3 research outputs found

    Quantitative analysis of distributed systems

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    PhD ThesisComputing Science addresses the security of real-life systems by using various security-oriented technologies (e.g., access control solutions and resource allocation strategies). These security technologies signficantly increase the operational costs of the organizations in which systems are deployed, due to the highly dynamic, mobile and resource-constrained environments. As a result, the problem of designing user-friendly, secure and high efficiency information systems in such complex environment has become a major challenge for the developers. In this thesis, firstly, new formal models are proposed to analyse the secure information flow in cloud computing systems. Then, the opacity of work flows in cloud computing systems is investigated, a threat model is built for cloud computing systems, and the information leakage in such system is analysed. This study can help cloud service providers and cloud subscribers to analyse the risks they take with the security of their assets and to make security related decision. Secondly, a procedure is established to quantitatively evaluate the costs and benefits of implementing information security technologies. In this study, a formal system model for data resources in a dynamic environment is proposed, which focuses on the location of different classes of data resources as well as the users. Using such a model, the concurrent and probabilistic behaviour of the system can be analysed. Furthermore, efficient solutions are provided for the implementation of information security system based on queueing theory and stochastic Petri nets. This part of research can help information security officers to make well judged information security investment decisions

    Analysing the Performance of Security Solutions to Reduce Vulnerability Exposure Window

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    In this paper we present a novel approach of using mathematical models and stochastic simulations to guide and inform security investment and policy change decisions. In particular, we investigate vulnerability management policies, and explore how effective standard patch management and emergency escalation based policies are, and how they can be combined with earlier, pre-patch mitigation measures to reduce the potential exposure window. The paper describes the model we constructed to represent typical vulnerability management processes in large organizations, which captures the external threat environment and the internal security processes and decision points. We also present the results from the experimental simulations, and show how changes in security solutions and policies, such as speeding up patch deployment and investing in early mitigation measures, affect the overall exposure window in terms of the time it takes to reduce the potential risk. We believe that this type of mathematical modelling and simulation-based approach provides a novel and useful way of considering security investment decisions, which is quite distinct from traditional risk analysis