54,913 research outputs found

    Influence of attractive van der Waals interactions on the optimal excitations in thermocapillary-driven spreading

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    Recent investigations of microfluidic flows have focused on manipulating the motion of very thin liquid films by modulating the surface tension through an applied streamwise temperature gradient. The extent to which the choice of contact line model affects the flow and stability of such thermocapillary-driven films is not completely understood. Regardless of the contact line model used, the linearized disturbance operator corresponding to the evolution of the film height is non-normal, and a generalized non-modal stability analysis is required. Surprisingly, early predictions of frontal instability that stemmed from conventional modal analysis of thermocapillary flow on a flat, infinite precursor film showed excellent agreement with experiment. Within the more rigorous framework provided by a generalized stability analysis, this work investigates the transient dynamics and amplification of optimal disturbances subject to a finite precursor film generated by attractive van der Waals forces. Convergence of the disturbance growth rates and perturbed shapes to the asymptotic solutions obtained by conventional linear stability analysis occurs early in the spreading process. In addition, the level of transient disturbance amplification is minimal. The equations governing thermocapillary-driven spreading exhibit a small degree of non-normality, which explains the source of agreement between modal theory and experiment. The more rigorous generalized stability analysis presented here, however, affords critical insight into the types of disturbances leading to maximum unstable growth and the exact influence of the contact line model used

    LMI approach to mixed performance objective controllers: application to Robust β„‹2 Synthesis

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    The problem of synthesizing a controller for plants subject to arbitrary, finite energy disturbances and white noise disturbances via Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) is presented. This is achieved by considering white noise disturbances as belonging to a constrained set in β„“2. In the case of where only white noise disturbances are present, the procedure reduces to standard β„‹2 synthesis. When arbitrary, finite energy disturbances are also present, the procedure may be used to synthesize general mixed performance objective controllers, and for certain cases, Robust β„‹2 controllers

    Transient dynamics and structure of optimal excitations in thermocapillary spreading: Precursor film model

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    Linearized modal stability theory has shown that the thermocapillary spreading of a liquid film on a homogeneous, completely wetting surface can produce a rivulet instability at the advancing front due to formation of a capillary ridge. Mechanisms that drain fluid from the ridge can stabilize the flow against rivulet formation. Numerical predictions from this analysis for the film speed, shape, and most unstable wavelength agree remarkably well with experimental measurements even though the linearized disturbance operator is non-normal, which allows transient growth of perturbations. Our previous studies using a more generalized nonmodal stability analysis for contact lines models describing partially wetting liquids (i.e., either boundary slip or van der Waals interactions) have shown that the transient amplification is not sufficient to affect the predictions of eigenvalue analysis. In this work we complete examination of the various contact line models by studying the influence of an infinite and flat precursor film, which is the most commonly employed contact line model for completely wetting films. The maximum amplification of arbitrary disturbances and the optimal initial excitations that elicit the maximum growth over a specified time, which quantify the sensitivity of the film to perturbations of different structure, are presented. While the modal results for the three different contact line models are essentially indistinguishable, the transient dynamics and maximum possible amplification differ, which suggests different transient dynamics for completely and partially wetting films. These differences are explained by the structure of the computed optimal excitations, which provides further basis for understanding the agreement between experiment and predictions of conventional modal analysis
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