9 research outputs found

    Point-plane incidences and some applications in positive characteristic

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    The point-plane incidence theorem states that the number of incidences between nn points and mnm\geq n planes in the projective three-space over a field FF, is O(mn+mk),O\left(m\sqrt{n}+ m k\right), where kk is the maximum number of collinear points, with the extra condition n<p2n< p^2 if FF has characteristic p>0p>0. This theorem also underlies a state-of-the-art Szemer\'edi-Trotter type bound for point-line incidences in F2F^2, due to Stevens and de Zeeuw. This review focuses on some recent, as well as new, applications of these bounds that lead to progress in several open geometric questions in FdF^d, for d=2,3,4d=2,3,4. These are the problem of the minimum number of distinct nonzero values of a non-degenerate bilinear form on a point set in d=2d=2, the analogue of the Erd\H os distinct distance problem in d=2,3d=2,3 and additive energy estimates for sets, supported on a paraboloid and sphere in d=3,4d=3,4. It avoids discussing sum-product type problems (corresponding to the special case of incidences with Cartesian products), which have lately received more attention.Comment: A survey, with some new results, for the forthcoming Workshop on Pseudorandomness and Finite Fields in at RICAM in Linz 15-19 October, 2018; 24p

    Extractors: Low Entropy Requirements Colliding With Non-Malleability

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    The known constructions of negligible error (non-malleable) two-source extractors can be broadly classified in three categories: (1) Constructions where one source has min-entropy rate about 1/21/2, the other source can have small min-entropy rate, but the extractor doesn't guarantee non-malleability. (2) Constructions where one source is uniform, and the other can have small min-entropy rate, and the extractor guarantees non-malleability when the uniform source is tampered. (3) Constructions where both sources have entropy rate very close to 11 and the extractor guarantees non-malleability against the tampering of both sources. We introduce a new notion of collision resistant extractors and in using it we obtain a strong two source non-malleable extractor where we require the first source to have 0.80.8 entropy rate and the other source can have min-entropy polylogarithmic in the length of the source. We show how the above extractor can be applied to obtain a non-malleable extractor with output rate 12\frac 1 2, which is optimal. We also show how, by using our extractor and extending the known protocol, one can obtain a privacy amplification secure against memory tampering where the size of the secret output is almost optimal

    Computational and Information-Theoretic Two-Source (Non-Malleable) Extractors

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    Two-source non-malleable extractors are pseudorandom objects which extract randomness even when an adversary is allowed to learn the behavior of the extractor on tamperings of the input weak sources, and they have found important applications in non-malleable coding and secret sharing. We begin by asking how hard it is to improve upon the best known constructions of such objects (Chattopadhyay, Goyal, Li, STOC 2016, and Li, STOC 2017). We show that even small improvements to these constructions lead to explicit low-error two-source extractors for very low linear min-entropy, a longstanding open problem in pseudorandomness. Given the result above in the information-theoretic setting, we turn to studying two-source non-malleable extractors in the computational setting, namely in the CRS model first considered in (Garg, Kalai, Khurana, Eurocrypt 2020). We enforce that both the sampling process for the input sources and the tampering functions must be efficient, but we do not necessarily put such a constraint on the adversary distinguishing the output of the extractor from uniform. We obtain results about two-source non-malleable extractors in the CRS model under different types of hardness assumptions: - Under standard assumptions, we show that small improvements upon state-of-the-art statistical two-source non-malleable extractors also yield explicit low-error two-source non-malleable extractors in the CRS model for low min-entropy against computationally unbounded distinguishers. Remarkably, all previous results on computational extractors require much stronger assumptions; - Under a quasi-polynomial hardness assumption, we give explicit constructions of low-error two-source non-malleable extractors in the CRS model with much lower min-entropy requirements than their best statistical counterparts, against a computationally bounded distinguisher; - Assuming the existence of nearly optimal collision-resistant hash functions, we give a simple explicit construction of a low-error two-source non-malleable extractors in the CRS model for very low min-entropy, against a computationally unbounded distinguisher

    Two Source Extractors for Asymptotically Optimal Entropy, and (Many) More

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    A long line of work in the past two decades or so established close connections between several different pseudorandom objects and applications. These connections essentially show that an asymptotically optimal construction of one central object will lead to asymptotically optimal solutions to all the others. However, despite considerable effort, previous works can get close but still lack one final step to achieve truly asymptotically optimal constructions. In this paper we provide the last missing link, thus simultaneously achieving explicit, asymptotically optimal constructions and solutions for various well studied extractors and applications, that have been the subjects of long lines of research. Our results include: Asymptotically optimal seeded non-malleable extractors, which in turn give two source extractors for asymptotically optimal min-entropy of O(logn)O(\log n), explicit constructions of KK-Ramsey graphs on NN vertices with K=logO(1)NK=\log^{O(1)} N, and truly optimal privacy amplification protocols with an active adversary. Two source non-malleable extractors and affine non-malleable extractors for some linear min-entropy with exponentially small error, which in turn give the first explicit construction of non-malleable codes against 22-split state tampering and affine tampering with constant rate and \emph{exponentially} small error. Explicit extractors for affine sources, sumset sources, interleaved sources, and small space sources that achieve asymptotically optimal min-entropy of O(logn)O(\log n) or 2s+O(logn)2s+O(\log n) (for space ss sources). An explicit function that requires strongly linear read once branching programs of size 2nO(logn)2^{n-O(\log n)}, which is optimal up to the constant in O()O(\cdot). Previously, even for standard read once branching programs, the best known size lower bound for an explicit function is 2nO(log2n)2^{n-O(\log^2 n)}.Comment: Fixed some minor error

    Privacy Amplification with Tamperable Memory via Non-malleable Two-source Extractors

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    We extend the classical problem of privacy amplification to a setting where the active adversary, Eve, is also allowed to fully corrupt the internal memory (which includes the shared randomness, and local randomness tape) of one of the honest parties, Alice and Bob, before the execution of the protocol. We require that either one of Alice or Bob detects tampering, or they agree on a shared key that is indistinguishable from the uniform distribution to Eve. We obtain the following results: (1) We give a privacy amplification protocol via low-error non-malleable two-source extractors with one source having low min-entropy. In particular, this implies the existence of such (non-efficient) protocols; (2) We show that even slight improvements to the state-of-the-art explicit non-malleable two-source extractors would lead to explicit low-error, low min-entropy two-source extractors, thereby resolving a long-standing open question. This suggests that obtaining (information-theoretically secure) explicit non-malleable two-source extractors for (1) might be hard; (3) We present explicit constructions of low-error, low min-entropy non-malleable two-source extractors in the CRS model of (Garg, Kalai, Khurana, Eurocrypt 2020), assuming either the quasi-polynomial hardness of DDH or the existence of nearly-optimal collision-resistant hash functions; (4) We instantiate our privacy amplification protocol with the above mentioned non-malleable two-source extractors in the CRS model, leading to explicit, computationally-secure protocols. This is not immediate from (1) because in the computational setting we need to make sure that, in particular, all randomness sources remain samplable throughout the proof. This requires upgrading the assumption of quasi-polynomial hardness of DDH to sub-exponential hardness of DDH. We emphasize that each of the first three results can be read independently

    Extractors for Adversarial Sources via Extremal Hypergraphs

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    Randomness extraction is a fundamental problem that has been studied for over three decades. A well-studied setting assumes that one has access to multiple independent weak random sources, each with some entropy. However, this assumption is often unrealistic in practice. In real life, natural sources of randomness can produce samples with no entropy at all or with unwanted dependence. Motivated by this and applications from cryptography, we initiate a systematic study of randomness extraction for the class of adversarial sources defined as follows. A weak source X\mathbf{X} of the form X1,...,XN\mathbf{X}_1,...,\mathbf{X}_N, where each Xi\mathbf{X}_i is on nn bits, is an (N,K,n,k)(N,K,n,k)-source of locality dd if the following hold: (1) Somewhere good sources: at least KK of the Xi\mathbf{X}_i\u27s are independent, and each contains min-entropy at least kk. We call these Xi\mathbf{X}_i\u27s good sources, and their locations are unknown. (2) Bounded dependence: each remaining (bad) source can depend arbitrarily on at most dd good sources. We focus on constructing extractors with negligible error, in the regime where most of the entropy is contained within a few sources instead of across many (i.e., kk is at least polynomial in KK). In this setting, even for the case of 00-locality, very little is known prior to our work. For d1d \geq 1, essentially no previous results are known. We present various new extractors for adversarial sources in a wide range of parameters, and some of our constructions work for locality d=KΩ(1)d = K^{\Omega(1)}. As an application, we also give improved extractors for small-space sources. The class of adversarial sources generalizes several previously studied classes of sources, and our explicit extractor constructions exploit tools from recent advances in extractor machinery, such as two-source non-malleable extractors and low-error condensers. Thus, our constructions can be viewed as a new application of non-malleable extractors. In addition, our constructions combine the tools from extractor theory in a novel way through various sorts of explicit extremal hypergraphs. These connections leverage recent progress in combinatorics, such as improved bounds on cap sets and explicit constructions of Ramsey graphs, and may be of independent interest

    How to Extract Useful Randomness from Unreliable Sources

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    For more than 30 years, cryptographers have been looking for public sources of uniform randomness in order to use them as a set-up to run appealing cryptographic protocols without relying on trusted third parties. Unfortunately, nowadays it is fair to assess that assuming the existence of physical phenomena producing public uniform randomness is far from reality. It is known that uniform randomness cannot be extracted from a single weak source. A well-studied way to overcome this is to consider several independent weak sources. However, this means we must trust the various sampling processes of weak randomness from physical processes. Motivated by the above state of affairs, this work considers a set-up where players can access multiple potential sources of weak randomness, several of which may be jointly corrupted by a computationally unbounded adversary. We introduce SHELA (Somewhere Honest Entropic Look Ahead) sources to model this situation. We show that there is no hope of extracting uniform randomness from a SHELA source. Instead, we focus on the task of Somewhere-Extraction (i.e., outputting several candidate strings, some of which are uniformly distributed -- yet we do not know which). We give explicit constructions of Somewhere-Extractors for SHELA sources with good parameters. Then, we present applications of the above somewhere-extractor where the public uniform randomness can be replaced by the output of such extraction from corruptible sources, greatly outperforming trivial solutions. The output of somewhere-extraction is also useful in other settings, such as a suitable source of random coins for many randomized algorithms. In another front, we comprehensively study the problem of Somewhere-Extraction from a weak source, resulting in a series of bounds. Our bounds highlight the fact that, in most regimes of parameters (including those relevant for applications), SHELA sources significantly outperform weak sources of comparable parameters both when it comes to the process of Somewhere-Extraction, or in the task of amplification of success probability in randomized algorithms. Moreover, the low quality of somewhere-extraction from weak sources excludes its use in various efficient applications