3 research outputs found

    Facial burn injury treatment: A review of facial mask fabrication using rapid prototyping technology

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    This article gives an overview of the fabrication process of the facial mask that used in pressure therapy treatment for facial burn injury.The use of the different processes either conventional or 3D scanning method is discussed within this paper.The objective of this paper is to propose a new method of fabricating the facial mask using reverse engineering method and vacuum casting for producing a mask from elastic material, especially medical grade silicone. Vacuum casting was known for the capability of replicate the details on the master part and the ease of fabrication process.Analytical study of the face mask will be conducted using CAE software to simulate the pressure exerted by the designated mask

    Experiencing the difference between a virtual and in-person fit session

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    This research explored the concept of using avatars as fit models. Participants who had 2D/3D computer-aided design skills developed two basic garments and virtually draped the garments on two avatars, one was the program’s default avatar and the second was a personal avatar captured through a 3D body scan. The garments were also assembled in muslin and fit during a live session. Photographs of the three scenarios documented the static fit of the garments. Overall, the participants were satisfied with the evaluation of the virtual garment on their personal avatar, though disappointed that the avatar itself was not a cleaner image. There was some difference in the fit results between the personal avatar and the live session which was due to fabric appearance and difference in draping. Further research, and advancement in virtual textile rendering, needs to take place as this affects the visual fit on the avatar. Virtual fit has the potential to be a time- and cost-saving practice for industry.Design, Housing and Merchandisin