 Orlando, FL, USA ACM 2014 44:44 44:54Playne DP Hawick KA Data parallel three-dimensional cahn-hilliard field equation simulation on GPUs with CUDA Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 2009Yamazaki, I., Dong, T., Solcà, R., Tomov, S., Dongarra, J., & Schulthess, T. (2013). Tridiagonalization of a dense symmetric matrix on multiple GPUs and its application to symmetric eigenvalue problems. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 26(16), 2652-2666. doi:10.1002/cpe.3152Yuancheng Luo D Canny edge detection on NVIDIA CUDA IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2008. CVPRW '08 Anchorage, AK, USA IEEE 2008 1 8Surkov, V. (2010). Parallel option pricing with Fourier space time-stepping method on graphics processing units. Parallel Computing, 36(7), 372-380. doi:10.1016/j.parco.2010.02.006Agarwal, P. K., Hampton, S., Poznanovic, J., Ramanthan, A., Alam, S. R., & Crozier, P. S. (2012). Performance modeling of microsecond scale biological molecular dynamics simulations on heterogeneous architectures. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 25(10), 1356-1375. doi:10.1002/cpe.2943Yoo, A. B., Jette, M. A., & Grondona, M. (2003). SLURM: Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management. 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Parallel Computing, 40(10), 574-588. doi:10.1016/j.parco.2014.09.011CUDA API Reference Manual 7.5 https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-toolkit 2016Merritt AM Gupta V Verma A Gavrilovska A Schwan K Shadowfax: Scaling in heterogeneous cluster systems via GPGPU assemblies Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing VTDC '11 ACM New York, NY, USA 2011 3 10Shadowfax II - scalable implementation of GPGPU assemblies http://keeneland.gatech.edu/software/keeneland/kidronNVIDIA The NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK Version 5.5 2013iperf3: A TCP, UDP, and SCTP network bandwidth measurement tool https://github.com/esnet/iperf 2016Reaño C Silla F Shainer G Schultz S Local and remote GPUs perform similar with EDR 100G InfiniBand Proceedings of the Industrial Track of the 16th International Middleware Conference Middleware Industry '15 Vancouver, Canada 2015Reaño, C., Silla, F., Castelló, A., Peña, A. J., Mayo, R., Quintana-Ortí, E. S., & Duato, J. (2014). Improving the user experience of the rCUDA remote GPU virtualization framework. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(14), 3746-3770. doi:10.1002/cpe.3409Iserte S Castelló A Mayo R Slurm support for remote GPU virtualization: Implementation and performance study 2014 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD) 2014 318 325Vouzis, P. D., & Sahinidis, N. V. (2010). GPU-BLAST: using graphics processors to accelerate protein sequence alignment. Bioinformatics, 27(2), 182-188. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btq644Brown, W. M., Kohlmeyer, A., Plimpton, S. J., & Tharrington, A. N. (2012). Implementing molecular dynamics on hybrid high performance computers – Particle–particle particle-mesh. Computer Physics Communications, 183(3), 449-459. doi:10.1016/j.cpc.2011.10.012Liu, Y., Schmidt, B., Liu, W., & Maskell, D. L. (2010). 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Journal of Computational Chemistry, 26(16), 1781-1802. doi:10.1002/jcc.20289NVIDIA Popular GPU-Accelerated Applications Catalog http://www.nvidia.es/content/tesla/pdf/gpu-accelerated-applications-for-hpc.pdf 2016Walters JP Younge AJ Kang D-I GPU-passthrough performance: A comparison of KVM, Xen, VMWare ESXi, and LXC for CUDA and OpenCL applications 7th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD 2014) Anchorage, AK, USA 2014Yang C-T Wang H-Y Ou W-S Liu Y-T Hsu C-H On implementation of GPU virtualization using PCI pass-through 2012 IEEE 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CLOUDCOM) Taipei, Taiwan 2012 711 716Pérez F Reaño C Silla F Providing CUDA acceleration to KVM virtual machines in InfiniBand clusters with rCUDA Proceedings of the International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems Crete, Greece 2016Jo, H., Jeong, J., Lee, M., & Choi, D. H. (2013). Exploiting GPUs in Virtual Machine for BioCloud. BioMed Research International, 2013, 1-11. doi:10.1155/2013/939460Prades J Reaño C Silla F CUDA acceleration for Xen virtual machines in Infiniband clusters with rCUDA Proceedings of the 21st ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming PPoPP '16 Barcelona, Spain 2016Mellanox Mellanox OFED for Linux User Manual 2015Liu, Y., Wirawan, A., & Schmidt, B. (2013). CUDASW++ 3.0: accelerating Smith-Waterman protein database search by coupling CPU and GPU SIMD instructions. BMC Bioinformatics, 14(1). doi:10.1186/1471-2105-14-117Takizawa H Sato K Komatsu K Kobayashi H CheCUDA: A checkpoint/restart tool for CUDA applications Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies Hiroshima, Japan 200

    Iso-energy-efficiency: An approach to power-constrained parallel computation

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    Future large scale high performance supercomputer systems require high energy efficiency to achieve exaflops computational power and beyond. Despite the need to understand energy efficiency in high-performance systems, there are few techniques to evaluate energy efficiency at scale. In this paper, we propose a system-level iso-energy-efficiency model to analyze, evaluate and predict energy-performance of data intensive parallel applications with various execution patterns running on large scale power-aware clusters. Our analytical model can help users explore the effects of machine and application dependent characteristics on system energy efficiency and isolate efficient ways to scale system parameters (e.g. processor count, CPU power/frequency, workload size and network bandwidth) to balance energy use and performance. We derive our iso-energy-efficiency model and apply it to the NAS Parallel Benchmarks on two power-aware clusters. Our results indicate that the model accurately predicts total system energy consumption within 5% error on average for parallel applications with various execution and communication patterns. We demonstrate effective use of the model for various application contexts and in scalability decision-making

    Research and Education in Computational Science and Engineering

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    Over the past two decades the field of computational science and engineering (CSE) has penetrated both basic and applied research in academia, industry, and laboratories to advance discovery, optimize systems, support decision-makers, and educate the scientific and engineering workforce. Informed by centuries of theory and experiment, CSE performs computational experiments to answer questions that neither theory nor experiment alone is equipped to answer. CSE provides scientists and engineers of all persuasions with algorithmic inventions and software systems that transcend disciplines and scales. Carried on a wave of digital technology, CSE brings the power of parallelism to bear on troves of data. Mathematics-based advanced computing has become a prevalent means of discovery and innovation in essentially all areas of science, engineering, technology, and society; and the CSE community is at the core of this transformation. However, a combination of disruptive developments---including the architectural complexity of extreme-scale computing, the data revolution that engulfs the planet, and the specialization required to follow the applications to new frontiers---is redefining the scope and reach of the CSE endeavor. This report describes the rapid expansion of CSE and the challenges to sustaining its bold advances. The report also presents strategies and directions for CSE research and education for the next decade.Comment: Major revision, to appear in SIAM Revie

    Understanding the thermal implications of multicore architectures

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    Multicore architectures are becoming the main design paradigm for current and future processors. The main reason is that multicore designs provide an effective way of overcoming instruction-level parallelism (ILP) limitations by exploiting thread-level parallelism (TLP). In addition, it is a power and complexity-effective way of taking advantage of the huge number of transistors that can be integrated on a chip. On the other hand, today's higher than ever power densities have made temperature one of the main limitations of microprocessor evolution. Thermal management in multicore architectures is a fairly new area. Some works have addressed dynamic thermal management in bi/quad-core architectures. This work provides insight and explores different alternatives for thermal management in multicore architectures with 16 cores. Schemes employing both energy reduction and activity migration are explored and improvements for thread migration schemes are proposed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Evaluation of DVFS techniques on modern HPC processors and accelerators for energy-aware applications

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    Energy efficiency is becoming increasingly important for computing systems, in particular for large scale HPC facilities. In this work we evaluate, from an user perspective, the use of Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) techniques, assisted by the power and energy monitoring capabilities of modern processors in order to tune applications for energy efficiency. We run selected kernels and a full HPC application on two high-end processors widely used in the HPC context, namely an NVIDIA K80 GPU and an Intel Haswell CPU. We evaluate the available trade-offs between energy-to-solution and time-to-solution, attempting a function-by-function frequency tuning. We finally estimate the benefits obtainable running the full code on a HPC multi-GPU node, with respect to default clock frequency governors. We instrument our code to accurately monitor power consumption and execution time without the need of any additional hardware, and we enable it to change CPUs and GPUs clock frequencies while running. We analyze our results on the different architectures using a simple energy-performance model, and derive a number of energy saving strategies which can be easily adopted on recent high-end HPC systems for generic applications
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