16,410 research outputs found

    Extractive Summarization using Deep Learning

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    This paper proposes a text summarization approach for factual reports using a deep learning model. This approach consists of three phases: feature extraction, feature enhancement, and summary generation, which work together to assimilate core information and generate a coherent, understandable summary. We are exploring various features to improve the set of sentences selected for the summary, and are using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine to enhance and abstract those features to improve resultant accuracy without losing any important information. The sentences are scored based on those enhanced features and an extractive summary is constructed. Experimentation carried out on several articles demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Source code available at: https://github.com/vagisha-nidhi/TextSummarizerComment: Accepted to 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processin

    Machine Learning for Condensed Matter Physics

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    Condensed Matter Physics (CMP) seeks to understand the microscopic interactions of matter at the quantum and atomistic levels, and describes how these interactions result in both mesoscopic and macroscopic properties. CMP overlaps with many other important branches of science, such as Chemistry, Materials Science, Statistical Physics, and High-Performance Computing. With the advancements in modern Machine Learning (ML) technology, a keen interest in applying these algorithms to further CMP research has created a compelling new area of research at the intersection of both fields. In this review, we aim to explore the main areas within CMP, which have successfully applied ML techniques to further research, such as the description and use of ML schemes for potential energy surfaces, the characterization of topological phases of matter in lattice systems, the prediction of phase transitions in off-lattice and atomistic simulations, the interpretation of ML theories with physics-inspired frameworks and the enhancement of simulation methods with ML algorithms. We also discuss in detail the main challenges and drawbacks of using ML methods on CMP problems, as well as some perspectives for future developments.Comment: 48 pages, 2 figures, 300 references. Review paper. Major Revisio

    Boltzmann Machines and Denoising Autoencoders for Image Denoising

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    Image denoising based on a probabilistic model of local image patches has been employed by various researchers, and recently a deep (denoising) autoencoder has been proposed by Burger et al. [2012] and Xie et al. [2012] as a good model for this. In this paper, we propose that another popular family of models in the field of deep learning, called Boltzmann machines, can perform image denoising as well as, or in certain cases of high level of noise, better than denoising autoencoders. We empirically evaluate the two models on three different sets of images with different types and levels of noise. Throughout the experiments we also examine the effect of the depth of the models. The experiments confirmed our claim and revealed that the performance can be improved by adding more hidden layers, especially when the level of noise is high

    Energy-based Models for Video Anomaly Detection

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    Automated detection of abnormalities in data has been studied in research area in recent years because of its diverse applications in practice including video surveillance, industrial damage detection and network intrusion detection. However, building an effective anomaly detection system is a non-trivial task since it requires to tackle challenging issues of the shortage of annotated data, inability of defining anomaly objects explicitly and the expensive cost of feature engineering procedure. Unlike existing appoaches which only partially solve these problems, we develop a unique framework to cope the problems above simultaneously. Instead of hanlding with ambiguous definition of anomaly objects, we propose to work with regular patterns whose unlabeled data is abundant and usually easy to collect in practice. This allows our system to be trained completely in an unsupervised procedure and liberate us from the need for costly data annotation. By learning generative model that capture the normality distribution in data, we can isolate abnormal data points that result in low normality scores (high abnormality scores). Moreover, by leverage on the power of generative networks, i.e. energy-based models, we are also able to learn the feature representation automatically rather than replying on hand-crafted features that have been dominating anomaly detection research over many decades. We demonstrate our proposal on the specific application of video anomaly detection and the experimental results indicate that our method performs better than baselines and are comparable with state-of-the-art methods in many benchmark video anomaly detection datasets

    Radiological images and machine learning: trends, perspectives, and prospects

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    The application of machine learning to radiological images is an increasingly active research area that is expected to grow in the next five to ten years. Recent advances in machine learning have the potential to recognize and classify complex patterns from different radiological imaging modalities such as x-rays, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography imaging. In many applications, machine learning based systems have shown comparable performance to human decision-making. The applications of machine learning are the key ingredients of future clinical decision making and monitoring systems. This review covers the fundamental concepts behind various machine learning techniques and their applications in several radiological imaging areas, such as medical image segmentation, brain function studies and neurological disease diagnosis, as well as computer-aided systems, image registration, and content-based image retrieval systems. Synchronistically, we will briefly discuss current challenges and future directions regarding the application of machine learning in radiological imaging. By giving insight on how take advantage of machine learning powered applications, we expect that clinicians can prevent and diagnose diseases more accurately and efficiently.Comment: 13 figure

    Multimodal Emotion Recognition Using Multimodal Deep Learning

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    To enhance the performance of affective models and reduce the cost of acquiring physiological signals for real-world applications, we adopt multimodal deep learning approach to construct affective models from multiple physiological signals. For unimodal enhancement task, we indicate that the best recognition accuracy of 82.11% on SEED dataset is achieved with shared representations generated by Deep AutoEncoder (DAE) model. For multimodal facilitation tasks, we demonstrate that the Bimodal Deep AutoEncoder (BDAE) achieves the mean accuracies of 91.01% and 83.25% on SEED and DEAP datasets, respectively, which are much superior to the state-of-the-art approaches. For cross-modal learning task, our experimental results demonstrate that the mean accuracy of 66.34% is achieved on SEED dataset through shared representations generated by EEG-based DAE as training samples and shared representations generated by eye-based DAE as testing sample, and vice versa

    Opportunities and challenges for quantum-assisted machine learning in near-term quantum computers

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    With quantum computing technologies nearing the era of commercialization and quantum supremacy, machine learning (ML) appears as one of the promising "killer" applications. Despite significant effort, there has been a disconnect between most quantum ML proposals, the needs of ML practitioners, and the capabilities of near-term quantum devices to demonstrate quantum enhancement in the near future. In this contribution to the focus collection on "What would you do with 1000 qubits?", we provide concrete examples of intractable ML tasks that could be enhanced with near-term devices. We argue that to reach this target, the focus should be on areas where ML researchers are struggling, such as generative models in unsupervised and semi-supervised learning, instead of the popular and more tractable supervised learning techniques. We also highlight the case of classical datasets with potential quantum-like statistical correlations where quantum models could be more suitable. We focus on hybrid quantum-classical approaches and illustrate some of the key challenges we foresee for near-term implementations. Finally, we introduce the quantum-assisted Helmholtz machine (QAHM), an attempt to use near-term quantum devices to tackle high-dimensional datasets of continuous variables. Instead of using quantum computers to assist deep learning, as previous approaches do, the QAHM uses deep learning to extract a low-dimensional binary representation of data, suitable for relatively small quantum processors which can assist the training of an unsupervised generative model. Although we illustrate this concept on a quantum annealer, other quantum platforms could benefit as well from this hybrid quantum-classical framework.Comment: Contribution to the special issue of Quantum Science & Technology (QST) on "What would you do with 1000 qubits

    A theoretical basis for efficient computations with noisy spiking neurons

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    Network of neurons in the brain apply - unlike processors in our current generation of computer hardware - an event-based processing strategy, where short pulses (spikes) are emitted sparsely by neurons to signal the occurrence of an event at a particular point in time. Such spike-based computations promise to be substantially more power-efficient than traditional clocked processing schemes. However it turned out to be surprisingly difficult to design networks of spiking neurons that are able to carry out demanding computations. We present here a new theoretical framework for organizing computations of networks of spiking neurons. In particular, we show that a suitable design enables them to solve hard constraint satisfaction problems from the domains of planning - optimization and verification - logical inference. The underlying design principles employ noise as a computational resource. Nevertheless the timing of spikes (rather than just spike rates) plays an essential role in the resulting computations. Furthermore, one can demonstrate for the Traveling Salesman Problem a surprising computational advantage of networks of spiking neurons compared with traditional artificial neural networks and Gibbs sampling. The identification of such advantage has been a well-known open problem.Comment: main paper: 21 pages, 5 figures supplemental paper: 11 pages, no figure

    Physics-Driven Regularization of Deep Neural Networks for Enhanced Engineering Design and Analysis

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    In this paper, we introduce a physics-driven regularization method for training of deep neural networks (DNNs) for use in engineering design and analysis problems. In particular, we focus on prediction of a physical system, for which in addition to training data, partial or complete information on a set of governing laws is also available. These laws often appear in the form of differential equations, derived from first principles, empirically-validated laws, or domain expertise, and are usually neglected in data-driven prediction of engineering systems. We propose a training approach that utilizes the known governing laws and regularizes data-driven DNN models by penalizing divergence from those laws. The first two numerical examples are synthetic examples, where we show that in constructing a DNN model that best fits the measurements from a physical system, the use of our proposed regularization results in DNNs that are more interpretable with smaller generalization errors, compared to other common regularization methods. The last two examples concern metamodeling for a random Burgers' system and for aerodynamic analysis of passenger vehicles, where we demonstrate that the proposed regularization provides superior generalization accuracy compared to other common alternatives

    Representation Learning on Large and Small Data

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    Deep learning owes its success to three key factors: scale of data, enhanced models to learn representations from data, and scale of computation. This book chapter presented the importance of the data-driven approach to learn good representations from both big data and small data. In terms of big data, it has been widely accepted in the research community that the more data the better for both representation and classification improvement. The question is then how to learn representations from big data, and how to perform representation learning when data is scarce. We addressed the first question by presenting CNN model enhancements in the aspects of representation, optimization, and generalization. To address the small data challenge, we showed transfer representation learning to be effective. Transfer representation learning transfers the learned representation from a source domain where abundant training data is available to a target domain where training data is scarce. Transfer representation learning gave the OM and melanoma diagnosis modules of our XPRIZE Tricorder device (which finished 2nd2^{nd} out of 310310 competing teams) a significant boost in diagnosis accuracy.Comment: Book chapte