4 research outputs found

    Gamifikasi dalam Pendidikan STEM: Transformasi Pembelajaran dan Pemberdayaan Siswa menuju Industri 5.0

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    Industry 4.0 requires students to think critically and innovatively through the use of technology. In the scope of school, the implementation of gamifikasi method into learning models on STEM is a meaningful and contextual approach applied in distance learning. In this study, the Gamifikasi method was applied into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)-based Physics subjects which were tested on 74 students using the System Usability Scale (SUS) method. As a result, it is evident that the gamifikasi method performed positive impact in changing the way of students’ learning before using the gamifikasi system compared to after using the gamifikasi system. This study reveals that implementing a gamifikasi method in STEM activity-based learning significantly improves students’ outcome. At the junior secondary level, learning scores increased by 64%, and at the senior secondary level, they increased by 76%. The gamifikasi method assessment using the SUS method resulted in a positive score of 70.3, indicating good effectiveness. This study shows that gamifikasi is an effective and attractive method for distance learning.  Industri 4.0 menuntut siswa untuk berpikir kritis dan inovatif melalui pemanfaatan teknologi. Di lingkup sekolah, penerapan metode gamifikasi ke dalam model pembelajaran pada STEM merupakan pendekatan bermakna dan kontekstual yang diterapkan dalam pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pada penelitian ini metode Gamifikasi diterapkan pada mata pelajaran Fisika berbasis Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) yang diujikan kepada 74 siswa dengan menggunakan metode System Usability Scale (SUS). Hasilnya, terbukti bahwa metode gamifikasi memberikan dampak positif dalam mengubah cara belajar siswa sebelum menggunakan sistem gamifikasi dibandingkan setelah menggunakan sistem gamifikasi. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa penerapan metode gamifikasi dalam pembelajaran berbasis aktivitas STEM secara signifikan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa. Pada tingkat SMP, nilai pembelajaran meningkat sebesar 64%, dan pada tingkat menengah atas meningkat sebesar 76%. Penilaian metode gamifikasi dengan metode SUS menghasilkan skor positif sebesar 70,3 yang menunjukkan efektivitas yang baik. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gamifikasi merupakan metode yang efektif dan menarik untuk pembelajaran jarak jauh

    Analysis of Active Learning Suitability of Subjects in Information and Electronics

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    “Active Learning (AL),” the teaching method which puts emphasis on students’ active participation in class and their abilities to discover problems and solve them, has been coming under the spotlight worldwide. NIT, Sendai College, Hirose Campus is promoting AL in the field of information and electronics. Especially, we are practicing “A3 Learning System” specializing in utilizing computers. We have aggressively introduced AL in class and seen the good effects of them. However, some problems are emerging in a certain type of subjects, which may mean that there are subjects unsuitable for AL. In this paper we report large-scale analysis of introduction of AL in information and electronics field and suggest that successful introduction of AL in class depends on the type of subjects

    Analysis of Active Learning Suitability of Subjects in Information and Electronics

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    “Active Learning (AL),” the teaching method which puts emphasis on students’ active participation in class and their abilities to discover problems and solve them, has been coming under the spotlight worldwide. NIT, Sendai College, Hirose Campus is promoting AL in the field of information and electronics. Especially, we are practicing “A3 Learning System” specializing in utilizing computers. We have aggressively introduced AL in class and seen the good effects of them. However, some problems are emerging in a certain type of subjects, which may mean that there are subjects unsuitable for AL. In this paper we report large-scale analysis of introduction of AL in information and electronics field and suggest that successful introduction of AL in class depends on the type of subjects

    Analysis of Active Learning Suitability of Subjects in Information and Electronics

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