1 research outputs found

    An optimal dispatch scheme for DSO and prosumers by implementing three-phase distribution locational marginal prices

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    Since distribution system operator (DSO) cannot directly control prosumers with controllable resources,this paper proposes an optimal dispatch method of using three-phase distribution locational marginal prices (DLMPs) as effective economic signals to incentivize prosumers' behaviors. In the proposed three-phase DLMP model, DLMPs for both active power and reactive power are calculated. To alleviate the imbalance, congestions and voltage violations in active distribution networks (ADNs),the DSO and prosumers should be coordinated. We develop such a coordinated control scheme for the DSO and prosumers,in which the DSO generates and broadcasts three-phase DLMPs as price signals to induce prosumers' behaviors. We prove that given the DLMPs for active power and reactive power as settlement prices, the optimal dispatch of the ADN will also maximize the surplus of prosumers. Therefore, the power output of rational prosumers will match the optimal dispatch,resulting in better operational conditions of ADNs. Then the three-phase imbalance,congestions and voltage violations will be well reduced. Numerical tests demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach