32 research outputs found

    Robust Transmission in Downlink Multiuser MISO Systems: A Rate-Splitting Approach

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    We consider a downlink multiuser MISO system with bounded errors in the Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT). We first look at the robust design problem of achieving max-min fairness amongst users (in the worst-case sense). Contrary to the conventional approach adopted in literature, we propose a rather unorthodox design based on a Rate-Splitting (RS) strategy. Each user's message is split into two parts, a common part and a private part. All common parts are packed into one super common message encoded using a public codebook, while private parts are independently encoded. The resulting symbol streams are linearly precoded and simultaneously transmitted, and each receiver retrieves its intended message by decoding both the common stream and its corresponding private stream. For CSIT uncertainty regions that scale with SNR (e.g. by scaling the number of feedback bits), we prove that a RS-based design achieves higher max-min (symmetric) Degrees of Freedom (DoF) compared to conventional designs (NoRS). For the special case of non-scaling CSIT (e.g. fixed number of feedback bits), and contrary to NoRS, RS can achieve a non-saturating max-min rate. We propose a robust algorithm based on the cutting-set method coupled with the Weighted Minimum Mean Square Error (WMMSE) approach, and we demonstrate its performance gains over state-of-the art designs. Finally, we extend the RS strategy to address the Quality of Service (QoS) constrained power minimization problem, and we demonstrate significant gains over NoRS-based designs.Comment: Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Coordinated Per-Antenna Power Minimization for Multicell Massive MIMO Systems with Low-Resolution Data Converters

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    A multicell-coordinated beamforming solution for massive multiple-input multiple-output orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems is presented when employing low-resolution data converters and per-antenna level constraints. For a more realistic deployment, we aim to find the downlink (DL) beamformer that minimizes the maximum power on transmit antenna array of each basestation under received signal quality constraints while minimizing per-antenna transmit power. We show that strong duality holds between the primal DL formulation and its manageable Lagrangian dual problem which can be interpreted as the virtual uplink (UL) problem with adjustable noise covariance matrices. For a fixed set of noise covariance matrices, we claim that the virtual UL solution is effectively used to compute the DL beamformer and noise covariance matrices can be subsequently updated with an associated subgradient. Our primary contributions are then (1) formulating the quantized DL OFDM antenna power minimax problem and deriving its associated dual problem, (2) showing strong duality and interpreting the dual as a virtual quantized UL OFDM problem, and (3) developing an iterative minimax algorithm based on the dual problem. Simulations validate the proposed algorithm in terms of the maximum antenna transmit power and peak-to-average-power ratio.Comment: submitted for possible IEEE journal publicatio

    Design of discrete-time filters for efficient implementation

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2011.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 325-333).The cost of implementation of discrete-time filters is often strongly dependent on the number of non-zero filter coefficients or the precision with which the coefficients are represented. This thesis addresses the design of sparse and bit-efficient filters under different constraints on filter performance in the context of frequency response approximation, signal estimation, and signal detection. The results have applications in several areas, including the equalization of communication channels, frequency-selective and frequency-shaping filtering, and minimum-variance distortionless-response beamforming. The design problems considered admit efficient and exact solutions in special cases. For the more difficult general case, two approaches are pursued. The first develops low-complexity algorithms that are shown to yield optimal or near-optimal designs in many instances, but without guarantees. The second focuses on optimal algorithms based on the branch-and-bound procedure. The complexity of branch-and-bound is reduced through the use of bounds that are good approximations to the true optimal cost. Several bounding methods are developed, many involving relaxations of the original problem. The approximation quality of the bounds is characterized and efficient computational methods are discussed. Numerical experiments show that the bounds can result in substantial reductions in computational complexity.by Dennis Wei.Ph.D

    Application of integer quadratic programming in detection of high-dimensional wireless systems

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    High-dimensional wireless systems have recently generated a great deal of interest due to their ability to accommodate increasing demands for high transmission data rates with high communication reliability. Examples of such large-scale systems include single-input, single-output symbol spread OFDM system, large-scale single-user multi-input multi-output (MIMO) OFDM systems, and large-scale multiuser MIMO systems. In these systems, the number of symbols required to be jointly detected at the receiver is relatively large. The challenge with the practical realization of these systems is to design a detection scheme that provides high communication reliability with reasonable computational complexity, even as the number of simultaneously transmitted independent communication signals becomes very large.^ Most of the optimal or near-optimal detection techniques that have been proposed in the literature of relatively low-dimensional wireless systems, such as MIMO systems in which number of antennas is less than 10, become problematic for high-dimensional detection problems. That is, their performance degrades or the computational complexity becomes prohibitive, especially when higher-order QAM constellations are employed.^ In the first part of this thesis, we propose a near-optimal detection technique which offers a flexible trade-off between complexity and performance. The proposed technique formulates the detection problem in terms of Integer Quadratic Programming (IQP), which is then solved through a controlled Branch and Bound (BB) search tree algorithm. In addition to providing good performance, an important feature of this approach is that its computational complexity remains roughly the same even as we increase the constellation order from 4-QAM to 256-QAM. The performance of the proposed algorithm is investigated for both symbol spread OFDM systems and large-scale MIMO systems with both frequency selective and at fading channels.^ The second part of this work focuses on a reduced complexity version of IQP referred to as relaxed quadratic programming (QP). In particular, QP is used to reformulate two widely used detection schemes for MIMO OFDM: (1) Successive Interference Cancellation (SIC) and (2) Iterative Detecting and Decoding (IDD). First, SIC-based algorithms are derived via a QP formulation in contrast to using a linear MMSE detector at each stage. The resulting QP-SIC algorithms offer lower computational complexity than the SIC schemes that employ linear MMSE at each stage, especially when the dimension of the received signal vector is high. Three versions of QP-SIC are proposed based on various trade-offs between complexity and receiver performance; each of the three QP-SIC algorithms outperforms existing SIC techniques. Second, IDD-based algorithms are developed using a QP detector. We show how the soft information, in terms of the Log Likelihood Ratio (LLR), can be extracted from the QP detector. Further, the procedure for incorporating the a-priori information that is passed from the channel decoder to the QP detector is developed. Simulation results are presented demonstrating that the use of QP in IDD offers improved performance at the cost of a reasonable increase in complexity compared to linear detectors

    Multi-user spatial diversity techniques for wireless communication systems

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    Multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver, formally known as multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have the potential to either increase the data rates through spatial multiplexing or enhance the quality of services through exploitation of diversity. In this thesis, the problem of downlink spatial multiplexing, where a base station (BS) serves multiple users simultaneously in the same frequency band is addressed. Spatial multiplexing techniques have the potential to make huge saving in the bandwidth utilization. We propose spatial diversity techniques with and without the assumption of perfect channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. We start with proposing improvement to signal-to-leakage ratio (SLR) maximization based spatial multiplexing techniques for both fiat fading and frequency selective channels. [Continues.

    Optimal Jammer Placement in Wireless Localization Systems

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    In this study, the optimal jammer placement problem is proposed and analyzed for wireless localization systems. In particular, the optimal location of a jammer node is obtained by maximizing the minimum of the Cramér-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) for a number of target nodes under location related constraints for the jammer node. For scenarios with more than two target nodes, theoretical results are derived to specify conditions under which the jammer node is located as close to a certain target node as possible, or the optimal location of the jammer node is determined by two of the target nodes. Also, explicit expressions are provided for the optimal location of the jammer node in the presence of two target nodes. In addition, in the absence of distance constraints for the jammer node, it is proved, for scenarios with more than two target nodes, that the optimal jammer location lies on the convex hull formed by the locations of the target nodes and is determined by two or three of the target nodes, which have equalized CRLBs. Numerical examples are presented to provide illustrations of the theoretical results in different scenarios. © 1991-2012 IEEE

    IIR Digital Filter Design Using Convex Optimization

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    Digital filters play an important role in digital signal processing and communication. From the 1960s, a considerable number of design algorithms have been proposed for finite-duration impulse response (FIR) digital filters and infinite-duration impulse response (IIR) digital filters. Compared with FIR digital filters, IIR digital filters have better approximation capabilities under the same specifications. Nevertheless, due to the presence of the denominator in its rational transfer function, an IIR filter design problem cannot be easily formulated as an equivalent convex optimization problem. Furthermore, for stability, all the poles of an IIR digital filter must be constrained within a stability domain, which, however, is generally nonconvex. Therefore, in practical designs, optimal solutions cannot be definitely attained. In this dissertation, we focus on IIR filter design problems under the weighted least-squares (WLS) and minimax criteria. Convex optimization will be utilized as the major mathematical tool to formulate and analyze such IIR filter design problems. Since the original IIR filter design problem is essentially nonconvex, some approximation and convex relaxation techniques have to be deployed to achieve convex formulations of such design problems. We first consider the stability issue. A sufficient and necessary stability condition is derived from the argument principle. Although the original stability condition is in a nonconvex form, it can be appropriately approximated by a quadratic constraint and readily combined with sequential WLS design procedures. Based on the sufficient and necessary stability condition, this approximate stability constraint can achieve an improved description of the nonconvex stability domain. We also address the nonconvexity issue of minimax design of IIR digital filters. Convex relaxation techniques are applied to obtain relaxed design problems, which are formulated, respectively, as second-order cone programming (SOCP) and semidefinite programming (SDP) problems. By solving these relaxed design problems, we can estimate lower bounds of minimum approximation errors, which are useful in subsequent design procedures to achieve real minimax solutions. Since the relaxed design problems are independent of local information, compared with many prevalent design methods which employ local search, the proposed design methods using the convex relaxation techniques have an increased chance to obtain an optimal design

    Spectrally efficient FDM communication signals and transceivers: design, mathematical modelling and system optimization

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    This thesis addresses theoretical, mathematical modelling and design issues of Spectrally Efficient FDM (SEFDM) systems. SEFDM systems propose bandwidth savings when compared to Orthogonal FDM (OFDM) systems by multiplexing multiple non-orthogonal overlapping carriers. Nevertheless, the deliberate collapse of orthogonality poses significant challenges on the SEFDM system in terms of performance and complexity, both issues are addressed in this work. This thesis first investigates the mathematical properties of the SEFDM system and reveals the links between the system conditioning and its main parameters through closed form formulas derived for the Intercarrier Interference (ICI) and the system generating matrices. A rigorous and efficient mathematical framework, to represent non-orthogonal signals using Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform (IDFT) blocks, is proposed. This is subsequently used to design simple SEFDM transmitters and to realize a new Matched Filter (MF) based demodulator using the Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT), thereby substantially simplifying the transmitter and demodulator design and localizing complexity at detection stage with no premium at performance. Operation is confirmed through the derivation and numerical verification of optimal detectors in the form of Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Sphere Decoder (SD). Moreover, two new linear detectors that address the ill conditioning of the system are proposed: the first based on the Truncated Singular Value Decomposition (TSVD) and the second accounts for selected ICI terms and termed Selective Equalization (SelE). Numerical investigations show that both detectors substantially outperform existing linear detection techniques. Furthermore, the use of the Fixed Complexity Sphere Decoder (FSD) is proposed to further improve performance and avoid the variable complexity of the SD. Ultimately, a newly designed combined FSD-TSVD detector is proposed and shown to provide near optimal error performance for bandwidth savings of 20% with reduced and fixed complexity. The thesis also addresses some practical considerations of the SEFDM systems. In particular, mathematical and numerical investigations have shown that the SEFDM signal is prone to high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) that can lead to significant performance degradations. Investigations of PAPR control lead to the proposal of a new technique, termed SLiding Window (SLW), utilizing the SEFDM signal structure which shows superior efficacy in PAPR control over conventional techniques with lower complexity. The thesis also addresses the performance of the SEFDM system in multipath fading channels confirming favourable performance and practicability of implementation. In particular, a new Partial Channel Estimator (PCE) that provides better estimation accuracy is proposed. Furthermore, several low complexity linear and iterative joint channel equalizers and symbol detectors are investigated in fading channels conditions with the FSD-TSVD joint equalization and detection with PCE obtained channel estimate facilitating near optimum error performance, close to that of OFDM for bandwidth savings of 25%. Finally, investigations of the precoding of the SEFDM signal demonstrate a potential for complexity reduction and performance improvement. Overall, this thesis provides the theoretical basis from which practical designs are derived to pave the way to the first practical realization of SEFDM systems

    Transmission strategies for broadband wireless systems with MMSE turbo equalization

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    This monograph details efficient transmission strategies for single-carrier wireless broadband communication systems employing iterative (turbo) equalization. In particular, the first part focuses on the design and analysis of low complexity and robust MMSE-based turbo equalizers operating in the frequency domain. Accordingly, several novel receiver schemes are presented which improve the convergence properties and error performance over the existing turbo equalizers. The second part discusses concepts and algorithms that aim to increase the power and spectral efficiency of the communication system by efficiently exploiting the available resources at the transmitter side based upon the channel conditions. The challenging issue encountered in this context is how the transmission rate and power can be optimized, while a specific convergence constraint of the turbo equalizer is guaranteed.Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Entwurf und der Analyse von effizienten Übertragungs-konzepten für drahtlose, breitbandige Einträger-Kommunikationssysteme mit iterativer (Turbo-) Entzerrung und Kanaldekodierung. Dies beinhaltet einerseits die Entwicklung von empfängerseitigen Frequenzbereichs-entzerrern mit geringer Komplexität basierend auf dem Prinzip der Soft Interference Cancellation Minimum-Mean Squared-Error (SC-MMSE) Filterung und andererseits den Entwurf von senderseitigen Algorithmen, die durch Ausnutzung von Kanalzustandsinformationen die Bandbreiten- und Leistungseffizienz in Ein- und Mehrnutzersystemen mit Mehrfachantennen (sog. Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO)) verbessern. Im ersten Teil dieser Arbeit wird ein allgemeiner Ansatz für Verfahren zur Turbo-Entzerrung nach dem Prinzip der linearen MMSE-Schätzung, der nichtlinearen MMSE-Schätzung sowie der kombinierten MMSE- und Maximum-a-Posteriori (MAP)-Schätzung vorgestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang werden zwei neue Empfängerkonzepte, die eine Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit und Verbesserung der Konvergenz in Bezug auf existierende SC-MMSE Turbo-Entzerrer in verschiedenen Kanalumgebungen erzielen, eingeführt. Der erste Empfänger - PDA SC-MMSE - stellt eine Kombination aus dem Probabilistic-Data-Association (PDA) Ansatz und dem bekannten SC-MMSE Entzerrer dar. Im Gegensatz zum SC-MMSE nutzt der PDA SC-MMSE eine interne Entscheidungsrückführung, so dass zur Unterdrückung von Interferenzen neben den a priori Informationen der Kanaldekodierung auch weiche Entscheidungen der vorherigen Detektions-schritte berücksichtigt werden. Durch die zusätzlich interne Entscheidungsrückführung erzielt der PDA SC-MMSE einen wesentlichen Gewinn an Performance in räumlich unkorrelierten MIMO-Kanälen gegenüber dem SC-MMSE, ohne dabei die Komplexität des Entzerrers wesentlich zu erhöhen. Der zweite Empfänger - hybrid SC-MMSE - bildet eine Verknüpfung von gruppenbasierter SC-MMSE Frequenzbereichsfilterung und MAP-Detektion. Dieser Empfänger besitzt eine skalierbare Berechnungskomplexität und weist eine hohe Robustheit gegenüber räumlichen Korrelationen in MIMO-Kanälen auf. Die numerischen Ergebnisse von Simulationen basierend auf Messungen mit einem Channel-Sounder in Mehrnutzerkanälen mit starken räumlichen Korrelationen zeigen eindrucksvoll die Überlegenheit des hybriden SC-MMSE-Ansatzes gegenüber dem konventionellen SC-MMSE-basiertem Empfänger. Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluss von System- und Kanalmodellparametern auf die Konvergenzeigenschaften der vorgestellten iterativen Empfänger mit Hilfe sogenannter Korrelationsdiagramme untersucht. Durch semi-analytische Berechnungen der Entzerrer- und Kanaldecoder-Korrelationsfunktionen wird eine einfache Berechnungsvorschrift zur Vorhersage der Bitfehlerwahrscheinlichkeit von SC-MMSE und PDA SC-MMSE Turbo Entzerrern für MIMO-Fadingkanäle entwickelt. Des Weiteren werden zwei Fehlerschranken für die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit der Empfänger vorgestellt. Die semi-analytische Methode und die abgeleiteten Fehlerschranken ermöglichen eine aufwandsgeringe Abschätzung sowie Optimierung der Leistungsfähigkeit des iterativen Systems. Im dritten und abschließenden Teil werden Strategien zur Raten- und Leistungszuweisung in Kommunikationssystemen mit konventionellen iterativen SC-MMSE Empfängern untersucht. Zunächst wird das Problem der Maximierung der instantanen Summendatenrate unter der Berücksichtigung der Konvergenz des iterativen Empfängers für einen Zweinutzerkanal mit fester Leistungsallokation betrachtet. Mit Hilfe des Flächentheorems von Extrinsic-Information-Transfer (EXIT)-Funktionen wird eine obere Schranke für die erreichbare Ratenregion hergeleitet. Auf Grundlage dieser Schranke wird ein einfacher Algorithmus entwickelt, der für jeden Nutzer aus einer Menge von vorgegebenen Kanalcodes mit verschiedenen Codierraten denjenigen auswählt, der den instantanen Datendurchsatz des Mehrnutzersystems verbessert. Neben der instantanen Ratenzuweisung wird auch ein ausfallbasierter Ansatz zur Ratenzuweisung entwickelt. Hierbei erfolgt die Auswahl der Kanalcodes für die Nutzer unter Berücksichtigung der Einhaltung einer bestimmten Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit (outage probability) des iterativen Empfängers. Des Weiteren wird ein neues Entwurfskriterium für irreguläre Faltungscodes hergeleitet, das die Ausfallwahrscheinlichkeit von Turbo SC-MMSE Systemen verringert und somit die Zuverlässigkeit der Datenübertragung erhöht. Eine Reihe von Simulationsergebnissen von Kapazitäts- und Durchsatzberechnungen werden vorgestellt, die die Wirksamkeit der vorgeschlagenen Algorithmen und Optimierungsverfahren in Mehrnutzerkanälen belegen. Abschließend werden außerdem verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Minimierung der Sendeleistung in Einnutzersystemen mit senderseitiger Singular-Value-Decomposition (SVD)-basierter Vorcodierung untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass eine Methode, welche die Leistungspegel des Senders hinsichtlich der Bitfehlerrate des iterativen Empfängers optimiert, den konventionellen Verfahren zur Leistungszuweisung überlegen ist