3,714 research outputs found

    Subspace-Based Holistic Registration for Low-Resolution Facial Images

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    Subspace-based holistic registration is introduced as an alternative to landmark-based face registration, which has a poor performance on low-resolution images, as obtained in camera surveillance applications. The proposed registration method finds the alignment by maximizing the similarity score between a probe and a gallery image. We use a novel probabilistic framework for both user-independent as well as user-specific face registration. The similarity is calculated using the probability that the face image is correctly aligned in a face subspace, but additionally we take the probability into account that the face is misaligned based on the residual error in the dimensions perpendicular to the face subspace. We perform extensive experiments on the FRGCv2 database to evaluate the impact that the face registration methods have on face recognition. Subspace-based holistic registration on low-resolution images can improve face recognition in comparison with landmark-based registration on high-resolution images. The performance of the tested face recognition methods after subspace-based holistic registration on a low-resolution version of the FRGC database is similar to that after manual registration

    Person Re-identification by Local Maximal Occurrence Representation and Metric Learning

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    Person re-identification is an important technique towards automatic search of a person's presence in a surveillance video. Two fundamental problems are critical for person re-identification, feature representation and metric learning. An effective feature representation should be robust to illumination and viewpoint changes, and a discriminant metric should be learned to match various person images. In this paper, we propose an effective feature representation called Local Maximal Occurrence (LOMO), and a subspace and metric learning method called Cross-view Quadratic Discriminant Analysis (XQDA). The LOMO feature analyzes the horizontal occurrence of local features, and maximizes the occurrence to make a stable representation against viewpoint changes. Besides, to handle illumination variations, we apply the Retinex transform and a scale invariant texture operator. To learn a discriminant metric, we propose to learn a discriminant low dimensional subspace by cross-view quadratic discriminant analysis, and simultaneously, a QDA metric is learned on the derived subspace. We also present a practical computation method for XQDA, as well as its regularization. Experiments on four challenging person re-identification databases, VIPeR, QMUL GRID, CUHK Campus, and CUHK03, show that the proposed method improves the state-of-the-art rank-1 identification rates by 2.2%, 4.88%, 28.91%, and 31.55% on the four databases, respectively.Comment: This paper has been accepted by CVPR 2015. For source codes and extracted features please visit http://www.cbsr.ia.ac.cn/users/scliao/projects/lomo_xqda

    Deep Learning Face Representation by Joint Identification-Verification

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    The key challenge of face recognition is to develop effective feature representations for reducing intra-personal variations while enlarging inter-personal differences. In this paper, we show that it can be well solved with deep learning and using both face identification and verification signals as supervision. The Deep IDentification-verification features (DeepID2) are learned with carefully designed deep convolutional networks. The face identification task increases the inter-personal variations by drawing DeepID2 extracted from different identities apart, while the face verification task reduces the intra-personal variations by pulling DeepID2 extracted from the same identity together, both of which are essential to face recognition. The learned DeepID2 features can be well generalized to new identities unseen in the training data. On the challenging LFW dataset, 99.15% face verification accuracy is achieved. Compared with the best deep learning result on LFW, the error rate has been significantly reduced by 67%

    Mixture of Bilateral-Projection Two-dimensional Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis

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    The probabilistic principal component analysis (PPCA) is built upon a global linear mapping, with which it is insufficient to model complex data variation. This paper proposes a mixture of bilateral-projection probabilistic principal component analysis model (mixB2DPPCA) on 2D data. With multi-components in the mixture, this model can be seen as a soft cluster algorithm and has capability of modeling data with complex structures. A Bayesian inference scheme has been proposed based on the variational EM (Expectation-Maximization) approach for learning model parameters. Experiments on some publicly available databases show that the performance of mixB2DPPCA has been largely improved, resulting in more accurate reconstruction errors and recognition rates than the existing PCA-based algorithms