10,655 research outputs found

    Secure webs and buying intention: the moderating role of usability

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    El presente trabajo ha planteado un modelo conceptual a fin de mostrar como los antecedentes de la intención de compra se ven reforzados en contextos de Webs altamente usables. Específicamente, el trabajo analiza en profundidad el rol moderador de la usabilidad en la explicación de la conexión entre seguridad de una Web e intención de compra. Entre ambos extremos (seguridad e intención de compra), se han incluido diversas variables para explicar mejor su conexión. Para ello, ha sido diseñada una Web ficticia de ropa dirigida al segmento joven de clase media. A fin de alterar la usabilidad de la Web se han realizado dos tipos de manipulaciones: la velocidad y la facilidad de uso de la Web. Las dos Webs creadas (alta usabilidad y baja usabilidad) fueron visitadas por un total de 170 encuestados que fueron compensados con un USB valorado en 15 euros. Los resultados muestran que la seguridad percibida en la Web acarrea tres interesantes efectos (especialmente para la Web altamente usable): (i) mejora las actitudes agrado, (ii) reduce el nivel de riesgo percibido; (iii) aumenta la confianza. Los dos últimos efectos, a su vez, acaban aumentando la intención de compra.. Por último, se ha demostrado que la usabilidad, efectivamente, refuerza las relaciones consideradas en el modelo propuesto para explicar la intención de compra.A conceptual model has been proposed to show how buying intention antecedents are reinforced in highly usable contexts. Specifically, this paper deeply analyses the moderator role of system variables (usability) on explaining the relationship between Web security and buying intention. Between both extremes (security and buying intention), several relationships have also been stated to better explain this effect. An “ideal” fictitious Website was designed for a non existent clothing company directed at the segment of middle class consumers. In order to alter Web usability, two blocks of changes were made, one concerning Website speed and the other related to ease of use. Our experiment sample consisted of 170 respondents who participated in exchange for a pen-drive (USB) valued at 15 euros. The results show that improving website security has three interesting effects (especially in high usable contexts): (i) it improves pleasure attitudes, (ii) reduces the level of perceived risk and (iii) increases trust. Secondly, it has been found that to increase buying intention, two actions must be taken: (i) to diminish perceived risk and (ii) to improve users’ pleasure attitudes towards the Website. Finally, usability has been found to have a moderating role in all the relationships considered (reinforcing them)

    Critical Success Factors for Positive User Experience in Hotel Websites: Applying Herzberg's Two Factor Theory for User Experience Modeling

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    This research presents the development of a critical success factor matrix for increasing positive user experience of hotel websites based upon user ratings. Firstly, a number of critical success factors for web usability have been identified through the initial literature review. Secondly, hotel websites were surveyed in terms of critical success factors identified through the literature review. Thirdly, Herzberg's motivation theory has been applied to the user rating and the critical success factors were categorized into two areas. Finally, the critical success factor matrix has been developed using the two main sets of data.Comment: Journal articl

    Issues in Evaluating Health Department Web-Based Data Query Systems: Working Papers

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    Compiles papers on conceptual and methodological topics to consider in evaluating state health department systems that provide aggregate data online, such as taxonomy, logic models, indicators, and design. Includes surveys and examples of evaluations

    Towards Analytical Approach to Effective Website Designs: A Framework for Modeling, Evaluation and Enhancement

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    Conference Theme: I.T. and Value CreationEffective website design is critical to the success of electronic commerce and digital government. Most prior website design research has taken a computational or cognitive/behavioral approach which may not yield optimal designs demanded by specific requirements. We consider website design as a structural problem which can be examined using analytical approach, such as mathematical optimization. Specifically, we propose a framework which classifies real-world design problems into generic website design categories and maps each resulting category into a graph model which can be analyzable or solved using appropriate analytical techniques. Our framework consists of generic designs and graph models, together with the necessary mapping. We classify the Web site applications and review their features proposed by previous research. We describe a generic website design category using its objective and key constraints that correspond to important design requirements. By modeling website design problems using well-defined structures and rigorous analysis methods, this framework is able to measure website accessibility in a systematic and quantifiable manner, arguably more desirable than existing qualitative ad-hoc practices. Overall, our framework can facilitate the website design process, enhance design quality, and increase ease of analysis, implementation and continuous improvement.link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Cultural impacts on web: An empirical comparison of interactivity in websites of South Korea and the United Kingdom

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and was awarded by Brunel UniversityThis thesis explores cultural differences on interactive design features used in websites of South Korea and the United Kingdom from the perspective of both: professional website designers and end-users. It also investigates how the use of interactive design features from different cultures change over time. Four interaction types on websites; User to Interface (U2I), User to Content (U2C), User to Provider (U2P), and User to User (U2U) interactivity, and three interaction types on blogs; Blogger to Interface (B2I), Blogger to Content (B2C) and Blogger to Blogger (B2B) interactivity have been identified. Four cultural dimensions were used for the theoretical base of this study based on which four hypotheses were proposed in relation to the interaction types identified above; (a) High versus Low Context cultures for U2I, (b) High versus Low Uncertainty Avoidance for U2C, (c) High versus Low Power Distance for U2P and (d) Individualism versus Collectivism for U2U interactivity, in order to discover the effects of national cultures on interactivity in websites. We derived our own interactivity dimensions and mapped them to the four interaction types for websites and three for blogs. Interactive design features were derived from interactivity dimensions and examined in our studies. The findings revealed that there have been some changes towards homogeneity in the use of interactive design features on charity websites between South Korea and United Kingdom although there is still evidence of some cultural differences. With regard to end-users’ perspective, the result show that the use of interactive design features of blogs may be influenced by culture but this is only within a certain context. The findings also provide a valuable indication that users interacting within the same blog service can be considered as being shared concerns rather than shared national location, thus create a particular type of community in which bloggers are affected by social influence so they adopt a shared set of value, preferences and style that would indicate almost a common social culture. As a result, the cultural differences derived from their country of origin do not have that much impact

    Effects of White Space on Consumer Perceptions of Value in E-Commerce

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    As e-commerce becomes an increasingly large industry, questions remain about how the isolated effects of design elements on websites influence consumer perceptions and purchasing behavior. This study used a quantitative approach to measuring the effect of a ubiquitous element of design, white space, on the perception of the monetary value of individual items. White space is a key component of design and website usability, yet it has been shown to be related to the perception of luxury. Little is known about the direct relationship between manipulation of white space and the outcomes on consumer perceptions of value in an e-commerce context. This study found no significant difference between two levels of total white space area (large vs. small) measured by participants\u27 perceived cost of items (chairs). In contrast, while holding total white space constant, the effect of white space distance between images was significant for males but not for females. Additionally, no significant relationship between gender and frequency of online shopping behavior was found, χ2(1) = 3.19, p = .07, ϕ = .17. Gender and amount of time spent per month online were significantly related, χ2(1) = 6.21, p = .013, ϕ = .24

    Surfacing Meta-categories of Web-designers’ Criteria for B2C Website Evaluation: A Qualitative Study Using the Repertory Grid Technique

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    Many businesses today are using the World Wide Web (WWW) to create a compelling presence and this phenomenon is projected to sustain in the near future. Organizations are increasingly using websites not only to capture but also to build relationships with their desired markets. However, research into the effectiveness of B2C websites remains highly fragmented and user-centric, ignoring the views of web-designers. This study therefore aims to investigate what web-designers consider as attributes of “effective” B2C websites. Twenty web-designers were interviewed using Kelly’s (1955) Repertory Grid Technique in order to elicit factors that they consider important when designing or developing B2C websites. Using Grounded Theory approach, these elicited data were then classified into 14 meta-categories. The intensive nature of the interviews eventually gave rise to a comprehensive set of factors that broadens the base of existing literature on website effectiveness

    Improving Web Site Structure to Facilitate Effective User Navigation

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    Web sites are most effective when they meet both the contents and usability needs of their users. It is revealed, however, that designing usable Web sites is not a trivial task. A primary reason is that Web developers’ perceptions and knowledge can be very different from those of the target users. Such differences result in cases in which users cannot easily locate the relevant information in a Web site. In this paper, we propose a math programming model to improve the navigation effectiveness of a Web site while preserving its original structure whenever possible. Our approach minimizes unnecessary changes to the present structure of a Web site and hence can be applied for Web site maintenance on a regular basis. Our test on a real Web site shows that the approach can provide significant improvements over the Web site structure by introducing only a small number of new links