125,511 research outputs found

    An empirical evaluation of High-Level Synthesis languages and tools for database acceleration

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    High Level Synthesis (HLS) languages and tools are emerging as the most promising technique to make FPGAs more accessible to software developers. Nevertheless, picking the most suitable HLS for a certain class of algorithms depends on requirements such as area and throughput, as well as on programmer experience. In this paper, we explore the different trade-offs present when using a representative set of HLS tools in the context of Database Management Systems (DBMS) acceleration. More specifically, we conduct an empirical analysis of four representative frameworks (Bluespec SystemVerilog, Altera OpenCL, LegUp and Chisel) that we utilize to accelerate commonly-used database algorithms such as sorting, the median operator, and hash joins. Through our implementation experience and empirical results for database acceleration, we conclude that the selection of the most suitable HLS depends on a set of orthogonal characteristics, which we highlight for each HLS framework.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft

    Using Graph Properties to Speed-up GPU-based Graph Traversal: A Model-driven Approach

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    While it is well-known and acknowledged that the performance of graph algorithms is heavily dependent on the input data, there has been surprisingly little research to quantify and predict the impact the graph structure has on performance. Parallel graph algorithms, running on many-core systems such as GPUs, are no exception: most research has focused on how to efficiently implement and tune different graph operations on a specific GPU. However, the performance impact of the input graph has only been taken into account indirectly as a result of the graphs used to benchmark the system. In this work, we present a case study investigating how to use the properties of the input graph to improve the performance of the breadth-first search (BFS) graph traversal. To do so, we first study the performance variation of 15 different BFS implementations across 248 graphs. Using this performance data, we show that significant speed-up can be achieved by combining the best implementation for each level of the traversal. To make use of this data-dependent optimization, we must correctly predict the relative performance of algorithms per graph level, and enable dynamic switching to the optimal algorithm for each level at runtime. We use the collected performance data to train a binary decision tree, to enable high-accuracy predictions and fast switching. We demonstrate empirically that our decision tree is both fast enough to allow dynamic switching between implementations, without noticeable overhead, and accurate enough in its prediction to enable significant BFS speedup. We conclude that our model-driven approach (1) enables BFS to outperform state of the art GPU algorithms, and (2) can be adapted for other BFS variants, other algorithms, or more specific datasets

    Parallel Processing of Large Graphs

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    More and more large data collections are gathered worldwide in various IT systems. Many of them possess the networked nature and need to be processed and analysed as graph structures. Due to their size they require very often usage of parallel paradigm for efficient computation. Three parallel techniques have been compared in the paper: MapReduce, its map-side join extension and Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP). They are implemented for two different graph problems: calculation of single source shortest paths (SSSP) and collective classification of graph nodes by means of relational influence propagation (RIP). The methods and algorithms are applied to several network datasets differing in size and structural profile, originating from three domains: telecommunication, multimedia and microblog. The results revealed that iterative graph processing with the BSP implementation always and significantly, even up to 10 times outperforms MapReduce, especially for algorithms with many iterations and sparse communication. Also MapReduce extension based on map-side join usually noticeably presents better efficiency, although not as much as BSP. Nevertheless, MapReduce still remains the good alternative for enormous networks, whose data structures do not fit in local memories.Comment: Preprint submitted to Future Generation Computer System
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