14 research outputs found

    An Improved Distributed Algorithm for Maximal Independent Set

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    The Maximal Independent Set (MIS) problem is one of the basics in the study of locality in distributed graph algorithms. This paper presents an extremely simple randomized algorithm providing a near-optimal local complexity for this problem, which incidentally, when combined with some recent techniques, also leads to a near-optimal global complexity. Classical algorithms of Luby [STOC'85] and Alon, Babai and Itai [JALG'86] provide the global complexity guarantee that, with high probability, all nodes terminate after O(logn)O(\log n) rounds. In contrast, our initial focus is on the local complexity, and our main contribution is to provide a very simple algorithm guaranteeing that each particular node vv terminates after O(logdeg(v)+log1/ϵ)O(\log \mathsf{deg}(v)+\log 1/\epsilon) rounds, with probability at least 1ϵ1-\epsilon. The guarantee holds even if the randomness outside 22-hops neighborhood of vv is determined adversarially. This degree-dependency is optimal, due to a lower bound of Kuhn, Moscibroda, and Wattenhofer [PODC'04]. Interestingly, this local complexity smoothly transitions to a global complexity: by adding techniques of Barenboim, Elkin, Pettie, and Schneider [FOCS'12, arXiv: 1202.1983v3], we get a randomized MIS algorithm with a high probability global complexity of O(logΔ)+2O(loglogn)O(\log \Delta) + 2^{O(\sqrt{\log \log n})}, where Δ\Delta denotes the maximum degree. This improves over the O(log2Δ)+2O(loglogn)O(\log^2 \Delta) + 2^{O(\sqrt{\log \log n})} result of Barenboim et al., and gets close to the Ω(min{logΔ,logn})\Omega(\min\{\log \Delta, \sqrt{\log n}\}) lower bound of Kuhn et al. Corollaries include improved algorithms for MIS in graphs of upper-bounded arboricity, or lower-bounded girth, for Ruling Sets, for MIS in the Local Computation Algorithms (LCA) model, and a faster distributed algorithm for the Lov\'asz Local Lemma

    Distributed Symmetry Breaking in Hypergraphs

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    Fundamental local symmetry breaking problems such as Maximal Independent Set (MIS) and coloring have been recognized as important by the community, and studied extensively in (standard) graphs. In particular, fast (i.e., logarithmic run time) randomized algorithms are well-established for MIS and Δ+1\Delta +1-coloring in both the LOCAL and CONGEST distributed computing models. On the other hand, comparatively much less is known on the complexity of distributed symmetry breaking in {\em hypergraphs}. In particular, a key question is whether a fast (randomized) algorithm for MIS exists for hypergraphs. In this paper, we study the distributed complexity of symmetry breaking in hypergraphs by presenting distributed randomized algorithms for a variety of fundamental problems under a natural distributed computing model for hypergraphs. We first show that MIS in hypergraphs (of arbitrary dimension) can be solved in O(log2n)O(\log^2 n) rounds (nn is the number of nodes of the hypergraph) in the LOCAL model. We then present a key result of this paper --- an O(Δϵpolylog(n))O(\Delta^{\epsilon}\text{polylog}(n))-round hypergraph MIS algorithm in the CONGEST model where Δ\Delta is the maximum node degree of the hypergraph and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 is any arbitrarily small constant. To demonstrate the usefulness of hypergraph MIS, we present applications of our hypergraph algorithm to solving problems in (standard) graphs. In particular, the hypergraph MIS yields fast distributed algorithms for the {\em balanced minimal dominating set} problem (left open in Harris et al. [ICALP 2013]) and the {\em minimal connected dominating set problem}. We also present distributed algorithms for coloring, maximal matching, and maximal clique in hypergraphs.Comment: Changes from the previous version: More references adde

    Computing in Additive Networks with Bounded-Information Codes

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    This paper studies the theory of the additive wireless network model, in which the received signal is abstracted as an addition of the transmitted signals. Our central observation is that the crucial challenge for computing in this model is not high contention, as assumed previously, but rather guaranteeing a bounded amount of \emph{information} in each neighborhood per round, a property that we show is achievable using a new random coding technique. Technically, we provide efficient algorithms for fundamental distributed tasks in additive networks, such as solving various symmetry breaking problems, approximating network parameters, and solving an \emph{asymmetry revealing} problem such as computing a maximal input. The key method used is a novel random coding technique that allows a node to successfully decode the received information, as long as it does not contain too many distinct values. We then design our algorithms to produce a limited amount of information in each neighborhood in order to leverage our enriched toolbox for computing in additive networks

    Noisy Beeping Networks

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    We introduce noisy beeping networks, where nodes have limited communication capabilities, namely, they can only emit energy or sense the channel for energy. Furthermore, imperfections may cause devices to malfunction with some fixed probability when sensing the channel, which amounts to deducing a noisy received transmission. Such noisy networks have implications for ultra-lightweight sensor networks and biological systems. We show how to compute tasks in a noise-resilient manner over noisy beeping networks of arbitrary structure. In particular, we transform any algorithm that assumes a noiseless beeping network (of size nn) into a noise-resilient version while incurring a multiplicative overhead of only O(logn)O(\log n) in its round complexity, with high probability. We show that our coding is optimal for some tasks, such as node-coloring of a clique. We further show how to simulate a large family of algorithms designed for distributed networks in the CONGEST(BB) model over a noisy beeping network. The simulation succeeds with high probability and incurs an asymptotic multiplicative overhead of O(BΔmin(n,Δ2))O(B\cdot \Delta \cdot \min(n,\Delta^2)) in the round complexity, where Δ\Delta is the maximal degree of the network. The overhead is tight for certain graphs, e.g., a clique. Further, this simulation implies a constant overhead coding for constant-degree networks