2 research outputs found

    Infrastructure and cities ontologies

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    The creation and use of ontologies has become increasingly relevant for complex systems in recent years. This is because of the growing number of use of cases that rely on real-world integration of disparate systems, the need for semantic congruence across boundaries and the expectations of users for conceptual clarity within evolving domains or systems of interest. These needs are evident in most spheres of research involving complex systems, but they are particularly apparent in infrastructure and cities where traditionally siloed and sectoral approaches have dominated, undermining the potential for integration to solve societal challenges such as net zero, resilience to climate change, equity and affordability. This paper reports on findings of a literature review on infrastructure and city ontologies and puts forward some hypotheses inferred from the literature findings. The hypotheses are discussed with reference to the literature and provide avenues for further research on (a) belief systems that underpin non-top-level ontologies and the potential for interference from them, (b) the need for a small number of top-level ontologies and translation mechanisms between them and (c) clarity on the role of standards and information systems in the adaptability and quality of data sets using ontologies. A gap is also identified in the extent that ontologies can support more complex automated coupling and data transformation when dealing with different scales

    An entity-relationship model of the flow of waste and resources in city-regions: Improving knowledge management for the circular economy

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    Waste and resources management is one of the domains where urban and regional planning can transition towards a Circular Economy, thus slowing environmental degradation. Improving waste and resources management in cities requires an adequate understanding of multiple systems and how they interact. New technologies contribute to improve waste management and resource efficiency, but knowledge silos hinder the possibility of delivering sound holistic solutions. Furthermore, lack of compatibility between data formats and diverse definitions of the same concept reduces information exchange across different urban domains. This paper addresses the challenge of organising and standardising information about waste and resources management in city regions. Given the amount and variety of data constantly captured, data models and standards are a crucial element of Industry 4.0. The paper proposes an Entity-Relationship Model to harmonise definitions and integrate information on waste and resources management. Furthermore, it helps to formalise the components of the system and their relationships. Semi-structured interviews with government officials, mobile app developers and academics provided insights into the specific system and endorsed the model. Finally, the paper illustrates the translation of the ERM into a relational database schema and instantiates Waste Management and industrial Symbiosis cases in Buenos Aires (ARG) and Helsingborg (SWE) to validate its general applicability. The data model for the Circular Flow of Waste and Resources presented here enhances traditional waste management perspectives by introducing Circular Economy strategies and spatial variables in the model. Thus, this research represents a step towards unlocking the true potential of Industry 4.0