3,875 research outputs found

    LIME: A Method for Low-light IMage Enhancement

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    When one captures images in low-light conditions, the images often suffer from low visibility. This poor quality may significantly degrade the performance of many computer vision and multimedia algorithms that are primarily designed for high-quality inputs. In this paper, we propose a very simple and effective method, named as LIME, to enhance low-light images. More concretely, the illumination of each pixel is first estimated individually by finding the maximum value in R, G and B channels. Further, we refine the initial illumination map by imposing a structure prior on it, as the final illumination map. Having the well-constructed illumination map, the enhancement can be achieved accordingly. Experiments on a number of challenging real-world low-light images are present to reveal the efficacy of our LIME and show its superiority over several state-of-the-arts

    Survey: Machine Learning in Production Rendering

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    In the past few years, machine learning-based approaches have had some great success for rendering animated feature films. This survey summarizes several of the most dramatic improvements in using deep neural networks over traditional rendering methods, such as better image quality and lower computational overhead. More specifically, this survey covers the fundamental principles of machine learning and its applications, such as denoising, path guiding, rendering participating media, and other notoriously difficult light transport situations. Some of these techniques have already been used in the latest released animations while others are still in the continuing development by researchers in both academia and movie studios. Although learning-based rendering methods still have some open issues, they have already demonstrated promising performance in multiple parts of the rendering pipeline, and people are continuously making new attempts.Comment: This was the survey I did for my PhD research exa

    3D Surface Reconstruction of Underwater Objects

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    In this paper, we propose a novel technique to reconstruct 3D surface of an underwater object using stereo images. Reconstructing the 3D surface of an underwater object is really a challenging task due to degraded quality of underwater images. There are various reason of quality degradation of underwater images i.e., non-uniform illumination of light on the surface of objects, scattering and absorption effects. Floating particles present in underwater produces Gaussian noise on the captured underwater images which degrades the quality of images. The degraded underwater images are preprocessed by applying homomorphic, wavelet denoising and anisotropic filtering sequentially. The uncalibrated rectification technique is applied to preprocessed images to rectify the left and right images. The rectified left and right image lies on a common plane. To find the correspondence points in a left and right images, we have applied dense stereo matching technique i.e., graph cut method. Finally, we estimate the depth of images using triangulation technique. The experimental result shows that the proposed method reconstruct 3D surface of underwater objects accurately using captured underwater stereo images.Comment: International Journal of Computer Applications (2012

    A multi-layer image representation using Regularized Residual Quantization: application to compression and denoising

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    A learning-based framework for representation of domain-specific images is proposed where joint compression and denoising can be done using a VQ-based multi-layer network. While it learns to compress the images from a training set, the compression performance is very well generalized on images from a test set. Moreover, when fed with noisy versions of the test set, since it has priors from clean images, the network also efficiently denoises the test images during the reconstruction. The proposed framework is a regularized version of the Residual Quantization (RQ) where at each stage, the quantization error from the previous stage is further quantized. Instead of codebook learning from the k-means which over-trains for high-dimensional vectors, we show that only generating the codewords from a random, but properly regularized distribution suffices to compress the images globally and without the need to resort to patch-based division of images. The experiments are done on the \textit{CroppedYale-B} set of facial images and the method is compared with the JPEG-2000 codec for compression and BM3D for denoising, showing promising results.Comment: At the International Conference on Image Processing 2017 (ICIP'17), Beijing, Chin

    Deep Retinex Decomposition for Low-Light Enhancement

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    Retinex model is an effective tool for low-light image enhancement. It assumes that observed images can be decomposed into the reflectance and illumination. Most existing Retinex-based methods have carefully designed hand-crafted constraints and parameters for this highly ill-posed decomposition, which may be limited by model capacity when applied in various scenes. In this paper, we collect a LOw-Light dataset (LOL) containing low/normal-light image pairs and propose a deep Retinex-Net learned on this dataset, including a Decom-Net for decomposition and an Enhance-Net for illumination adjustment. In the training process for Decom-Net, there is no ground truth of decomposed reflectance and illumination. The network is learned with only key constraints including the consistent reflectance shared by paired low/normal-light images, and the smoothness of illumination. Based on the decomposition, subsequent lightness enhancement is conducted on illumination by an enhancement network called Enhance-Net, and for joint denoising there is a denoising operation on reflectance. The Retinex-Net is end-to-end trainable, so that the learned decomposition is by nature good for lightness adjustment. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method not only achieves visually pleasing quality for low-light enhancement but also provides a good representation of image decomposition.Comment: BMVC 2018(Oral). Dataset and Project page: https://daooshee.github.io/BMVC2018website

    Texture retrieval using periodically extended and adaptive curvelets

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    Image retrieval is an important problem in the area of multimedia processing. This paper presents two new curvelet-based algorithms for texture retrieval which are suitable for use in constrained-memory devices. The developed algorithms are tested on three publicly available texture datasets: CUReT, Mondial-Marmi, and STex-fabric. Our experiments confirm the effectiveness of the proposed system. Furthermore, a weighted version of the proposed retrieval algorithm is proposed, which is shown to achieve promising results in the classification of seismic activities

    Hierarchical Invariant Feature Learning with Marginalization for Person Re-Identification

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    This paper addresses the problem of matching pedestrians across multiple camera views, known as person re-identification. Variations in lighting conditions, environment and pose changes across camera views make re-identification a challenging problem. Previous methods address these challenges by designing specific features or by learning a distance function. We propose a hierarchical feature learning framework that learns invariant representations from labeled image pairs. A mapping is learned such that the extracted features are invariant for images belonging to same individual across views. To learn robust representations and to achieve better generalization to unseen data, the system has to be trained with a large amount of data. Critically, most of the person re-identification datasets are small. Manually augmenting the dataset by partial corruption of input data introduces additional computational burden as it requires several training epochs to converge. We propose a hierarchical network which incorporates a marginalization technique that can reap the benefits of training on large datasets without explicit augmentation. We compare our approach with several baseline algorithms as well as popular linear and non-linear metric learning algorithms and demonstrate improved performance on challenging publicly available datasets, VIPeR, CUHK01, CAVIAR4REID and iLIDS. Our approach also achieves the stateof-the-art results on these datasets

    Parts for the Whole: The DCT Norm for Extreme Visual Recovery

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    Here we study the extreme visual recovery problem, in which over 90\% of pixel values in a given image are missing. Existing low rank-based algorithms are only effective for recovering data with at most 90\% missing values. Thus, we exploit visual data's smoothness property to help solve this challenging extreme visual recovery problem. Based on the Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT), we propose a novel DCT norm that involves all pixels and produces smooth estimations in any view. Our theoretical analysis shows that the total variation (TV) norm, which only achieves local smoothness, is a special case of the proposed DCT norm. We also develop a new visual recovery algorithm by minimizing the DCT and nuclear norms to achieve a more visually pleasing estimation. Experimental results on a benchmark image dataset demonstrate that the proposed approach is superior to state-of-the-art methods in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio and structural similarity

    Global-Local Face Upsampling Network

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    Face hallucination, which is the task of generating a high-resolution face image from a low-resolution input image, is a well-studied problem that is useful in widespread application areas. Face hallucination is particularly challenging when the input face resolution is very low (e.g., 10 x 12 pixels) and/or the image is captured in an uncontrolled setting with large pose and illumination variations. In this paper, we revisit the algorithm introduced in [1] and present a deep interpretation of this framework that achieves state-of-the-art under such challenging scenarios. In our deep network architecture the global and local constraints that define a face can be efficiently modeled and learned end-to-end using training data. Conceptually our network design can be partitioned into two sub-networks: the first one implements the holistic face reconstruction according to global constraints, and the second one enhances face-specific details and enforces local patch statistics. We optimize the deep network using a new loss function for super-resolution that combines reconstruction error with a learned face quality measure in adversarial setting, producing improved visual results. We conduct extensive experiments in both controlled and uncontrolled setups and show that our algorithm improves the state of the art both numerically and visually

    Non-contact transmittance photoplethysmographic imaging (PPGI) for long-distance cardiovascular monitoring

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    Photoplethysmography (PPG) devices are widely used for monitoring cardiovascular function. However, these devices require skin contact, which restrict their use to at-rest short-term monitoring using single-point measurements. Photoplethysmographic imaging (PPGI) has been recently proposed as a non-contact monitoring alternative by measuring blood pulse signals across a spatial region of interest. Existing systems operate in reflectance mode, of which many are limited to short-distance monitoring and are prone to temporal changes in ambient illumination. This paper is the first study to investigate the feasibility of long-distance non-contact cardiovascular monitoring at the supermeter level using transmittance PPGI. For this purpose, a novel PPGI system was designed at the hardware and software level using ambient correction via temporally coded illumination (TCI) and signal processing for PPGI signal extraction. Experimental results show that the processing steps yield a substantially more pulsatile PPGI signal than the raw acquired signal, resulting in statistically significant increases in correlation to ground-truth PPG in both short- (p∈[<0.0001,0.040]p \in [<0.0001, 0.040]) and long-distance (p∈[<0.0001,0.056]p \in [<0.0001, 0.056]) monitoring. The results support the hypothesis that long-distance heart rate monitoring is feasible using transmittance PPGI, allowing for new possibilities of monitoring cardiovascular function in a non-contact manner.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Nature Scientific Reports, for associated video files see http://vip.uwaterloo.ca/publications/non-contact-transmittance-photoplethysmographic-imaging-ppgi-long-distanc
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