2,719 research outputs found

    An architecture for recycling intermediates in a column-store

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    Automatic recycling intermediate results to improve both query response time and throughput is a grand c

    An architecture for recycling intermediates in a column-store

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    Automatically recycling (intermediate) results is a grand challenge for state-of-the-art databases to improve both query response time and throughput. Tuples are loaded and streamed through a tuple-at-a-time processing pipeline avoiding materialization of intermediates as much as possible. This limits the opportunities for reuse of overlapping computations to DBA-defined materialized views and function/result cache tuning. In contrast, the operator-at-a-time execution paradigm produces fully materialized results in each step of the query plan. To avoid resource contention, these intermediates are evicted as soon as possible. In this paper we study an architecture that harvests the by-products of the operator-at-a-time paradigm in a column store system using a lightweight mechanism, the recycler. The key challenge then becomes selection of the policies to admit intermediates to the resource pool, their retention period, and the eviction strategy when facing resource limitations. The proposed recycling architecture has been implemented in an open-source system. An experimental analysis against the TPC-H ad-hoc decision support benchmark and a complex, real-world application (SkyServer) demonstrates its effectiveness in terms of self-organizing behavior and its significant performance gains. The results indicate the potentials of recycling intermediates and charters a route for further development of database kernels

    An architecture for recycling intermediates in a column-store

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    textabstractAutomatically recycling (intermediate) results is a grand challenge for state-of-the-art databases to improve both query response time and throughput. Tuples are loaded and streamed through a tuple-at-a-time processing pipeline avoiding materialization of intermediates as much as possible. This limits the opportunities for reuse of overlapping computations to DBA-defined materialized views and function/result cache tuning. In contrast, the operator-at-a-time execution paradigm produces fully materialized results in each step of the query plan. To avoid resource contention, these intermediates are evicted as soon as possible. In this paper we study an architecture that harvests the by-products of the operator-at-a-time paradigm in a column store system using a lightweight mechanism, the recycler. The key challenge then becomes selection of the policies to admit intermediates to the resource pool, their retention period, and the eviction strategy when facing resource limitations. The proposed recycling architecture has been implemented in an open-source system. An experimental analysis against the TPC-H ad-hoc decision support benchmark and a complex, real-world application (SkyServer) demonstrates its effectiveness in terms of self-organizing behavior and its significant performance gains. The results indicate the potentials of recycling intermediates and charters a route for further development of database kernels

    Vectorwise: Beyond Column Stores

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    textabstractThis paper tells the story of Vectorwise, a high-performance analytical database system, from multiple perspectives: its history from academic project to commercial product, the evolution of its technical architecture, customer reactions to the product and its future research and development roadmap. One take-away from this story is that the novelty in Vectorwise is much more than just column-storage: it boasts many query processing innovations in its vectorized execution model, and an adaptive mixed row/column data storage model with indexing support tailored to analytical workloads. Another one is that there is a long road from research prototype to commercial product, though database research continues to achieve a strong innovative influence on product development

    MonetDB: Two Decades of Research in Column-oriented Database Architectures

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    MonetDB is a state-of-the-art open-source column-store database management system targeting applications in need for analytics over large collections of data. MonetDB is actively used nowadays in health care, in telecommunications as well as in scientific databases and in data management research, accumulating on average more than 10,000 downloads on a monthly basis. This paper gives a brief overview of the MonetDB technology as it developed over the past two decades and the main research highlights which drive the current MonetDB design and form the basis for its future evolution

    Just-in-time Data Distribution for Analytical Query Processing

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    Distributed processing commonly requires data spread across machines using a priori static or hash-based data allocation. In this paper, we explore an alternative approach that starts from a master node in control of the complete database, and a variable number of worker nodes for delegated query processing. Data is shipped just-in-time to the worker nodes using a need to know policy, and is being reused, if possible, in subsequent queries. A bidding mechanism among the workers yields a scheduling with the most efficient reuse of previously shipped data, minimizing the data transfer costs. Just-in-time data shipment allows our system to benefit from locally available idle resources to boost overall performance. The system is maintenance-free and allocation is fully transparent to users. Our experiments show that the proposed adaptive distributed architecture is a viable and flexible alternative for small scale MapReduce-type of settings

    Database architecture evolution: Mammals flourished long before dinosaurs became extinct

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    The holy grail for database architecture research is to find a solution that is Scalable & Speedy, to run on anything from small ARM processors up to globally distributed compute clusters, Stable & Secure, to service a broad user community, Small & Simple, to be comprehensible to a small team of programmers, Self-managing, to let it run out-of-the-box without hassle. In this paper, we provide a trip report on this quest, covering both past experiences, ongoing research on hardware-conscious algorithms, and novel ways towards self-management specifically focused on column store solutions

    The Database Architectures Research Group at CWI

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    The Database research group at CWI was established in 1985. It has steadily grown from two PhD students to a group of 17 people ultimo 2011. The group is supported by a scientific programmer and a system engineer to keep our machines running. In this short note, we look back at our past and highlight the multitude of topics being addressed

    Enhanced Stream Processing in a DBMS Kernel

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    Continuous query processing has emerged as a promising query processing paradigm with numerous applications. A recent development is the need to handle both streaming queries and typical one-time queries in the same application. For example, data warehousing can greatly benefit from the integration of stream semantics, i.e., online analysis of incoming data and combination with existing data. This is especially useful to provide low latency in data-intensive analysis in big data warehouses that are augmented with new data on a daily basis. However, state-of-the-art database technology cannot handle streams efficiently due to their "continuous" nature. At the same time, state-of-the-art stream technology is purely focused on stream applications. The research efforts are mostly geared towards the creation of specialized stream management systems built with a different philosophy than a DBMS. The drawback of this approach is the limited opportunities to exploit successful past data processing technology, e.g., query optimization techniques. For this new problem we need to combine the best of both worlds. Here we take a completely different route by designing a stream engine on top of an existing relational database kernel. This includes reuse of both its storage/execution engine and its optimizer infrastructure. The major challenge then becomes the efficient support for specialized stream features. This paper focuses on incremental window-based processing, arguably the most crucial stream-specific requirement. In order to maintain and reuse the generic storage and execution model of the DBMS, we elevate the problem at the query plan level. Proper op