19 research outputs found

    An Upper bound on the number of Steiner triple systems

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    Let STS(n) denote the number of Steiner triple systems on n vertices, and let F(n) denote the number of 1-factorizations of the complete graph on n vertices. We prove the following upper bound. STS(n) <= ((1 + o(1)) (n/e^2))^(n^2/6) F(n) <= ((1 + o(1)) (n/e^2))^(n^2/2) We conjecture that the bound is sharp. Our main tool is the entropy method.Comment: 13 page

    New bounds on the number of n-queens configurations

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    In how many ways can nn queens be placed on an nΓ—nn \times n chessboard so that no two queens attack each other? This is the famous nn-queens problem. Let Q(n)Q(n) denote the number of such configurations, and let T(n)T(n) be the number of configurations on a toroidal chessboard. We show that for every nn of the form 4k+14^k+1, T(n)T(n) and Q(n)Q(n) are both at least nΞ©(n)n^{\Omega(n)}. This result confirms a conjecture of Rivin, Vardi and Zimmerman for these values of nn. We also present new upper bounds on T(n)T(n) and Q(n)Q(n) using the entropy method, and conjecture that in the case of T(n)T(n) the bound is asymptotically tight. Along the way, we prove an upper bound on the number of perfect matchings in regular hypergraphs, which may be of independent interest

    Counting Skolem Sequences

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    We compute the number of solutions to the Skolem pairings problem, S(n), and to the Langford variant of the problem, L(n). These numbers correspond to the sequences A059106, and A014552 in Sloane's Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. The exact value of these numbers were known for any positive integer n < 24 for the first sequence and for any positive integer n < 27 for the second sequence. Our first contribution is computing the exact number of solutions for both sequences for any n < 30. Particularly, we report that S(24) = 102, 388, 058, 845, 620, 672. S(25) = 1, 317, 281, 759, 888, 482, 688. S(28) = 3, 532, 373, 626, 038, 214, 732, 032. S(29) = 52, 717, 585, 747, 603, 598, 276, 736. L(27) = 111, 683, 611, 098, 764, 903, 232. L(28) = 1, 607, 383, 260, 609, 382, 393, 152. Next we present a parallel tempering algorithm for approximately counting the number of pairings. We show that the error is less than one percent for known exact numbers, and obtain approximate values for S(32) ~ 2.2x10^26 , S(33) ~ 3.6x10^27, L(31) ~ 5.3x10^24, and L(32) ~ 8.8x10^2

    On the number of SQSs, latin hypercubes and MDS codes

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    It is established that the logarithm of the number of latin dd-cubes of order nn is Θ(ndln⁑n)\Theta(n^{d}\ln n) and the logarithm of the number of pairs of orthogonal latin squares of order nn is Θ(n2ln⁑n)\Theta(n^2\ln n). Similar estimations are obtained for systems of mutually strong orthogonal latin dd-cubes. As a consequence, it is constructed a set of Steiner quadruple systems of order nn such that the logarithm of its cardinality is Θ(n3ln⁑n)\Theta(n^3\ln n) as nβ†’βˆžn\rightarrow\infty and $n\ {\rm mod}\ 6= 2\ {\rm or}\ 4$.Comment: 10 page

    On the numbers of 1-factors and 1-factorizations of hypergraphs

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    A 1-factor of a hypergraph G=(X,W)G=(X,W) is a set of hyperedges such that every vertex of GG is incident to exactly one hyperedge from the set. A 1-factorization is a partition of all hyperedges of GG into disjoint 1-factors. The adjacency matrix of a dd-uniform hypergraph GG is the dd-dimensional (0,1)-matrix of order ∣X∣|X| such that an element aΞ±1,…,Ξ±da_{\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_d} of AA equals 1 if and only if {Ξ±1,…,Ξ±d}\left\{\alpha_1, \ldots, \alpha_d\right\} is a hyperedge of GG. Here we estimate the number of 1-factors of uniform hypergraphs and the number of 1-factorizations of complete uniform hypergraphs by means of permanents of their adjacency matrices

    Efficient Generation of One-Factorizations through Hill Climbing

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    It is well known that for every even integer nn, the complete graph KnK_{n} has a one-factorization, namely a proper edge coloring with nβˆ’1n-1 colors. Unfortunately, not much is known about the possible structure of large one-factorizations. Also, at present we have only woefully few explicit constructions of one-factorizations. Specifically, we know essentially nothing about the {\em typical} properties of one-factorizations for large nn. Suppose that Cn\cal C_{\rm n} is a graph whose vertex set includes the set of all order-nn one-factorizations and that Ξ¨:V(Cn)β†’R\Psi: V(\cal C_{\rm n})\to \mathbb R takes its minimum precisely at the one-factorizations. Given Cn\cal C_{\rm n} and Ξ¨\Psi, we can generate one-factorizations via hill climbing. Namely, by taking a walk on Cn\cal C_{\rm n} that tends to go from a vertex to a neighbor of smaller Ξ¨\Psi. For over 30 years, hill-climbing has been essentially the only method for generating many large one-factorizations. However, the validity of such methods was supported so far only by numerical evidence. Here, we present for the first time hill-climbing algorithms that provably generate an order-nn one-factorization in polynomial(n)\text{polynomial}(n) steps regardless of the starting state, while all vertex degrees in the underlying graph are appropriately bounded. We also raise many questions and conjectures regarding hill-climbing methods and concerning the possible and typical structure of one-factorizations

    A proof of Tomescu's graph coloring conjecture

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    In 1971, Tomescu conjectured that every connected graph GG on nn vertices with chromatic number kβ‰₯4k\geq4 has at most k!(kβˆ’1)nβˆ’kk!(k-1)^{n-k} proper kk-colorings. Recently, Knox and Mohar proved Tomescu's conjecture for k=4k=4 and k=5k=5. In this paper, we complete the proof of Tomescu's conjecture for all kβ‰₯4k\ge 4, and show that equality occurs if and only if GG is a kk-clique with trees attached to each vertex.Comment: Adds a short proof of the case k=4, removing dependence on previous wor

    1-factorizations of pseudorandom graphs

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    A 11-factorization of a graph GG is a collection of edge-disjoint perfect matchings whose union is E(G)E(G). A trivial necessary condition for GG to admit a 11-factorization is that ∣V(G)∣|V(G)| is even and GG is regular; the converse is easily seen to be false. In this paper, we consider the problem of finding 11-factorizations of regular, pseudorandom graphs. Specifically, we prove that an (n,d,Ξ»)(n,d,\lambda)-graph GG (that is, a dd-regular graph on nn vertices whose second largest eigenvalue in absolute value is at most Ξ»\lambda) admits a 11-factorization provided that nn is even, C0≀d≀nβˆ’1C_0\leq d\leq n-1 (where C0C_0 is a universal constant), and λ≀d1βˆ’o(1)\lambda\leq d^{1-o(1)}. In particular, since (as is well known) a typical random dd-regular graph Gn,dG_{n,d} is such a graph, we obtain the existence of a 11-factorization in a typical Gn,dG_{n,d} for all C0≀d≀nβˆ’1C_0\leq d\leq n-1, thereby extending to all possible values of dd results obtained by Janson, and independently by Molloy, Robalewska, Robinson, and Wormald for fixed dd. Moreover, we also obtain a lower bound for the number of distinct 11-factorizations of such graphs GG which is off by a factor of 22 in the base of the exponent from the known upper bound. This lower bound is better by a factor of 2nd/22^{nd/2} than the previously best known lower bounds, even in the simplest case where GG is the complete graph. Our proofs are probabilistic and can be easily turned into polynomial time (randomized) algorithms

    On a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s on locally sparse Steiner triple systems

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    A famous theorem of Kirkman says that there exists a Steiner triple system of order nn if and only if n≑1,3mod  6n\equiv 1,3\mod{6}. In 1973, Erd\H{o}s conjectured that one can find so-called `sparse' Steiner triple systems. Roughly speaking, the aim is to have at most jβˆ’3j-3 triples on every set of jj points, which would be best possible. (Triple systems with this sparseness property are also referred to as having high girth.) We prove this conjecture asymptotically by analysing a natural generalization of the triangle removal process. Our result also solves a problem posed by Lefmann, Phelps and R\"odl as well as Ellis and Linial in a strong form, and answers a question of Krivelevich, Kwan, Loh, and Sudakov. Moreover, we pose a conjecture which would generalize the Erd\H{o}s conjecture to Steiner systems with arbitrary parameters and provide some evidence for this.Comment: updated references, to appear in Combinatoric

    Smoothed counting of 0-1 points in polyhedra

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    Given a system of linear equations β„“i(x)=Ξ²i\ell_i(x)=\beta_i in an nn-vector xx of 0-1 variables, we compute the expectation of exp⁑{βˆ’βˆ‘iΞ³i(β„“i(x)βˆ’Ξ²i)2}\exp\left\{- \sum_i \gamma_i \left(\ell_i(x) - \beta_i\right)^2\right\}, where xx is a vector of independent Bernoulli random variables and Ξ³i>0\gamma_i >0 are constants. The algorithm runs in quasi-polynomial nO(ln⁑n)n^{O(\ln n)} time under some sparseness condition on the matrix of the system. The result is based on the absence of the zeros of the analytic continuation of the expectation for complex probabilities, which can also be interpreted as the absence of a phase transition in the Ising model with a sufficiently strong external field. We discuss applications to (perfect) matchings in hypergraphs and randomized rounding in discrete optimization.Comment: 24 pages, several improvement