6 research outputs found

    Delay and Power Efficient Voice Transmission over MANET

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    Increasing speed of hardware device and versatile functionalities of small equipments e.g. laptop, PDA etc. are introducing various voice oriented applications with mobility. Like other computer networks, in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) voice transmission is very much demanding and necessary. In this research paper we have a feasibility analysis of voice transmission over MANET. Since voice applications consume more energy than typical applications, we use an energy aware routing protocol known as WEAC for the study. We have a comparative study among several audio codecs (G.711, G.729 and G.723.1) and by simulation we show that the G.729 codec is suitable to use for voice transmission over MANET in terms of latency. We show that it is possible to launch voice transmission with acceptable quality over MANET using G.729 and WEAC protocol

    Delay and Power Efficient Voice Transmission over MANET

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    Increasing speed of hardware device and versatile functionalities of small equipments e.g. laptop, PDA etc. are introducing various voice oriented applications with mobility. Like other computer networks, in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) voice transmission is very much demanding and necessary. In this research paper we have a feasibility analysis of voice transmission over MANET. Since voice applications consume more energy than typical applications, we use an energy aware routing protocol known as WEAC for the study. We have a comparative study among several audio codecs (G.711, G.729 and G.723.1) and by simulation we show that the G.729 codec is suitable to use for voice transmission over MANET in terms of latency. We show that it is possible to launch voice transmission with acceptable quality over MANET using G.729 and WEAC protocol

    Delay and Power Efficient Voice Transmission over MANET

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    Increasing speed of hardware device and versatile functionalities of small equipments e.g. laptop, PDA etc. are introducing various voice oriented applications with mobility. Like other computer networks, in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) voice transmission is very much demanding and necessary. In this research paper we have a feasibility analysis of voice transmission over MANET. Since voice applications consume more energy than typical applications, we use an energy aware routing protocol known as WEAC for the study. We have a comparative study among several audio codecs (G.711, G.729 and G.723.1) and by simulation we show that the G.729 codec is suitable to use for voice transmission over MANET in terms of latency. We show that it is possible to launch voice transmission with acceptable quality over MANET using G.729 and WEAC protocol

    Collaborative Caching for efficient and Robust Certificate Authority Services in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Security in Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is getting a lot of attention due to its inherent vulnerability to a wide spectrum of attacks. Threats exist in every layer of MANET stack, and different solutions have been adapted for each security problem. Additionally, availability is an important criterion in most MANET solutions, but many security frameworks did not consider it. Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI) is no exception, and its deployment in MANET needs major design and implementation modifications that can fit constraints unique to this environment. Our focus in this dissertation is to adapt and increase the availability of Certificate Authority (CA) services, as a major PKI entity, in MANET. Several attempts have been proposed to deal with the problem of deploying CA in MANET to provide a generic public-key framework, but each either ends up sacrificing system security or availability. Here, the main goal of our work is to provide a solution that addresses performance and security issues of providing MANET-based PKI. Particularly, we would like to maintain the availability of the services provided by CA while keeping the network\u27s packet overhead as low as possible. In this dissertation, we present a MANET-based framework suitable for exchanging public-key certificates by collaborative caching between MANET clients. We show that our system can meet the challenges of providing robust and secure CA services in MANET. Augmented by simulation results, we demonstrate quantitatively the feasibility of our work as we were able to reduce network overhead associated with threshold based CA queries up to 92% as compared to related work in addition to having a very short response time. The dependency on CA servers has been reduced, and the system was able to tolerate as much as two-third inoperative CA servers without noticeable decrease in the service performance

    La qualité de service des services multimédia sur les réseaux ad hoc sans fil à multi-sauts

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    Notre objectif est d’amĂ©liorer la performance d’un rĂ©seau mobile Ad Hoc Ă  multi-sauts en essayant d’avoir une meilleure qualitĂ© de service en contrĂŽlant le dĂ©lai de bout en bout, la gigue des services multimĂ©dia et de plus rĂ©duire les pertes. En fait, nous ajouterons un correcteur d’erreurs de type FEC (Forward Error Correction), le Reed Solomon, au rĂ©seau MANET afin de minimiser le nombre d’erreurs causĂ©es par les diffĂ©rents problĂšmes tels que les problĂšmes des noeuds cachĂ©s et la rĂ©duction de la puissance. En outre, nous appliquerons le mode EDCA (Enhanced Distributed Channel Access) qui est un protocole d'accĂšs au medium utilisĂ© dans la norme IEEE 802.11e qui permet d’appliquer une diffĂ©renciation de services sur les rĂ©seaux sans fils afin d’avoir une certaine QoS dans le rĂ©seau. Vu que les stations d’un rĂ©seau MANET sont rĂ©duites dans leur capacitĂ© de traitement, il est important d’utiliser le minimum de mĂ©thodes, Ă  savoir la QoS seule, le FEC seul ou les deux de façon combinĂ©e qui apporteront la QoS requise. La simulation a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour analyser le rĂ©seau MANET sous les conditions requĂ©rant la QoS et nous avons appliquĂ© les mĂ©thodes mentionnĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©demment pour mesurer notre approche. Le logiciel utilisĂ© est l’OPNET 14.0. Les rĂ©sultats montrent une amĂ©lioration dans la performance du rĂ©seau