3 research outputs found

    Forbidding just one intersection, for permutations

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    We prove that for nn sufficiently large, if AA is a family of permutations of {1,2,…,n}\{1,2,\ldots,n\} with no two permutations in A\mathcal{A} agreeing exactly once, then ∣Aβˆ£β‰€(nβˆ’2)!|\mathcal{A}| \leq (n-2)!, with equality holding only if A\mathcal{A} is a coset of the stabilizer of 2 points. We also obtain a Hilton-Milner type result, namely that if A\mathcal{A} is such a family which is not contained within a coset of the stabilizer of 2 points, then it is no larger than the family $\{\sigma \in S_{n}:\ \sigma(1)=1,\sigma(2)=2,\ \#\{\textrm{fixed points of}\sigma \geq 5\} \neq 1\} \cup \{(1\ 3)(2\ 4),(1\ 4)(2\ 3),(1\ 3\ 2\ 4),(1\ 4\ 2\ 3)\}.Weconjecturethatfor. We conjecture that for t \in \mathbb{N},andfor, and for nsufficientlylargedependingon sufficiently large depending on t,if, if \mathcal{A}isfamilyofpermutationsof is family of permutations of \{1,2,\ldots,n\}withnotwopermutationsin with no two permutations in \mathcal{A}agreeingexactly agreeing exactly t-1times,then times, then |\mathcal{A}| \leq (n-t)!,withequalityholdingonlyif, with equality holding only if \mathcal{A}isacosetofthestabilizerof is a coset of the stabilizer of tpoints.ThiscanbeseenasapermutationanalogueofaconjectureofErdo˝sonfamiliesof points. This can be seen as a permutation analogue of a conjecture of Erd\H{o}s on families of k$-element sets with a forbidden intersection, proved by Frankl and F\"uredi in [P. Frankl and Z. F\"uredi, Forbidding Just One Intersection, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Volume 39 (1985), pp. 160-176].Comment: 26 page

    A quasi-stability result for dictatorships in SnS_{n}

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    We prove that Boolean functions on SnS_{n} whose Fourier transform is highly concentrated on the first two irreducible representations of SnS_n, are close to being unions of cosets of point-stabilizers. We use this to give a natural proof of a stability result on intersecting families of permutations, originally conjectured by Cameron and Ku, and first proved by the first author. We also use it to prove a `quasi-stability' result for an edge-isoperimetric inequality in the transposition graph on SnS_n, namely that subsets of SnS_n with small edge-boundary in the transposition graph are close to being unions of cosets of point-stabilizers.Comment: Introduction updated and expanded; 'Background' section expanded; references update

    Low-degree Boolean functions on SnS_n, with an application to isoperimetry

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    We prove that Boolean functions on SnS_n, whose Fourier transform is highly concentrated on irreducible representations indexed by partitions of nn whose largest part has size at least nβˆ’tn-t, are close to being unions of cosets of stabilizers of tt-tuples. We also obtain an edge-isoperimetric inequality for the transposition graph on SnS_n which is asymptotically sharp for subsets of SnS_n of size n!/poly(n)n!/\textrm{poly}(n), using eigenvalue techniques. We then combine these two results to obtain a sharp edge-isoperimetric inequality for subsets of SnS_n of size (nβˆ’t)!(n-t)!, where nn is large compared to tt, confirming a conjecture of Ben Efraim in these cases.Comment: Minor corrections to statements of Lemmas 15 and 16. A prior theorem, cited in the Intro. of the previous version (Theorem 2) has recently been found to be false. This does not affect the rest of the paper. We have amended the statement of Theorem 2 and provided a counterexample to the original statement. This counterexample shows that our main theorem (Theorem 3) is sharper than we first though