2 research outputs found

    Network analysis of synonymous codon usage

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    Most amino acids are encoded by multiple synonymous codons. For an amino acid, some of its synonymous codons are used much more rarely than others. Analyses of positions of such rare codons in protein sequences revealed that rare codons can impact co-translational protein folding and that positions of some rare codons are evolutionary conserved. Analyses of positions of rare codons in proteins' 3-dimensional structures, which are richer in biochemical information than sequences alone, might further explain the role of rare codons in protein folding. We analyze a protein set recently annotated with codon usage information, considering non-redundant proteins with sufficient structural information. We model the proteins' structures as networks and study potential differences between network positions of amino acids encoded by evolutionary conserved rare, evolutionary non-conserved rare, and commonly used codons. In 84% of the proteins, at least one of the three codon categories occupies significantly more or less network-central positions than the other codon categories. Different protein groups showing different codon centrality trends (i.e., different types of relationships between network positions of the three codon categories) are enriched in different biological functions, implying the existence of a link between codon usage, protein folding, and protein function

    Network-based protein structural classification

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    Experimental determination of protein function is resource-consuming. As an alternative, computational prediction of protein function has received attention. In this context, protein structural classification (PSC) can help, by allowing for determining structural classes of currently unclassified proteins based on their features, and then relying on the fact that proteins with similar structures have similar functions. Existing PSC approaches rely on sequence-based or direct 3-dimensional (3D) structure-based protein features. In contrast, we first model 3D structures of proteins as protein structure networks (PSNs). Then, we use network-based features for PSC. We propose the use of graphlets, state-of-the-art features in many research areas of network science, in the task of PSC. Moreover, because graphlets can deal only with unweighted PSNs, and because accounting for edge weights when constructing PSNs could improve PSC accuracy, we also propose a deep learning framework that automatically learns network features from weighted PSNs. When evaluated on a large set of ~9,400 CATH and ~12,800 SCOP protein domains (spanning 36 PSN sets), our proposed approaches are superior to existing PSC approaches in terms of accuracy, with comparable running time