7,611 research outputs found

    Multi-Scale Attention with Dense Encoder for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition

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    Handwritten mathematical expression recognition is a challenging problem due to the complicated two-dimensional structures, ambiguous handwriting input and variant scales of handwritten math symbols. To settle this problem, we utilize the attention based encoder-decoder model that recognizes mathematical expression images from two-dimensional layouts to one-dimensional LaTeX strings. We improve the encoder by employing densely connected convolutional networks as they can strengthen feature extraction and facilitate gradient propagation especially on a small training set. We also present a novel multi-scale attention model which is employed to deal with the recognition of math symbols in different scales and save the fine-grained details that will be dropped by pooling operations. Validated on the CROHME competition task, the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with an expression recognition accuracy of 52.8% on CROHME 2014 and 50.1% on CROHME 2016, by only using the official training dataset

    Joint Image Reconstruction and Segmentation Using the Potts Model

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    We propose a new algorithmic approach to the non-smooth and non-convex Potts problem (also called piecewise-constant Mumford-Shah problem) for inverse imaging problems. We derive a suitable splitting into specific subproblems that can all be solved efficiently. Our method does not require a priori knowledge on the gray levels nor on the number of segments of the reconstruction. Further, it avoids anisotropic artifacts such as geometric staircasing. We demonstrate the suitability of our method for joint image reconstruction and segmentation. We focus on Radon data, where we in particular consider limited data situations. For instance, our method is able to recover all segments of the Shepp-Logan phantom from 77 angular views only. We illustrate the practical applicability on a real PET dataset. As further applications, we consider spherical Radon data as well as blurred data

    Query-Driven Global Graph Attention Model for Visual Parsing: Recognizing Handwritten and Typeset Math Formulas

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    We present a new visual parsing method based on standard Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for handwritten and typeset mathematical formulas. The Query-Driven Global Graph Attention (QD-GGA) parser employs multi-task learning, using a single feature representation for locating, classifying, and relating symbols. QD-GGA parses formulas by first constructing a Line-Of-Sight (LOS) graph over the input primitives (e.g handwritten strokes or connected components in images). Second, class distributions for LOS nodes and edges are obtained using query-specific feature filters (i.e., attention) in a single feed-forward pass. This allows end-to-end structure learning using a joint loss over primitive node and edge class distributions. Finally, a Maximum Spanning Tree (MST) is extracted from the weighted graph using Edmonds\u27 Arborescence Algorithm. The model may be run recurrently over the input graph, updating attention to focus on symbols detected in the previous iteration. QD-GGA does not require additional grammar rules and the language model is learned from the sets of symbols/relationships and the statistics over them in the training set. We benchmark our system against both handwritten and typeset state-of-the-art math recognition systems. Our preliminary results show that this is a promising new approach for visual parsing of math formulas. Using recurrent execution, symbol detection is near perfect for both handwritten and typeset formulas: we obtain a symbol f-measure of over 99.4% for both the CROHME (handwritten) and INFTYMCCDB-2 (typeset formula image) datasets. Our method is also much faster in both training and execution than state-of-the-art RNN-based formula parsers. The unlabeled structure detection of QDGGA is competitive with encoder-decoder models, but QD-GGA symbol and relationship classification is weaker. We believe this may be addressed through increased use of spatial features and global context

    Symbolic and Visual Retrieval of Mathematical Notation using Formula Graph Symbol Pair Matching and Structural Alignment

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    Large data collections containing millions of math formulae in different formats are available on-line. Retrieving math expressions from these collections is challenging. We propose a framework for retrieval of mathematical notation using symbol pairs extracted from visual and semantic representations of mathematical expressions on the symbolic domain for retrieval of text documents. We further adapt our model for retrieval of mathematical notation on images and lecture videos. Graph-based representations are used on each modality to describe math formulas. For symbolic formula retrieval, where the structure is known, we use symbol layout trees and operator trees. For image-based formula retrieval, since the structure is unknown we use a more general Line of Sight graph representation. Paths of these graphs define symbol pairs tuples that are used as the entries for our inverted index of mathematical notation. Our retrieval framework uses a three-stage approach with a fast selection of candidates as the first layer, a more detailed matching algorithm with similarity metric computation in the second stage, and finally when relevance assessments are available, we use an optional third layer with linear regression for estimation of relevance using multiple similarity scores for final re-ranking. Our model has been evaluated using large collections of documents, and preliminary results are presented for videos and cross-modal search. The proposed framework can be adapted for other domains like chemistry or technical diagrams where two visually similar elements from a collection are usually related to each other

    Applying Hierarchical Contextual Parsing with Visual Density and Geometric Features to Typeset Formula Recognition

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    We demonstrate that recognition of scanned typeset mathematical expression images can be done by extracting maximum spanning trees from line of sight graphs weighted using geometric and visual density features. The approach used is hierarchical contextual parsing (HCP): Hierarchical in terms of starting with connected components and building to the symbol level using visual, spatial, and contextual features of connected components. Once connected components have been segmented into symbols, a new set of spatial, visual, and contextual features are extracted. One set of visual features is used for symbol classification, and another for parsing. The features are used in parsing to assign classifications and confidences to edges in a line of sight symbol graph. Layout trees describe expression structure in terms of spatial relations between symbols, such as horizontal, subscript, and superscript. From the weighted graph Edmonds\u27 algorithm is used to extract a maximum spanning tree. Segmentation and parsing are done without using symbol classification information, and symbol classification is done independently of expression structure recognition. The commonality between the recognition processes is the type of features they use, the visual densities. These visual densities are used for shape, spatial, and contextual information. The contextual information is shown to help in segmentation, parsing, and symbol recognition. The hierarchical contextual parsing has been implemented in the Python and Graph-based Online/Offline Recognizer for Math (Pythagor^m) system and tested on the InftyMCCDB-2 dataset. We created InftyMCCDB-2 from InftyCDB-2 as a open source dataset for scanned typeset math expression recognition. In building InftyMCCDB-2 modified formula structure representations were used to better capture the spatial positioning of symbols in the expression structures. Namely, baseline punctuation and symbol accents were moved out of horizontal baselines as their positions are not horizontally aligned with symbols on a writing line. With the transformed spatial layouts and HCP, 95.97% of expressions were parsed correctly when given symbols and 93.95% correctly parsed when requiring symbol segmentation from connected components. Overall HCP reached 90.83% expression recognition rate from connected components
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