13 research outputs found

    An Interpretation of the Dual Problem of the THREE-like Approaches

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    Spectral estimation can be preformed using the so called THREE-like approach. Such method leads to a convex optimization problem whose solution is characterized through its dual problem. In this paper, we show that the dual problem can be seen as a new parametric spectral estimation problem. This interpretation implies that the THREE-like solution is optimal in terms of closeness to the correlogram over a certain parametric class of spectral densities, enriching in this way its meaningfulness

    Model Predictive Control meets robust Kalman filtering

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    Model Predictive Control (MPC) is the principal control technique used in industrial applications. Although it offers distinguishable qualities that make it ideal for industrial applications, it can be questioned its robustness regarding model uncertainties and external noises. In this paper we propose a robust MPC controller that merges the simplicity in the design of MPC with added robustness. In particular, our control system stems from the idea of adding robustness in the prediction phase of the algorithm through a specific robust Kalman filter recently introduced. Notably, the overall result is an algorithm very similar to classic MPC but that also provides the user with the possibility to tune the robustness of the control. To test the ability of the controller to deal with errors in modeling, we consider a servomechanism system characterized by nonlinear dynamics

    Robust Kalman Filtering under Model Perturbations

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    We consider a family of divergence-based minimax approaches to perform robust filtering. The mismodeling budget, or tolerance, is specified at each time increment of the model. More precisely, all possible model increments belong to a ball which is formed by placing a bound on the Tau-divergence family between the actual and the nominal model increment. Then, the robust filter is obtained by minimizing the mean square error according to the least favorable model in that ball. It turns out that the solution is a family of Kalman like filters. Their gain matrix is updated according to a risk sensitive like iteration where the risk sensitivity parameter is now time varying. As a consequence, we also extend the risk sensitive filter to a family of risk sensitive like filters according to the Tau-divergence family

    Convergence analysis of a family of robust Kalman filters based on the contraction principle

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    In this paper we analyze the convergence of a family of robust Kalman filters. For each filter of this family the model uncertainty is tuned according to the so called tolerance parameter. Assuming that the corresponding state-space model is reachable and observable, we show that the corresponding Riccati-like mapping is strictly contractive provided that the tolerance is sufficiently small, accordingly the filter converges

    The Harmonic Analysis of Kernel Functions

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    Kernel-based methods have been recently introduced for linear system identification as an alternative to parametric prediction error methods. Adopting the Bayesian perspective, the impulse response is modeled as a non-stationary Gaussian process with zero mean and with a certain kernel (i.e. covariance) function. Choosing the kernel is one of the most challenging and important issues. In the present paper we introduce the harmonic analysis of this non-stationary process, and argue that this is an important tool which helps in designing such kernel. Furthermore, this analysis suggests also an effective way to approximate the kernel, which allows to reduce the computational burden of the identification procedure

    A new kernel-based approach for spectral estimation

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    The paper addresses the problem to estimate the power spectral density of an ARMA zero mean Gaussian process. We propose a kernel based maximum entropy spectral estimator. The latter searches the optimal spectrum over a class of high order autoregressive models while the penalty term induced by the kernel matrix promotes regularity and exponential decay to zero of the impulse response of the corresponding one-step ahead predictor. Moreover, the proposed method also provides a minimum phase spectral factor of the process. Numerical experiments showed the effectiveness of the proposed method