10,187 research outputs found

    Economic Dispatch of an Integrated Microgrid Based on the Dynamic Process of CCGT Plant

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    Intra-day economic dispatch of an integrated microgrid is a fundamental requirement to integrate distributed generators. The dynamic energy flows in cogeneration units present challenges to the energy management of the microgrid. In this paper, a novel approximate dynamic programming (ADP) approach is proposed to solve this problem based on value function approximation, which is distinct with the consideration of the dynamic process constraints of the combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) plant. First, we mathematically formulate the multi-time periods decision problem as a finite-horizon Markov decision process. To deal with the thermodynamic process, an augmented state vector of CCGT is introduced. Second, the proposed VFA-ADP algorithm is employed to derive the near-optimal real-time operation strategies. In addition, to guarantee the monotonicity of piecewise linear function, we apply the SPAR algorithm in the update process. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conduct experiments with comparisons to some traditional optimization methods. The results indicate that our proposed ADP method achieves better performance on the economic dispatch of the microgrid.Comment: This paper has won the Zhang Si-Ying (CCDC) Outstanding Youth Paper Award in the 33 rd Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC 2021

    Solution of combined heat and power economic dispatch problem using genetic algorithm.

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    Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.The combination of heat and power constitutes a system that provides electricity and thermal energy concurrently. Its high efficiency and significant emission reduction makes it an outstanding prospect in the future of energy production and transmission. The broad application of combined heat and power units requires the joint dispatch of power and heating systems, in which the modelling of combined heat and power units plays a vital role. This research paper employed genetic algorithm, artificial bee colony, differential evolution, particle swarm optimization and direct solution algorithms to evaluate the cost function as well as output decision variables of heat and power in a system that has simple cycle cogeneration unit with quadratic cost function. The system was first modeled to determine the various parameters of combined heat and power units in order to solve the economic dispatch problem with direct solution algorithm. In order for modelling to be done, a general structure of combined heat and power must be defined. The system considered in this research consists of four test units, i.e. two conventional power units, one combined heat and power unit and one heat-only unit. These algorithms were applied to on the research data set to determine the required decision variables while taking into account the power and heat units, operation bound of power and heat-only units as well as feasible operation region of the cogeneration unit. Power and heat output decision variables plus cost functions from Genetic Algorithm, differential evolution, Particle Swarm Optimization and artificial bee colony were determined using codes. Also, the decision variables and cost function value were obtained by calculations using direct solution algorithm. The findings of the research paper show that there are different ways in which combined heat and power economic dispatch variables can be determined, which include genetic algorithm, differential evolution, artificial bee colony, particle swarm optimization and direct solution algorithms. However, each solution method allows for different combined heat and power output decision variables to be found, with some of the methods (particle swarm optimization and artificial bee colony) having setbacks such as: large objective function values, slower convergence and large number solution. The analysis revealed that the differential evolution algorithm is a viable alternative to solving combined heat and power problems. This is due in most part to its faster convergence, minimum cost function value, and high quality solution which are diverse and widespread, more as a result of its effective search capability than genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization, direct solution and artificial bee colony algorithms. The methods investigated in this research paper can be used and expanded on to create useful and accurate technique of solving combined heat and power problems

    Optimal GENCO bidding strategy

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    Electricity industries worldwide are undergoing a period of profound upheaval. The conventional vertically integrated mechanism is being replaced by a competitive market environment. Generation companies have incentives to apply novel technologies to lower production costs, for example: Combined Cycle units. Economic dispatch with Combined Cycle units becomes a non-convex optimization problem, which is difficult if not impossible to solve by conventional methods. Several techniques are proposed here: Mixed Integer Linear Programming, a hybrid method, as well as Evolutionary Algorithms. Evolutionary Algorithms share a common mechanism, stochastic searching per generation. The stochastic property makes evolutionary algorithms robust and adaptive enough to solve a non-convex optimization problem. This research implements GA, EP, and PS algorithms for economic dispatch with Combined Cycle units, and makes a comparison with classical Mixed Integer Linear Programming.;The electricity market equilibrium model not only helps Independent System Operator/Regulator analyze market performance and market power, but also provides Market Participants the ability to build optimal bidding strategies based on Microeconomics analysis. Supply Function Equilibrium (SFE) is attractive compared to traditional models. This research identifies a proper SFE model, which can be applied to a multiple period situation. The equilibrium condition using discrete time optimal control is then developed for fuel resource constraints. Finally, the research discusses the issues of multiple equilibria and mixed strategies, which are caused by the transmission network. Additionally, an advantage of the proposed model for merchant transmission planning is discussed.;A market simulator is a valuable training and evaluation tool to assist sellers, buyers, and regulators to understand market performance and make better decisions. A traditional optimization model may not be enough to consider the distributed, large-scale, and complex energy market. This research compares the performance and searching paths of different artificial life techniques such as Genetic Algorithm (GA), Evolutionary Programming (EP), and Particle Swarm (PS), and look for a proper method to emulate Generation Companies\u27 (GENCOs) bidding strategies.;After deregulation, GENCOs face risk and uncertainty associated with the fast-changing market environment. A profit-based bidding decision support system is critical for GENCOs to keep a competitive position in the new environment. Most past research do not pay special attention to the piecewise staircase characteristic of generator offer curves. This research proposes an optimal bidding strategy based on Parametric Linear Programming. The proposed algorithm is able to handle actual piecewise staircase energy offer curves. The proposed method is then extended to incorporate incomplete information based on Decision Analysis. Finally, the author develops an optimal bidding tool (GenBidding) and applies it to the RTS96 test system

    Integration of solar energy and optimized economic dispatch using genetic algorithm: A case-study of Abu Dhabi

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    © 2017 IEEE. The United Arab Emirates is focusing on cultivating Renewable Energy (RE) to meet its growing power demand. This also brings power planning to the forefront in regards to keen interests in renewable constrained economic dispatch. This paper takes note of UAE's vision in incorporating a better energy mix of Renewable Energy (RE), nuclear, hybrid system along with the existing power plants mostly utilizing natural gas; with further attention for a sound economic dispatch scenario. The paper describes economic dispatch and delves into the usage of Genetic Algorithm to optimize the proposed system of thermal plants and solar systems. The paper explains the problem formulation, describes the system used, and illustrates the results achieved. The aim of the research is in line with the objective function to minimize the total costs of production and to serve the purpose of integrating renewable energy into the traditional power production in UAE. The generation mix scenarios are assessed using genetic algorithm using MATLAB simulation for the optimization problem

    An economic evaluation of the potential for distributed energy in Australia

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    Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) recently completed a major study investigating the value of distributed energy (DE; collectively demand management, energy efficiency and distributed generation) technologies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Australia’s energy sector (CSIRO, 2009). This comprehensive report covered potential economic, environmental, technical, social, policy and regulatory impacts that could result from the wide scale adoption of these technologies. In this paper we highlight the economic findings from the study. Partial Equilibrium modeling of the stationary and transport sectors found that Australia could achieve a present value welfare gain of around $130 billion when operating under a 450 ppm carbon reduction trajectory through to 2050. Modeling also suggests that reduced volatility in the spot market could decrease average prices by up to 12% in 2030 and 65% in 2050 by using local resources to better cater for an evolving supply-demand imbalance. Further modeling suggests that even a small amount of distributed generation located within a distribution network has the potential to significantly alter electricity prices by changing the merit order of dispatch in an electricity spot market. Changes to the dispatch relative to a base case can have both positive and negative effects on network losses.Distributed energy; Economic modeling; Carbon price; Electricity markets

    Collinsville solar thermal project: energy economics and dispatch forecasting (final report)

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    The primary aim of this report is to help negotiate a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the proposed hybrid gas-Linear Frensel Reflector (LFR) plant at Collinsville, Queensland, Australia.  The report’s wider appeal is the discussion of the current situation in Australian National Electricity Market (NEM) and techniques and methods used to model the NEM’s demand and wholesale spot prices for the lifetime of the proposed plant. Executive Summary 1        Introduction This report primarily aims to provide both dispatch and wholesale spot price forecasts for the proposed hybrid gas-solar thermal plant at Collinsville, Queensland, Australia for its lifetime 2017-47.  These forecasts are to facilitate Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) negotiations and to evaluate the proposed dispatch profile in Table 3.  The solar thermal component of the plant uses Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) technology.  The proposed profile maintains a 30 MW dispatch during the weekdays by topping up the yield from the LFR by dispatch from the gas generator and imitates a baseload function currently provided by coal generators.  This report is the second of two reports and uses the findings of our first report on yield forecasting (Bell, Wild & Foster 2014b). 2        Literature review The literature review discusses demand and supply forecasts, which we use to forecast wholesale spot prices with the Australian National Electricity Market (ANEM) model. The review introduces the concept of gross demand to supplement the Australian Electricity Market Operator’s (AEMO) “total demand”.  This gross demand concept helps to explain the permanent transformation of the demand in the National Electricity Market (NEM) region and the recent demand over forecasting by the AEMO.  We also discuss factors causing the permanent transformation.  The review also discusses the implications of the irregular ENSO cycle for demand and its role in over forecasting demand. Forecasting supply requires assimilating the information in the Electricity Statement of Opportunities (ESO) (AEMO 2013a, 2014c).  AEMO expects a reserve surplus across the NEM beyond 2023-24.  Compounding this reserve surplus, there is a continuing decline in manufacturing, which is freeing up supply capacity elsewhere in the NEM.  The combined effect of export LNG prices and declining total demand are hampering decisions to transform proposed gas generation investment into actual investment and hampering the role for gas as a bridging technology in the NEM.  The review also estimates expected lower and upper bounds for domestic gas prices to determine the sensitivity of the NEM’s wholesale spot prices and plant’s revenue to gas prices. The largest proposed investment in the NEM is from wind generation but the low demand to wind speed correlation induces wholesale spot price volatility.  However, McKinsey Global Institute (MGI 2014) and Norris et al. (2014a) expect economically viable energy storage shortly beyond the planning horizon of the ESO in 2023-24.  We expect that this viability will not only defer investment in generation and transmission but also accelerate the growth in off-market produced and consumed electricity within the NEM region. 2.1     Research questions The report has the following overarching research questions: What is the expected dispatch of the proposed plant’s gas component given the plant’s dispatch profile and expected LFR yield? What are the wholesale spots prices on the NEM given the plant’s dispatch profile? The literature review refines the latter research question into five more specific research questions ready for the methodology: What are the half-hourly wholesale spots prices for the plant’s lifetime without gas as a bridging technology? Assuming a reference gas price of between 5.27/GJto5.27/GJ to 7.19/GJ for base-load gas generation (depending upon nodal location;) and for peak-load gas generation of between 6.59/GJto6.59/GJ to 8.99/GJ; and given the plant’s dispatch profile What are the half-hourly wholesale spots prices for the plant’s lifetime with gas as a bridging technology? Assuming some replacement of coal with gas generation How sensitive are wholesale spot prices to higher gas prices? Assuming high gas prices are between 7.79/GJto7.79/GJ to 9.71/GJ for base-load gas generation (depending upon nodal location); and for peak-load gas generation of between 9.74/GJto9.74/GJ to 12.14/GJ; and What is the plant’s revenue for the reference gas prices? How sensitive is the plant’s revenue to gas as a bridging technology? How sensitive is the plant’s revenue to the higher gas prices? What is the levelised cost of energy for the proposed plant? 3        Methodology In the methodology section, we discuss the following items: dispatch forecasting for the proposed plant; supply capacity for the years 2014-47 for the NEM; demand forecasting using a Typical Meteorological Year (TMY); and wholesale spot prices calculation using ANEM, supply capacity and total demand define three scenarios to address the research questions: reference gas prices; gas as a bridging technology; and high gas prices. The TMY demand matches the solar thermal plant’s TMY yield forecast that we developed in our previous report (Bell, Wild & Foster 2014b).  Together, these forecasts help address the research questions. 4        Results In the results section we will present the findings for each research question, including the TMY yield for the LFR and the dispatch of the gas generator given the proposed dispatch profile in Table 3; Average annual wholesale spot prices from 2017 to 2047 for the plant’s node for: Reference gas prices scenario from 18/MWhto18/MWh to 38/MWh Gas as a bridging technology scenario from 18/MWhto18/MWh to 110/MWh High gas price scenario from 20/MWhto20/MWh to 41/MWh The combined plants revenue without subsidy given the proposed profile: Reference gas price scenario 36millionGasasabridgingtechnologyscenario36 million Gas as a bridging technology scenario 52 million High gas price scenario $47 million 5        Discussion In the discussion section, we analyse: reasons for the changes in the average annual spot prices for the three scenarios; and the frequency that the half-hourly spot price exceeds the Short Run Marginal Cost (SRMC) of the gas generator for the three scenarios for: day of the week; month of the year; and time of the day. If the wholesale spot price exceeds the SRMC, dispatch from the gas plant contributes towards profits.  Otherwise, the dispatch contributes towards a loss.  We find that for both reference and high gas price scenarios the proposed profile in Table 3 captures exceedances for the day of the week and the time of the day but causes the plant to run at a loss for several months of the year.  Figure 14 shows that the proposed profile captures the exceedance by hour of the day and Figure 16 shows that only operating the gas component Monday to Friday is well justified.  However, Figure 15 shows that operating the gas plant in April, May, September and October is contributing toward a loss.  Months either side of these four months have a marginal number of exceedances.  In the unlikely case of gas as a bridging scenario, extending the proposed profile to include the weekend and operating from 6 am to midnight would contribute to profits. We offer an alternative strategy to the proposed profile because the proposed profile in the most likely scenarios proves loss making when considering the gas component’s operation throughout the year.  The gas-LFR plant imitating the based-load role of a coal generator takes advantage of the strengths of the gas and LFR component, that is, the flexibility of gas to compensate for the LFR’s intermittency, and utilising the LFR’s low SRMC.  However, the high SRMC of the gas component in a baseload role loses the flexibility to respond to market conditions and contributes to loss instead of profit and to CO2 production during periods of low demand. The alternative profile retains the advantages of the proposed profile but allows the gas component freedom to exploit market conditions.  Figure 17 introduces the perfect day’s yield profile calculated from the maximum hourly yield from the years 2007-13.  The gas generator tops up the actual LFR yield to the perfect day’s yield profile to cover LFR intermittency.  The residual capacity of the gas generator is free to meet demand when spot market prices exceed SRMC and price spikes during Value-of-Lost-Load (VOLL) events.  The flexibility of the gas component may prove more advantageous as the penetration of intermittent renewable energy increases. 6        Conclusion We find that the proposed plant is a useful addition to the NEM but the proposed profile is unsuitable because the gas component is loss making for four months of the year and producing CO2 during periods of low demand.  We recommend further research using the alternative perfect day’s yield profile. 7        Further Research We discuss further research compiled from recommendation elsewhere in the report. 8        Appendix A Australian National Electricity Market Model Network This appendix provides diagrams of the generation and load serving entity nodes and the transmission lines that the ANEM model uses.  There are 52 nodes and 68 transmission lines, which make the ANEM model realistic.  In comparison, many other models of the NEM are highly aggregated. 9        Appendix B Australian National Electricity Market Model This appendix describes the ANEM model in detail and provides additional information on the assumptions made about the change in the generation fleet in the NEM during the lifetime of the proposed plant