4 research outputs found

    Rail Mounted Gantry Crane Scheduling Optimization in Railway Container Terminal Based on Hybrid Handling Mode

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    Rail mounted gantry crane (RMGC) scheduling is important in reducing makespan of handling operation and improving container handling efficiency. In this paper, we present an RMGC scheduling optimization model, whose objective is to determine an optimization handling sequence in order to minimize RMGC idle load time in handling tasks. An ant colony optimization is proposed to obtain near optimal solutions. Computational experiments on a specific railway container terminal are conducted to illustrate the proposed model and solution algorithm. The results show that the proposed method is effective in reducing the idle load time of RMGC

    Model and heuristic solutions for the multiple double-load crane scheduling problem in slab yards

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    This article studies a multiple double-load crane scheduling problem in steel slab yards. Consideration of multiple cranes and their double-load capability makes the scheduling problem more complex. This problem has not been studied previously. We first formulate the problem as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. A two-phase model-based heuristic is then proposed. To solve large problems, a pointer-based discrete differential evolution (PDDE) algorithm was developed with a dynamic programming (DP) algorithm embedded to solve the one-crane subproblem for a fixed sequence of tasks. Instances of real problems are collected from a steel company to test the performance of the solution methods. The experiment results show that the model can solve small problems optimally, and the solution greatly improves the schedule currently used in practice. The two-phase heuristic generates near-optimal solutions, but it can still only solve comparatively modest problems within reasonable (4 h) computational timeframes. The PDDE algorithm can solve large practical problems relatively quickly and provides better results than the two-phase heuristic solution, demonstrating its effectiveness and efficiency and therefore its suitability for practical use

    An effective mathematical formulation for the unidirectional cluster-based quay crane scheduling problem

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    10.1016/j.ejor.2013.06.051European Journal of Operational Research2321198-208EJOR