4 research outputs found

    Annotated Bibliography for the MATADOR Project

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    The MATADOR project is focused on developing methods to infer the operational mode of facilities that have the potential to be used in weapons development programs. Our central hypothesis is that by persistent, non-intrusive monitoring of such facilities, differences between various use scenarios can be reliably discovered. The impact of success in this area is that new tools and techniques for monitoring and treaty verification would make it easier to reliably discover and document weapons development activities. This document captures the literature that will serve as a basis to approach this task. The relevant literature is divided into topical areas that relate to the various aspects of expected MATADOR project development. We have found that very little work that is directly applicable for our purposes has been published, which has motivated the development of novel methods under the project. Therefore, the manuscripts referenced in this document were selected based on their potential use as foundational blocks for the methods we anticipate developing, or so that we can understand the limitations of existing methods

    Advanced Persistent Threats in Cybersecurity – Cyber Warfare

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    This book aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), including their characteristics, origins, methods, consequences, and defense strategies, with a focus on detecting these threats. It explores the concept of advanced persistent threats in the context of cyber security and cyber warfare. APTs represent one of the most insidious and challenging forms of cyber threats, characterized by their sophistication, persistence, and targeted nature. The paper examines the origins, characteristics and methods used by APT actors. It also explores the complexities associated with APT detection, analyzing the evolving tactics used by threat actors and the corresponding advances in detection methodologies. It highlights the importance of a multi-faceted approach that integrates technological innovations with proactive defense strategies to effectively identify and mitigate APT

    Amenințările persistente avansate în securitatea cibernetică – Războiul cibernetic

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    O analiză cuprinzătoare a Amenințărilor Persistente Avansate (Advanced Persistent Threats, APT), inclusiv caracteristicile, originile, metodele, consecințele și strategiile de apărare ale acestora, cu accent pe detectarea acestor amenințări. Se explorează conceptul de amenințări persistente avansate în contextul securității cibernetice și al războiului cibernetic. APT reprezintă una dintre cele mai insidioase și provocatoare forme de amenințări cibernetice, caracterizate prin sofisticarea, persistența și natura lor țintită. Această carte analizează originile, caracteristicile și metodele folosite de actorii APT. De asemenea, explorează complexitățile asociate cu detectarea APT, analizând tacticile evolutive folosite de actorii amenințărilor și a progreselor corespunzătoare în metodologiile de detectare. Cartea subliniază importanța abordării cu mai multe fațete, care integrează inovații tehnologice cu strategii proactive de apărare pentru a identifica în mod eficient și atenua APT

    Les menaces persistantes avancées en cybersécurité – La guerre cybernétique

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    Ce livre vise à fournir une analyse complète des menaces persistantes avancées, y compris leurs caractéristiques, origines, méthodes, conséquences et stratégies de défense, en mettant l'accent sur la détection de ces menaces. Il explore le concept de menaces persistantes avancées dans le contexte de la cybersécurité et de la cyberguerre. Les menaces persistantes avancées représentent l’une des formes de cybermenaces les plus insidieuses et les plus complexes, caractérisée par leur sophistication, leur persistance et leur nature ciblée. Le livre examine les origines, les caractéristiques et les méthodes utilisées par les acteurs des menaces persistantes avancées. Il explore également les complexités associées à la détection des menaces persistantes avancées, en analysant l'évolution des tactiques utilisées par les acteurs de la menace et les avancées correspondantes dans les méthodologies de détection. Il souligne l’importance d’une approche multidimensionnelle intégrant les innovations technologiques à des stratégies de défense proactives pour identifier et atténuer efficacement les menaces persistantes avancées