1 research outputs found

    A Movie Recommendation System Based on Differential Privacy Protection

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    In the past decades, the ever-increasing popularity of the Internet has led to an explosive growth of information, which has consequently led to the emergence of recommendation systems. A series of cloud-based encryption measures have been adopted in the current recommendation systems to protect users’ privacy. However, there are still many other privacy attacks on the local devices. Therefore, this paper studies the encryption interference of applying a differential privacy protection scheme on the data in the user’s local devices under the assumption of an untrusted server. A dynamic privacy budget allocation method is proposed based on a localized differential privacy protection scheme while taking the specific application scene of movie recommendation into consideration. What is more, an improved user-based collaborative filtering algorithm, which adopts a matrix-based similarity calculation method instead of the traditional vector-based method when computing the user similarity, is proposed. Finally, it was proved by experimental results that the differential privacy-based movie recommendation system (DP-MRE) proposed in this paper could not only protect the privacy of users but also ensure the accuracy of recommendations