2 research outputs found

    鈥淓strategia de decisi贸n autom谩tica basada en redes Petri para el cambio entre modos aislado-conectado de micro-redes en CC a redes en CA"

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    El objetivo de esta investigaci贸n es demostrar la factibilidad del empleo de las redes de Petri en el control de interconexi贸n de Micro-redes (MR) con la red principal adem谩s de dise帽ar estrategias de control basadas en redes de Petri que permitan analizar de una manera m谩s sencilla los estados del sistema. En el caso del control de cambios de estado de las Micro-redes se ha aplicado para comparar el funcionamiento tanto de la red principal como el de la MR con el fin de lograr la interconexi贸n en los estados para los que la estrategia de control fue programada. La estrategia de control dise帽ada se aplica para cualquier MR que se conecte a la red principal, siendo demostrado en la aplicaci贸n al programa dise帽ado en Matlab Simulink del trabajo Hibrid AC/DCmicrogrid test system simulation: grid conected mode.The objective of this research is to demonstrate the feasibility of using Petri nets to control the interconnection of Micro-networks (MR) with the main network, as well as to design control strategies based on Petri nets that allow analyzing in a more efficient way. simple system states. In the case of the control of state changes of the Micro-networks, it has been applied to compare the operation of both the main network and that of the MR in order to achieve interconnection in the states for which the control strategy was programmed. The control strategy designed is applied to any MR that is connected to the main network, being demonstrated in the application to the program designed in Matlab Simulink of the work Hibrid AC/DCmicrogrid test system simulation: grid connected mode

    Analog-Domain Suppression of Strong Interference Using Hybrid Antenna Array.

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    The proliferation of wireless applications, the ever-increasing spectrum crowdedness, as well as cell densification makes the issue of interference increasingly severe in many emerging wireless applications. Most interference management/mitigation methods in the literature are problem-specific and require some cooperation/coordination between different radio frequency systems. Aiming to seek a more versatile solution to counteracting strong interference, we resort to the hybrid array of analog subarrays and suppress interference in the analog domain so as to greatly reduce the required quantization bits of the analog-to-digital converters and their power consumption. To this end, we design a real-time algorithm to steer nulls towards the interference directions and maintain flat in non-interference directions, solely using constant-modulus phase shifters. To ensure sufficient null depth for interference suppression, we also develop a two-stage method for accurately estimating interference directions. The proposed solution can be applicable to most (if not all) wireless systems as neither training/reference signal nor cooperation/coordination is required. Extensive simulations show that more than 65 dB of suppression can be achieved for 3 spatially resolvable interference signals yet with random directions