2 research outputs found

    Towards Wireless Virtualization for 5G Cellular Systems

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    Although it has been defined as one of the most promising key enabling technologies for the forthcoming fifth generation cellular networks, wireless virtualization still has several challenges remaining to be addressed. Amongst those, resource allocation, which decides how to embed the different wireless virtual networks on the physical relying infrastructure, is the one receiving maximum attention. This project aims at finding the optimal resource allocation for each virtual network, in terms of channel resources, power levels and radio access technologies so that the data rate requested by each virtual network can be guaranteed and the global throughput efficiency can be maximized.Aunque haya sido definida como una de las tecnologías clave para el desarrollo de la nueva generación de sistemas móviles, la virtualización del acceso radio aún tiene muchos retos a investigar. Entre ellos, la distribución de los recursos, que tiene por objetivo encontrar el mejor encaje de las distintas redes virtuales en la infraestructura física que comparten, es el que está recibiendo la mayor atención. Este proyecto, tiene por objetivo encontrar la repartición óptima de los recursos, tanto a nivel de canal como de potencia y de tecnologías de acceso radio, para que los requisitos de las redes virtuales puedan ser garantizadas y la eficiencia global sea maximizada.Malgrat ha estat definida com una de les tecnologies claus de cara al desenvolupament de la propera cinquena generació de xarxes mòbils, la virtualització de l'accés radio encara té molts reptes oberts a fer front. Entre ells, la distribució de recursos, que té per objectiu buscar el millor encaix de les diferents xarxes virtuals en la infraestructura física que comparteixen, és la que està centrant la màxima atenció. Aquest projecte té per objectiu aconseguir la repartició òptima de recursos, pel que fa al canal, als nivells de potència i a les tecnologies radio disponibles, de manera que els requisits de cada xarxa virtual puguin ser garantits i que l'eficiència global pugui ser maximitzada

    An elastic resource allocation algorithm enabling wireless network virtualization

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    Following the wired network virtualization, virtualization of wireless networks becomes the next step aiming to provide network or infrastructure providers with the ability to manage and control their networks in a more dynamic fashion. The benefit of the wireless mobile network virtualization is a more agile business model where virtual mobile network operators (MNOs) can request and thus pay physical MNOs in a more pay-as-you-use manner. This paper presents some resource allocation algorithms for joint network virtualization and resource allocation of wireless networks. The overall algorithm involves the following two major processes: firstly, to virtualize a physical wireless network into multiple slices, each representing a virtual network, and secondly, to carry out physical resource allocation within each virtual network (or slice). In particular, the paper adopts orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as its physical layer to achieve more efficient resource utilization. Therefore, the resource allocation is conducted in terms of sub-carriers. Although the motivation and algorithm design are based on IEEE 802.16 or WiMAX networks, the principle and algorithmic essence are also applicable to other OFDM access-based wireless networks. The aim was to achieve the following design goals: virtual network isolation and resource efficiency. The latter is measured in terms of network throughput and packet delivery ratio. The simulation results show that the aforementioned goals have been achieved