15,448 research outputs found

    3D high definition video coding on a GPU-based heterogeneous system

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    H.264/MVC is a standard for supporting the sensation of 3D, based on coding from 2 (stereo) to N views. H.264/MVC adopts many coding options inherited from single view H.264/AVC, and thus its complexity is even higher, mainly because the number of processing views is higher. In this manuscript, we aim at an efficient parallelization of the most computationally intensive video encoding module for stereo sequences. In particular, inter prediction and its collaborative execution on a heterogeneous platform. The proposal is based on an efficient dynamic load balancing algorithm and on breaking encoding dependencies. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed algorithm's ability to reduce the encoding time for different stereo high definition sequences. Speed-up values of up to 90× were obtained when compared with the reference encoder on the same platform. Moreover, the proposed algorithm also provides a more energy-efficient approach and hence requires less energy than the sequential reference algorith

    Fast Depth and Inter Mode Prediction for Quality Scalable High Efficiency Video Coding

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    International audienceThe scalable high efficiency video coding (SHVC) is an extension of high efficiency video coding (HEVC), which introduces multiple layers and inter-layer prediction, thus significantly increases the coding complexity on top of the already complicated HEVC encoder. In inter prediction for quality SHVC, in order to determine the best possible mode at each depth level, a coding tree unit can be recursively split into four depth levels, including merge mode, inter2Nx2N, inter2NxN, interNx2N, interNxN, in-ter2NxnU, inter2NxnD, internLx2N and internRx2N, intra modes and inter-layer reference (ILR) mode. This can obtain the highest coding efficiency, but also result in very high coding complexity. Therefore, it is crucial to improve coding speed while maintaining coding efficiency. In this research, we have proposed a new depth level and inter mode prediction algorithm for quality SHVC. First, the depth level candidates are predicted based on inter-layer correlation, spatial correlation and its correlation degree. Second, for a given depth candidate, we divide mode prediction into square and non-square mode predictions respectively. Third, in the square mode prediction, ILR and merge modes are predicted according to depth correlation, and early terminated whether residual distribution follows a Gaussian distribution. Moreover, ILR mode, merge mode and inter2Nx2N are early terminated based on significant differences in Rate Distortion (RD) costs. Fourth, if the early termination condition cannot be satisfied, non-square modes are further predicted based on significant differences in expected values of residual coefficients. Finally, inter-layer and spatial correlations are combined with residual distribution to examine whether to early terminate depth selection. Experimental results have demonstrated that, on average, the proposed algorithm can achieve a time saving of 71.14%, with a bit rate increase of 1.27%

    A low complexity hardware architecture for motion estimation

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    This paper tackles the problem of accelerating motion estimation for video processing. A novel architecture using binary data is proposed, which attempts to reduce power consumption. The solution exploits redundant operations in the sum of absolute differences (SAD) calculation, by a mechanism known as early termination. Further data redundancies are exploited by using a run length coding addressing scheme, where access to pixels which do not contribute to the final SAD value is minimised. By using these two techniques operations and memory accesses are reduced by 93.29% and 69.17% respectively relative to a systolic array implementation

    Key-point Detection based Fast CU Decision for HEVC Intra Encoding

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    As the most recent video coding standard, High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) adopts various novel techniques, including a quad-tree based coding unit (CU) structure and additional angular modes used for intra encoding. These newtechniques achieve a notable improvement in coding efficiency at the penalty of significant computational complexity increase. Thus, a fast HEVC coding algorithm is highly desirable. In this paper, we propose a fast intra CU decision algorithm for HEVC to reduce the coding complexity, mainly based on a key-point detection. A CU block is considered to have multiple gradients and is early split if corner points are detected inside the block. On the other hand, a CU block without corner points is treated to be terminated when its RD cost is also small according to statistics of the previous frames. The proposed fast algorithm achieves over 62% encoding time reduction with 3.66%, 2.82%, and 2.53% BD-Rate loss for Y, U, and V components, averagely. The experimental results show that the proposed method is efficient to fast decide CU size in HEVC intra coding, even though only static parameters are applied to all test sequences

    Maximum-Entropy-Model-Enabled Complexity Reduction Algorithm in Modern Video Coding Standards

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    Symmetry considerations play a key role in modern science, and any differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law. Symmetry may be regarded as reduction of Entropy. This work focuses on reducing the computational complexity of modern video coding standards by using the maximum entropy principle. The high computational complexity of the coding unit (CU) size decision in modern video coding standards is a critical challenge for real-time applications. This problem is solved in a novel approach considering CU termination, skip, and normal decisions as three-class making problems. The maximum entropy model (MEM) is formulated to the CU size decision problem, which can optimize the conditional entropy; the improved iterative scaling (IIS) algorithm is used to solve this optimization problem. The classification features consist of the spatio-temporal information of the CU, including the rate–distortion (RD) cost, coded block flag (CBF), and depth. For the case analysis, the proposed method is based on High Efficiency Video Coding (H.265/HEVC) standards. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can reduce the computational complexity of the H.265/HEVC encoder significantly. Compared with the H.265/HEVC reference model, the proposed method can reduce the average encoding time by 53.27% and 56.36% under low delay and random access configurations, while Bjontegaard Delta Bit Rates (BD-BRs) are 0.72% and 0.93% on average

    Content-adaptive feature-based CU size prediction for fast low-delay video encoding in HEVC

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    Determining the best partitioning structure of a Coding Tree Unit (CTU) is one of the most time consuming operations in HEVC encoding. Specifically, it is the evaluation of the quadtree hierarchy using the Rate-Distortion (RD) optimization that has the most significant impact on the encoding time, especially in the cases of High Definition (HD) and Ultra High Definition (UHD) videos. In order to expedite the encoding for low delay applications, this paper proposes a Coding Unit (CU) size selection and encoding algorithm for inter-prediction in the HEVC. To this end, it describes (i) two CU classification models based on Inter N×N mode motion features and RD cost thresholds to predict the CU split decision, (ii) an online training scheme for dynamic content adaptation, (iii) a motion vector reuse mechanism to expedite the motion estimation process, and finally introduces (iv) a computational complexity to coding efficiency trade-off process to enable flexible control of the algorithm. The experimental results reveal that the proposed algorithm achieves a consistent average encoding time performance ranging from 55% - 58% and 57%-61% with average Bjøntegaard Delta Bit Rate (BDBR) increases of 1.93% – 2.26% and 2.14% – 2.33% compared to the HEVC 16.0 reference software for the low delay P and low delay B configurations, respectively, across a wide range of content types and bit rates

    High Efficiency and Low Complexity Motion Estimation Algorithm for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Coding

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    [[abstract]]H.264/AVC has achieved significant rate-distortion efficiency by many useful video encoding and decoding tools, but the motion estimation process concerns greatly on computational complexity. In this work, we propose an efficient algorithm, Hierarchical Single Cross Search (HSCS), by using the precision initial search center and simple search strategy to finish the motion estimation. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method can obtain good performance. Through the proposed features, the coding performance can be improved significantly, and the computation complexity of the integer pixel motion estimation of H.264 is also decreased tremendously.[[incitationindex]]E