3 research outputs found

    Analysis and visualization of co-authorship networks for understanding academic collaboration and knowledge domain of individual researchers

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    This paper proposed a new approach for collecting, analyzing and visualizing co-authoring data of individuals. This approach can be used for understanding the academic collaboration and knowledge domain of individual researchers in a past period through repetitive co-published works. Particularly we extracted the co-authoring data from the DBLP which is one of the largest on-line Computer Science bibliographic databases available on the Internet. To help users to understand the academic collaboration and knowledge domain of individuals, we developed an InterRing visualizer which shows not only the weight of co-authorship of an individual with other researchers in particular academic year, but also the knowledge domain of the individual that was covered by his/her publications published in a past period. © 2006 IEEE

    Exploring Gender Role in Co-Authorship Networks for Computing Books: A Case Study in DBLP

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    Social network analysis and mining intend to explore for certain, previously unknown, and probably useful relational information from social and information networks. In our case, the research paper is about identifying collaborative networks between the authors (co-authors) of Computer Science books with the highlighted focus on the women computer scientist’s community. Often the hardest part of collaborating is knowing whom you should be collaborating with. Hence, this study will tackle this issue and will identify, and present a visualization of the co-authors which have already collaborated and how often they have collaborated. In this way, we are going to distinguish the successful collaboration between co-authors, the trend of further collaboration between them and the participation of women on these collaborations. This paper is research which is based on detailed and intensive analysis of the different ways of identifying these kinds of connections through secondary material. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Analysis and Visualization of Co-Authorship Network in Life Cycle Assessment Research Area: A case study of the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment

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    This document focuses on the methods to study the collaboration patterns in co-authorship networks. As well as in other fields, no studies of collaboration patterns have been done in industrial ecology field. In this document we will collect data from scientific publications in this field for and then analyze it. Since there are a large amount of data, we will create a program for their extraction and placement in a database. Database can be used to create graphs with Gephi and statistics with Excel using the necessary data. We base our analysis on a model of undirected weighted graph to represent a collaborative network and to extract from it various network parameters. Results show that 53% of the graph forms a large cluster and the other 47% works in small communities and / or individually.Outgoin