4 research outputs found

    Why gradient clipping accelerates training: A theoretical justification for adaptivity

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    We provide a theoretical explanation for the effectiveness of gradient clipping in training deep neural networks. The key ingredient is a new smoothness condition derived from practical neural network training examples. We observe that gradient smoothness, a concept central to the analysis of first-order optimization algorithms that is often assumed to be a constant, demonstrates significant variability along the training trajectory of deep neural networks. Further, this smoothness positively correlates with the gradient norm, and contrary to standard assumptions in the literature, it can grow with the norm of the gradient. These empirical observations limit the applicability of existing theoretical analyses of algorithms that rely on a fixed bound on smoothness. These observations motivate us to introduce a novel relaxation of gradient smoothness that is weaker than the commonly used Lipschitz smoothness assumption. Under the new condition, we prove that two popular methods, namely, \emph{gradient clipping} and \emph{normalized gradient}, converge arbitrarily faster than gradient descent with fixed stepsize. We further explain why such adaptively scaled gradient methods can accelerate empirical convergence and verify our results empirically in popular neural network training settings

    Why ADAM Beats SGD for Attention Models

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    While stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is still the de facto algorithm in deep learning, adaptive methods like Adam have been observed to outperform SGD across important tasks, such as attention models. The settings under which SGD performs poorly in comparison to Adam are not well understood yet. In this paper, we provide empirical and theoretical evidence that a heavy-tailed distribution of the noise in stochastic gradients is a root cause of SGD's poor performance. Based on this observation, we study clipped variants of SGD that circumvent this issue; we then analyze their convergence under heavy-tailed noise. Furthermore, we develop a new adaptive coordinate-wise clipping algorithm (ACClip) tailored to such settings. Subsequently, we show how adaptive methods like Adam can be viewed through the lens of clipping, which helps us explain Adam's strong performance under heavy-tail noise settings. Finally, we show that the proposed ACClip outperforms Adam for both BERT pretraining and finetuning tasks

    Fractional Underdamped Langevin Dynamics: Retargeting SGD with Momentum under Heavy-Tailed Gradient Noise

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    Stochastic gradient descent with momentum (SGDm) is one of the most popular optimization algorithms in deep learning. While there is a rich theory of SGDm for convex problems, the theory is considerably less developed in the context of deep learning where the problem is non-convex and the gradient noise might exhibit a heavy-tailed behavior, as empirically observed in recent studies. In this study, we consider a \emph{continuous-time} variant of SGDm, known as the underdamped Langevin dynamics (ULD), and investigate its asymptotic properties under heavy-tailed perturbations. Supported by recent studies from statistical physics, we argue both theoretically and empirically that the heavy-tails of such perturbations can result in a bias even when the step-size is small, in the sense that \emph{the optima of stationary distribution} of the dynamics might not match \emph{the optima of the cost function to be optimized}. As a remedy, we develop a novel framework, which we coin as \emph{fractional} ULD (FULD), and prove that FULD targets the so-called Gibbs distribution, whose optima exactly match the optima of the original cost. We observe that the Euler discretization of FULD has noteworthy algorithmic similarities with \emph{natural gradient} methods and \emph{gradient clipping}, bringing a new perspective on understanding their role in deep learning. We support our theory with experiments conducted on a synthetic model and neural networks.Comment: 20 pages, Published at International Conference on Machine Learning 202

    The Geometry of Sign Gradient Descent

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    Sign-based optimization methods have become popular in machine learning due to their favorable communication cost in distributed optimization and their surprisingly good performance in neural network training. Furthermore, they are closely connected to so-called adaptive gradient methods like Adam. Recent works on signSGD have used a non-standard "separable smoothness" assumption, whereas some older works study sign gradient descent as steepest descent with respect to the ℓ∞\ell_\infty-norm. In this work, we unify these existing results by showing a close connection between separable smoothness and ℓ∞\ell_\infty-smoothness and argue that the latter is the weaker and more natural assumption. We then proceed to study the smoothness constant with respect to the ℓ∞\ell_\infty-norm and thereby isolate geometric properties of the objective function which affect the performance of sign-based methods. In short, we find sign-based methods to be preferable over gradient descent if (i) the Hessian is to some degree concentrated on its diagonal, and (ii) its maximal eigenvalue is much larger than the average eigenvalue. Both properties are common in deep networks