9 research outputs found

    An efficient algorithm for accelerating the convergence of oscillatory series, useful for computing the polylogarithm and Hurwitz zeta functions

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    This paper sketches a technique for improving the rate of convergence of a general oscillatory sequence, and then applies this series acceleration algorithm to the polylogarithm and the Hurwitz zeta function. As such, it may be taken as an extension of the techniques given by Borwein's "An efficient algorithm for computing the Riemann zeta function", to more general series. The algorithm provides a rapid means of evaluating Li_s(z) for general values of complex s and the region of complex z values given by |z^2/(z-1)|<4. Alternatively, the Hurwitz zeta can be very rapidly evaluated by means of an Euler-Maclaurin series. The polylogarithm and the Hurwitz zeta are related, in that two evaluations of the one can be used to obtain a value of the other; thus, either algorithm can be used to evaluate either function. The Euler-Maclaurin series is a clear performance winner for the Hurwitz zeta, while the Borwein algorithm is superior for evaluating the polylogarithm in the kidney-shaped region. Both algorithms are superior to the simple Taylor's series or direct summation. The primary, concrete result of this paper is an algorithm allows the exploration of the Hurwitz zeta in the critical strip, where fast algorithms are otherwise unavailable. A discussion of the monodromy group of the polylogarithm is included.Comment: 37 pages, 6 graphs, 14 full-color phase plots. v3: Added discussion of a fast Hurwitz algorithm; expanded development of the monodromy v4:Correction and clarifiction of monodrom

    The distinct flavors of Zipf's law in the rank-size and in the size-distribution representations, and its maximum-likelihood fitting

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    In the last years, researchers have realized the difficulties of fitting power-law distributions properly. These difficulties are higher in Zipf's systems, due to the discreteness of the variables and to the existence of two representations for these systems, i.e., two versions about which is the random variable to fit. The discreteness implies that a power law in one of the representations is not a power law in the other, and vice versa. We generate synthetic power laws in both representations and apply a state-of-the-art fitting method (based on maximum-likelihood plus a goodness-of-fit test) for each of the two random variables. It is important to stress that the method does not fit the whole distribution, but the tail, understood as the part of a distribution above a cut-off that separates non-power-law behavior from power-law behavior. We find that, no matter which random variable is power-law distributed, the rank-size representation is not adequate for fitting, whereas the representation in terms of the distribution of sizes leads to the recovery of the simulated exponents, may be with some bias

    Table of Dirichlet L-Series and Prime Zeta Modulo Functions for Small Moduli

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    The Dirichlet characters of reduced residue systems modulo m are tabulated for moduli m <= 195. The associated L-series are tabulated for m <= 14 and small positive integer argument s accurate to 10^(-50), their first derivatives for m <= 6. Restricted summation over primes only defines Dirichlet Prime L-functions which lead to Euler products (Prime Zeta Modulo functions). Both are materialized over similar ranges of moduli and arguments. Formulas and numerical techniques are well known; the aim is to provide direct access to reference values.Comment: Table extended to cover moduli <= 195 in the ancillary director

    Borel and Stokes Nonperturbative Phenomena in Topological String Theory and c=1 Matrix Models

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    We address the nonperturbative structure of topological strings and c=1 matrix models, focusing on understanding the nature of instanton effects alongside with exploring their relation to the large-order behavior of the 1/N expansion. We consider the Gaussian, Penner and Chern-Simons matrix models, together with their holographic duals, the c=1 minimal string at self-dual radius and topological string theory on the resolved conifold. We employ Borel analysis to obtain the exact all-loop multi-instanton corrections to the free energies of the aforementioned models, and show that the leading poles in the Borel plane control the large-order behavior of perturbation theory. We understand the nonperturbative effects in terms of the Schwinger effect and provide a semiclassical picture in terms of eigenvalue tunneling between critical points of the multi-sheeted matrix model effective potentials. In particular, we relate instantons to Stokes phenomena via a hyperasymptotic analysis, providing a smoothing of the nonperturbative ambiguity. Our predictions for the multi-instanton expansions are confirmed within the trans-series set-up, which in the double-scaling limit describes nonperturbative corrections to the Toda equation. Finally, we provide a spacetime realization of our nonperturbative corrections in terms of toric D-brane instantons which, in the double-scaling limit, precisely match D-instanton contributions to c=1 minimal strings.Comment: 71 pages, 14 figures, JHEP3.cls; v2: added refs, minor change

    Systematic time expansion for the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation, linear statistics of the GUE at the edge and trapped fermions

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    We present a systematic short time expansion for the generating function of the one point height probability distribution for the KPZ equation with droplet initial condition, which goes much beyond previous studies. The expansion is checked against a numerical evaluation of the known exact Fredholm determinant expression. We also obtain the next order term for the Brownian initial condition. Although initially devised for short time, a resummation of the series allows to obtain also the \textit{long time large deviation function}, found to agree with previous works using completely different techniques. Unexpected similarities with stationary large deviations of TASEP with periodic and open boundaries are discussed. Two additional applications are given. (i) Our method is generalized to study the linear statistics of the {Airy point process}, i.e. of the GUE edge eigenvalues. We obtain the generating function of the cumulants of the empirical measure to a high order. The second cumulant is found to match the result in the bulk obtained from the Gaussian free field by Borodin and Ferrari, but we obtain systematic corrections to the Gaussian free field (higher cumulants, expansion towards the edge). This also extends a result of Basor and Widom to a much higher order. We obtain {large deviation functions} for the {Airy point process} for a variety of linear statistics test functions. (ii) We obtain results for the \textit{counting statistics of trapped fermions} at the edge of the Fermi gas in both the high and the low temperature limits.Comment: 84 pages, 3 figure