3 research outputs found

    Planning and control for microassembly of structures composed of stress-engineered MEMS microrobots

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    We present control strategies that implement planar microassembly using groups of stress-engineered MEMS microrobots (MicroStressBots) controlled through a single global control signal. The global control signal couples the motion of the devices, causing the system to be highly underactuated. In order for the robots to assemble into arbitrary planar shapes despite the high degree of underactuation, it is desirable that each robot be independently maneuverable (independently controllable). To achieve independent control, we fabricated robots that behave (move) differently from one another in response to the same global control signal. We harnessed this differentiation to develop assembly control strategies, where the assembly goal is a desired geometric shape that can be obtained by connecting the chassis of individual robots. We derived and experimentally tested assembly plans that command some of the robots to make progress toward the goal, while other robots are constrained to remain in small circular trajectories (orbits) until it is their turn to move into the goal shape. Our control strategies were tested on systems of fabricated MicroStressBots. The robots are 240–280 µm × 60 µm × 7–20 µm in size and move simultaneously within a single operating environment. We demonstrated the feasibility of our control scheme by accurately assembling five different types of planar microstructures

    Development of a Virtual Factory Environment to Study, Simulate and Improve the Material Flow Between Multiple Micro Assembly Work Cells

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    This thesis focuses on the creation of a virtual factory environment and its use to improve material flow between micro assembly work cells. The idea is to create a methodology that enables users to study the improvement of micro factory layouts and compare them based on their performance in the virtual environment. The main objectives for this project are to create a virtual factory environment using Unity� software, a game engine, and use it to simulate near optimal routing sequences between work cells. Programming in Unity� creates user interfaces that accept inputs with near optimal sequences that visit all the micro assembly cells in the simulated factory. Near optimal sequences are obtained using genetic algorithms within the Global Optimization tool from MatLab. This tool calls pre - programed functions that repeatedly apply genetic operators, like crossovers and mutations, to a given sequence in order to find a near optimal one. MatLab feeds from external data that consists of the distances between the work cells. These distances are calculated and stored in an Excel file which is read directly from the MatLab environment.All thesis objectives are fulfilled and the proposed methodology is used successfully to create a virtual micro factory in Unity�. The model is used to simulate several sequences for different circumstances:� Material distribution for a twenty four cell layout connected by conveyors.� Material distribution for only twelve of the twenty four available stations.� Design of material distribution sequence to supply twenty four work cells that are not limited by conveyor connections.In all situations the cumulative travel distances calculated in the Unity� model matched the objective function value estimated in MatLab. This validated the ability of the model to accurately represent the motion of materials within a micro assembly factory. This methodology can be used not only to study and improve existing micro factory systems but to also design future micro factories to be more efficient. The flexibility of the Unity� environment enables the users not to only simulate the movement of materials along near optimal sequences but to also reposition objects to quickly create different layout options.Industrial Engineering & Managemen

    Concept, modeling and experimental characterization of the modulated friction inertial drive (MFID) locomotion principle:application to mobile microrobots

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    A mobile microrobot is defined as a robot with a size ranging from 1 in3 down to 100 µm3 and a motion range of at least several times the robot's length. Mobile microrobots have a great potential for a wide range of mid-term and long-term applications such as minimally invasive surgery, inspection, surveillance, monitoring and interaction with the microscale world. A systematic study of the state of the art of locomotion for mobile microrobots shows that there is a need for efficient locomotion solutions for mobile microrobots featuring several degrees of freedom (DOF). This thesis proposes and studies a new locomotion concept based on stepping motion considering a decoupling of the two essential functions of a locomotion principle: slip generation and slip variation. The proposed "Modulated Friction Inertial Drive" (MFID) principle is defined as a stepping locomotion principle in which slip is generated by the inertial effect of a symmetric, axial vibration, while the slip variation is obtained from an active modulation of the friction force. The decoupling of slip generation and slip variation also has lead to the introduction of the concept of a combination of on-board and off-board actuation. This concept allows for an optimal trade-off between robot simplicity and power consumption on the one hand and on-board motion control on the other hand. The stepping motion of a MFID actuator is studied in detail by means of simulation of a numeric model and experimental characterization of a linear MFID actuator. The experimental setup is driven by piezoelectric actuators that vibrate in axial direction in order to generate slip and in perpendicular direction in order to vary the contact force. After identification of the friction parameters a good match between simulation and experimental results is achieved. MFID motion velocity has shown to depend sinusoidally on the phase shift between axial and perpendicular vibration. Motion velocity also increases linearly with increasing vibration amplitudes and driving frequency. Two parameters characterizing the MFID stepping behavior have been introduced. The step efficiency ηstep expresses the efficiency with which the actuator is capable of transforming the axial vibration in net motion. The force ratio qF evaluates the ease with which slip is generated by comparing the maximum inertial force in axial direction to the minimum friction force. The suitability of the MFID principle for mobile microrobot locomotion has been demonstrated by the development and characterization of three locomotion modules with between 2 and 3 DOF. The microrobot prototypes are driven by piezoelectric and electrostatic comb drive actuators and feature a characteristic body length between 20 mm and 10 mm. Characterization results include fast locomotion velocities up to 3 mm/s for typical driving voltages of some tens of volts and driving frequencies ranging from some tens of Hz up to some kHz. Moreover, motion resolutions in the nanometer range and very low power consumption of some tens of µW have been demonstrated. The advantage of the concept of a combination of on-board and off-board actuation has been demonstrated by the on-board simplicity of two of the three prototypes. The prototypes have also demonstrated the major advantage of the MFID principle: resonance operation has shown to reduce the power consumption, reduce the driving voltage and allow for simple driving electronics. Finally, with the fabrication of 2 × 2 mm2 locomotion modules with 2 DOF, a first step towards the development of mm-sized mobile microrobots with on-board motion control is made