147 research outputs found

    Deep Burst Denoising

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    Noise is an inherent issue of low-light image capture, one which is exacerbated on mobile devices due to their narrow apertures and small sensors. One strategy for mitigating noise in a low-light situation is to increase the shutter time of the camera, thus allowing each photosite to integrate more light and decrease noise variance. However, there are two downsides of long exposures: (a) bright regions can exceed the sensor range, and (b) camera and scene motion will result in blurred images. Another way of gathering more light is to capture multiple short (thus noisy) frames in a "burst" and intelligently integrate the content, thus avoiding the above downsides. In this paper, we use the burst-capture strategy and implement the intelligent integration via a recurrent fully convolutional deep neural net (CNN). We build our novel, multiframe architecture to be a simple addition to any single frame denoising model, and design to handle an arbitrary number of noisy input frames. We show that it achieves state of the art denoising results on our burst dataset, improving on the best published multi-frame techniques, such as VBM4D and FlexISP. Finally, we explore other applications of image enhancement by integrating content from multiple frames and demonstrate that our DNN architecture generalizes well to image super-resolution

    Enhanced CNN for image denoising

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    Owing to flexible architectures of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs), CNNs are successfully used for image denoising. However, they suffer from the following drawbacks: (i) deep network architecture is very difficult to train. (ii) Deeper networks face the challenge of performance saturation. In this study, the authors propose a novel method called enhanced convolutional neural denoising network (ECNDNet). Specifically, they use residual learning and batch normalisation techniques to address the problem of training difficulties and accelerate the convergence of the network. In addition, dilated convolutions are used in the proposed network to enlarge the context information and reduce the computational cost. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the ECNDNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods for image denoising.Comment: CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology[J], 201

    Learning Deep CNN Denoiser Prior for Image Restoration

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    Model-based optimization methods and discriminative learning methods have been the two dominant strategies for solving various inverse problems in low-level vision. Typically, those two kinds of methods have their respective merits and drawbacks, e.g., model-based optimization methods are flexible for handling different inverse problems but are usually time-consuming with sophisticated priors for the purpose of good performance; in the meanwhile, discriminative learning methods have fast testing speed but their application range is greatly restricted by the specialized task. Recent works have revealed that, with the aid of variable splitting techniques, denoiser prior can be plugged in as a modular part of model-based optimization methods to solve other inverse problems (e.g., deblurring). Such an integration induces considerable advantage when the denoiser is obtained via discriminative learning. However, the study of integration with fast discriminative denoiser prior is still lacking. To this end, this paper aims to train a set of fast and effective CNN (convolutional neural network) denoisers and integrate them into model-based optimization method to solve other inverse problems. Experimental results demonstrate that the learned set of denoisers not only achieve promising Gaussian denoising results but also can be used as prior to deliver good performance for various low-level vision applications.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2017. Code: https://github.com/cszn/ircn

    Neural Nearest Neighbors Networks

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    Non-local methods exploiting the self-similarity of natural signals have been well studied, for example in image analysis and restoration. Existing approaches, however, rely on k-nearest neighbors (KNN) matching in a fixed feature space. The main hurdle in optimizing this feature space w.r.t. application performance is the non-differentiability of the KNN selection rule. To overcome this, we propose a continuous deterministic relaxation of KNN selection that maintains differentiability w.r.t. pairwise distances, but retains the original KNN as the limit of a temperature parameter approaching zero. To exploit our relaxation, we propose the neural nearest neighbors block (N3 block), a novel non-local processing layer that leverages the principle of self-similarity and can be used as building block in modern neural network architectures. We show its effectiveness for the set reasoning task of correspondence classification as well as for image restoration, including image denoising and single image super-resolution, where we outperform strong convolutional neural network (CNN) baselines and recent non-local models that rely on KNN selection in hand-chosen features spaces.Comment: to appear at NIPS*2018, code available at https://github.com/visinf/n3net

    Denoising single images by feature ensemble revisited

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    Image denoising is still a challenging issue in many computer vision sub-domains. Recent studies show that significant improvements are made possible in a supervised setting. However, few challenges, such as spatial fidelity and cartoon-like smoothing remain unresolved or decisively overlooked. Our study proposes a simple yet efficient architecture for the denoising problem that addresses the aforementioned issues. The proposed architecture revisits the concept of modular concatenation instead of long and deeper cascaded connections, to recover a cleaner approximation of the given image. We find that different modules can capture versatile representations, and concatenated representation creates a richer subspace for low-level image restoration. The proposed architecture's number of parameters remains smaller than the number for most of the previous networks and still achieves significant improvements over the current state-of-the-art networks
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